This R package implements a Bayesian model for duplicate detection as proposed in (Sadinle 2014). It resembles the classic Fellegi-Sunter model (Fellegi and Sunter 1969) in that coreference decisions are based on pairwise attribute-level comparisons. However, unlike the Fellegi-Sunter mdoel, this model targets a partition of the records, rather than pairwise coreference predictions, thereby ensuring transitivity. Inference is conducted using a Gibbs sampler, with parts implemented in Rcpp.
is not currently available on CRAN. The latest development version
can be installed from source using devtools
as follows:
We demonstrate how to perform duplicate detection using the RLdata500
test data set included with the package. RLdata500
contains 500
synthetic personal records, 50 of which are duplicates with
randomly-generated errors. In the code block, below we load the package
and examine the first few rows of RLdata500
library(magrittr) # pipe operator (must be loaded before BDD)
library(comparator) # normalized Levenshtein distance
library(clevr) # evaluation functions
RLdata500[['rec_id']] <-
#> fname_c1 fname_c2 lname_c1 lname_c2 by bm bd rec_id
#> 1 CARSTEN <NA> MEIER <NA> 1949 7 22 1
#> 2 GERD <NA> BAUER <NA> 1968 7 27 2
#> 3 ROBERT <NA> HARTMANN <NA> 1930 4 30 3
#> 4 STEFAN <NA> WOLFF <NA> 1957 9 2 4
#> 5 RALF <NA> KRUEGER <NA> 1966 1 13 5
#> 6 JUERGEN <NA> FRANKE <NA> 1929 7 4 6
The model uses agreement levels between attributes in order to assess
whether a pair of records is a match (referring to the same entity) or
not. To compute the agreement levels, we’ll first compute real-valued
scores between the attributes, then maps the scores to discrete levels
of agreement. In the code block below, we specify scoring functions for
the five attributes we will use for matching (we don’t use fname_c2
and lname_c2
as more than 90% of the values are missing). Note that
the scoring functions must accept a pair of attribute vectors x
as arguments and return a vector of scores.
scoring_fns <- list(
fname_c1 = Levenshtein(normalize = TRUE),
lname_c1 = Levenshtein(normalize = TRUE),
by = function(x, y) abs(x - y),
bm = function(x, y) abs(x - y),
bd = function(x, y) abs(x - y)
For each scoring function above, we provide a breaks vector which specifies the discrete levels of agreement (from ‘high’ agreement to ‘low’).
scoring_breaks <- list(
fname_c1 = c(-Inf, .05, .2, .4, Inf),
lname_c1 = c(-Inf, .05, .2, .4, Inf),
by = c(-Inf, 0, 1, 3, Inf),
bm = c(-Inf, 0, 1, 3, Inf),
bd = c(-Inf, 0, 2, 7, Inf)
Now we are ready to compute the agreement levels for the record pairs.
Since this is a small data set, we consider all pairs using the
function. For larger data sets, blocking/indexing is
recommended using pairs_hamming
, pairs_fuzzyblock
or a custom
indexing function.
pairs <- pairs_all(RLdata500$rec_id) %>%
compute_scores(RLdata500, scoring_fns, id_col = 'rec_id') %>%
To speed up inference, we only consider a subset of the pairs as candidate matches. Specifically, we consider pairs that have a strong agreement on name (accounting for missing names).
pairs[['candidate']] <- (pairs$fname_c1 < 4) & (pairs$lname_c1 < 4) |$fname_c1) |$lname_c1)
Next we specify the priors on the m* and u* probabilities for each
attribute and agreement level. lambda
specifies the lower truncation
points for the truncated Beta priors on the m* probabilities. By
default, a uniform prior is used over the truncated interval; a
non-uniform prior can be specified using the alpha1
and beta1
arguments to BDD
below. The Beta priors on the u* probabilities are
also uniform by default and can be adjusted using the alpha0
lambda <- list(
fname_c1 = c(0.8, 0.85, 0.99),
lname_c1 = c(0.8, 0.85, 0.99),
by = c(0.8, 0.85, 0.99),
bm = c(0.8, 0.85, 0.99),
bd = c(0.8, 0.85, 0.99)
Finally, we initialize the model and run inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo.
model <- BDD(pairs, lambda, id_cols = c("rec_id.x", "rec_id.y"),
candidate_col = "candidate")
fit <- run_inference(model, 100, thin_interval = 10, burnin_interval = 100)
#> Completed sampling in 1.464495 secs
The posterior samples of the linkage structure can be accessed by
calling extract(fit, "links")
. However, these samples only cover the
records that were considered as candidate pairs. We can obtain samples
of the complete linkage structure (for all records) using the following
links_samples <- complete_links_samples(fit, RLdata500$rec_id)
Since RLdata500 comes with ground truth, we can evaluate the predicted linkage structure using supervised metrics. We find that the model performs well on this data set, achieving high pairwise precision and recall.
n_records <- nrow(RLdata500)
true_pairs <- membership_to_pairs(identity.RLdata500)
metrics <- apply(links_samples, 1, function(links) {
pred_pairs <- membership_to_pairs(links)
pr <- precision_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs)
re <- recall_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs)
c(Precision = pr, Recall = re)
}) %>% t()
#> Precision Recall
#> Min. :0.8772 Min. :0.9600
#> 1st Qu.:0.9259 1st Qu.:1.0000
#> Median :0.9434 Median :1.0000
#> Mean :0.9386 Mean :0.9968
#> 3rd Qu.:0.9615 3rd Qu.:1.0000
#> Max. :0.9804 Max. :1.0000
Fellegi, Ivan P., and Alan B. Sunter. 1969. “A Theory for Record Linkage.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 64 (328): 1183–1210.
Sadinle, Mauricio. 2014. “Detecting Duplicates in a Homicide Registry Using a Bayesian Partitioning Approach.” Ann. Appl. Stat. 8 (4): 2404–34.