sticker-scroll is a lightweight Angular directive for Ionic framework to have sticky affix elements. Directive requires no additional dependencies. Just Ionic and Angular.
The inspiration of this project is: but it suffer by flickering effect when you try to affix a directive, so it works fine only for simply dom element.
The new <sticker-scroll>
has great performance scroll animation.
Is similar to sticky header concept. Affix an HTML element (compile it in Angular) and show it.
Developed in Es6 JavaScript and new command .component()
Angular 1.5
A particular attention to performance. The old project (ion-affix)
- Clone the repo
- Issue command
- Check if the demos are working : http://localhost:3000
- I would appreciate if someone spends time and introduces E2E testing
- Use new component of Angular 1.5
- Use Es6 JavaScript + Webpack
- Improove performance. Look and feel Native Instagram Scroll!
- Possible to stick a complex componente
- Possible to collapse sticker (via addClass(cssclass)) after X px
- Calculate offset top of scroll content
- Attach in dom only next and prev sticker and not all