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Remove null-byte restriction
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Forcing bytes in PacketStream _data to be 0x00 turned out to be too restrictive. Allowing them to be undefined makes a lot of components more efficient: depacketizers, packetizers, dropTail, and upConverter. It also strengthens the test framework as we can now force un-enabled bytes to throw an error when evaluated.
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t-wallet committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 9120a9b commit 2e9557d
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Showing 6 changed files with 77 additions and 33 deletions.
63 changes: 61 additions & 2 deletions clash-protocols/src/Protocols/PacketStream/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ module Protocols.PacketStream.Base (
PacketStreamS2M (..),

-- * Constants

-- * CSignal conversion
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,12 +105,60 @@ data PacketStreamM2S (dataWidth :: Nat) (meta :: Type) = PacketStreamM2S
-- ^ Iff true, the packet corresponding to this transfer is invalid. The subordinate
-- must either drop the packet or forward the `_abort`.
deriving (Eq, Generic, ShowX, Show, NFData, Bundle, Functor)
deriving (Generic, ShowX, Show, NFData, Bundle, Functor)

deriving instance
(KnownNat dataWidth, NFDataX meta) =>
NFDataX (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta)

{- |
Two PacketStream transfers are equal if and only if:
1. They have the same `_last`
2. They have the same `_meta`.
3. They have the same `_abort`.
4. All bytes in `_data` which are enabled by `_last` are equal.
Data bytes that are not enabled are not considered in the equality check,
because the protocol allows them to be /undefined/.
=== Examples
>>> t1 = PacketStreamM2S (0x11 :> 0x22 :> 0x33 :> Nil) Nothing () False
>>> t2 = PacketStreamM2S (0x11 :> 0x22 :> 0x33 :> Nil) (Just 2) () False
>>> t3 = PacketStreamM2S (0x11 :> 0x22 :> 0xFF :> Nil) (Just 2) () False
>>> t4 = PacketStreamM2S (0x11 :> 0x22 :> undefined :> Nil) (Just 2) () False
>>> t1 == t1
>>> t2 == t3
>>> t1 /= t2
>>> t3 == t4
instance (KnownNat dataWidth, Eq meta) => Eq (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta) where
t1 == t2 = lastEq && metaEq && abortEq && dataEq
lastEq = _last t1 == _last t2
metaEq = _meta t1 == _meta t2
abortEq = _abort t1 == _abort t2

-- Bitmask used for data equality. If the index of a data byte is larger
-- than or equal to the size of `_data`, it is a null byte and must be
-- disregarded in the equality check.
mask = case _last t1 of
Nothing -> repeat False
Just size -> imap (\i _ -> resize i >= size) (_data t1)

dataEq = case compareSNat (SNat @dataWidth) d0 of
SNatLE -> True
SNatGT ->
leToPlus @1 @dataWidth
$ fold (&&)
$ zipWith3 (\b1 b2 isNull -> isNull || b1 == b2) (_data t1) (_data t2) mask

-- | Used by circuit-notation to create an empty stream
instance Default (Maybe (PacketStreamM2S dataWidth meta)) where
def = Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,12 +192,13 @@ Invariants:
3. A manager must keep the metadata (`_meta`) of an entire packet it sends constant.
4. A subordinate which receives a transfer with `_abort` asserted must either forward this `_abort` or drop the packet.
5. A packet may not be interrupted by another packet.
6. All bytes in `_data` which are not enabled must be 0x00.
This protocol allows the last transfer of a packet to have zero valid bytes in
'_data', so it also allows 0-byte packets. Note that concrete implementations
of the protocol are free to disallow 0-byte packets or packets with a trailing
zero-byte transfer for whatever reason.
The value of data bytes which are not enabled is /undefined/.
data PacketStream (dom :: Domain) (dataWidth :: Nat) (meta :: Type)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,6 +292,13 @@ instance
$ Df.maybeToData
<$> sampled

-- | Undefined PacketStream null byte. Will throw an error if evaluated.
nullByte :: BitVector 8
nullByte =
$ "value of PacketStream null byte is undefined. "
<> "Data bytes that are not enabled must not be evaluated."

{- |
Circuit to convert a 'CSignal' into a 'PacketStream'.
This is unsafe, because it ignores all incoming backpressure.
Expand Down
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions clash-protocols/src/Protocols/PacketStream/Converters.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,12 +38,10 @@ data UpConverterState (dwOut :: Nat) (n :: Nat) (meta :: Type) = UpConverterStat
-- a constant, which is free in hardware in terms of resource usage.
, _ucFlush :: Bool
-- ^ If true, we should output the current state as a PacketStream transfer.
, _ucFreshBuf :: Bool
-- ^ If true, we need to start a fresh buffer (all zeroes).
, _ucAborted :: Bool
-- ^ Whether the current transfer we are building is aborted.
, _ucLastIdx :: Maybe (Index (dwOut + 1))
-- ^ If true, the current buffer contains the last byte of the current packet.
-- ^ If Just, the current buffer contains the last byte of the current packet.
, _ucMeta :: meta
-- ^ Metadata of the current transfer we are a building.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,14 +84,13 @@ nextState st@(UpConverterState{..}) (Just PacketStreamM2S{..}) (PacketStreamS2M
-- output fragment is accepted by the sink
outReady = not _ucFlush || inReady
bufFull = _ucIdx == maxBound
currBuf = if _ucFreshBuf then repeat 0 else _ucBuf

nextBuf =
$ replace
(bitCoerce _data :: BitVector (8 * dwIn))
(bitCoerce currBuf :: Vec n (BitVector (8 * dwIn)))
(bitCoerce _ucBuf :: Vec n (BitVector (8 * dwIn)))

nextFlush = isJust _last || bufFull
nextIdx = if nextFlush then 0 else _ucIdx + 1
Expand All @@ -117,7 +114,6 @@ nextState st@(UpConverterState{..}) (Just PacketStreamM2S{..}) (PacketStreamS2M
, _ucIdx = nextIdx
, _ucIdx2 = nextIdx2
, _ucFlush = nextFlush
, _ucFreshBuf = nextFlush
, _ucAborted = nextAbort
, _ucLastIdx = nextLastIdx
, _ucMeta = _meta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,11 +142,10 @@ upConverter = mealyB go s0
errPrefix = "upConverterT: undefined initial "
s0 =
{ _ucBuf = deepErrorX (errPrefix <> " _ucBuf")
{ _ucBuf = repeat nullByte
, _ucIdx = 0
, _ucIdx2 = 0
, _ucFlush = False
, _ucFreshBuf = True
, _ucAborted = False
, _ucLastIdx = deepErrorX (errPrefix <> " _ucLastIdx")
, _ucMeta = deepErrorX (errPrefix <> " _ucMeta")
Expand Down
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions clash-protocols/src/Protocols/PacketStream/Depacketizers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ import Data.Constraint.Nat.Extra
import Data.Data ((:~:) (Refl))
import Data.Maybe

defaultByte :: BitVector 8
defaultByte = 0x00

{- | Vectors of this size are able to hold @headerBytes `DivRU` dataWidth@
transfers of size @dataWidth@, which is bigger than or equal to @headerBytes@.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,17 +164,14 @@ depacketizerT toMetaOut st@Forward{..} (Just pkt@PacketStreamM2S{..}, bwdIn) = (
outPkt = case sameNat d0 (SNat @(headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth)) of
Just Refl ->
{ _data = if _lastFwd then repeat 0x00 else _data
{ _data = _data
, _last = if _lastFwd then Just 0 else _last
, _meta = toMetaOut (bitCoerce header) _meta
, _abort = nextAborted
Nothing ->
{ _data =
if _lastFwd
then fwdBytes ++ repeat @(dataWidth - ForwardBytes headerBytes dataWidth) defaultByte
else dataOut
{ _data = dataOut
, _last =
if _lastFwd
then either Just Just =<< newLast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,6 +491,5 @@ dropTailC SNat = case strictlyPositiveDivRu @n @dataWidth of
[s1, s2] <- fanout -< stream
delayed <- delayStreamC (SNat @(n `DivRU` dataWidth)) -< s1
info <- transmitDropInfoC @dataWidth @(n `DivRU` dataWidth) (SNat @n) -< s2
dropped <- dropTailC' @dataWidth @(n `DivRU` dataWidth) -< (delayed, info)
zeroOutInvalidBytesC -< dropped
dropTailC' @dataWidth @(n `DivRU` dataWidth) -< (delayed, info)
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions clash-protocols/src/Protocols/PacketStream/Hedgehog.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ chunkToPacket xs =
<$> _last lastTransfer
, _abort = any _abort xs
, _meta = _meta lastTransfer
, _data = L.foldr ((+>>) . head . _data) (repeat 0x00) xs
, _data = L.foldr ((+>>) . head . _data) (repeat nullByte) xs
lastTransfer = L.last xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ depacketizerModel toMetaOut ps = L.concat dataWidthPackets
fwdF' = case fwdF of
[] ->
[ PacketStreamM2S
(Vec.singleton 0x00)
(Vec.singleton nullByte)
(Just 0)
(error "depacketizerModel: should be replaced")
(_abort (L.last hdrF))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ dropTailModel SNat packets = L.concatMap go (chunkByPacket packets)
go packet =
$ L.init trimmed
L.++ [setNull (L.last trimmed){_last = _last $ L.last bytePkts, _abort = aborted}]
L.++ [(L.last trimmed){_last = _last $ L.last bytePkts, _abort = aborted}]
aborted = L.any _abort packet
bytePkts = downConvert packet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ genTransfer meta abortGen =

{- |
Generate the last transfer of a packet, i.e. a transfer with @_last@ set as @Just@.
All bytes which are not enabled are set to 0x00.
All bytes which are not enabled are forced /undefined/.
genLastTransfer ::
forall (dataWidth :: Nat) (meta :: Type).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,6 +504,6 @@ setNull transfer =
( Vec.fromList
$ L.take (fromIntegral i) (toList (_data transfer))
L.++ L.replicate ((natToNum @dataWidth) - fromIntegral i) 0x00
L.++ L.replicate ((natToNum @dataWidth) - fromIntegral i) nullByte
11 changes: 4 additions & 7 deletions clash-protocols/src/Protocols/PacketStream/Packetizers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ import Data.Constraint.Nat.Extra (leModulusDivisor, leZeroIsZero, strictlyPositi
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe.Extra

defaultByte :: BitVector 8
defaultByte = 0x00

type PacketizerCt (header :: Type) (headerBytes :: Nat) (dataWidth :: Nat) =
( BitPack header
, BitSize header ~ headerBytes * 8
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +104,7 @@ packetizerT1 toMetaOut toHeader st (Just inPkt, bwdIn) =
outPkt =
{ _data = _hdrBuf1 ++ repeat defaultByte
{ _data = _hdrBuf1 ++ repeat nullByte
, _last = (\i -> i - natToNum @(dataWidth - headerBytes)) <$> _last inPkt
, _meta = toMetaOut (_meta inPkt)
, _abort = _aborted1 || _abort inPkt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,7 +253,7 @@ packetizerT3 toMetaOut _ st@Forward3{..} (Just inPkt, bwdIn) =
buf :: Vec (headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth) (BitVector 8)
(bytesOut, buf) = splitAt (SNat @(dataWidth - headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth)) (_data inPkt)
newBuf :: Vec (headerBytes + dataWidth) (BitVector 8)
newBuf = buf ++ repeat @(headerBytes + dataWidth - headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth) defaultByte
newBuf = buf ++ repeat @(headerBytes + dataWidth - headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth) nullByte
nextAborted = _aborted3 || _abort inPkt

outPkt =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,7 +372,7 @@ packetizeFromDfT toMetaOut toHeader DfIdle (Df.Data dataIn, bwdIn) = (nextStOut,
-- Thus, we don't need to store the metadata in the state.
packetizeFromDfT toMetaOut _ st@DfInsert{..} (Df.Data dataIn, bwdIn) = (nextStOut, (bwdOut, Just outPkt))
(dataOut, newHdrBuf) = splitAt (SNat @dataWidth) (_dfHdrBuf ++ repeat @dataWidth defaultByte)
(dataOut, newHdrBuf) = splitAt (SNat @dataWidth) (_dfHdrBuf ++ repeat @dataWidth nullByte)
outPkt = PacketStreamM2S dataOut newLast (toMetaOut dataIn) False

newLast = toMaybe (_dfCounter == maxBound) $ case compareSNat (SNat @(headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth)) d0 of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +420,7 @@ packetizeFromDfC toMetaOut toHeader = case strictlyPositiveDivRu @headerBytes @d
go (Df.Data dataIn, bwdIn) = (Ack (_ready bwdIn), Just outPkt)
outPkt = PacketStreamM2S dataOut (Just l) (toMetaOut dataIn) False
dataOut = bitCoerce (toHeader dataIn) ++ repeat @(dataWidth - headerBytes) defaultByte
dataOut = bitCoerce (toHeader dataIn) ++ repeat @(dataWidth - headerBytes) nullByte
l = case compareSNat (SNat @(headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth)) d0 of
SNatGT -> natToNum @(headerBytes `Mod` dataWidth)
_ -> natToNum @dataWidth
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ prop_overFlowDrop_packetFifo_id :: Property
prop_overFlowDrop_packetFifo_id =
defExpectOptions{eoStopAfterEmpty = 1000}
(genPackets 1 10 (genValidPacket defPacketOptions Gen.enumBounded (Range.linear 0 10)))
(exposeClockResetEnable dropAbortedPackets)
(exposeClockResetEnable (packetFifoC @_ @1 @Int16 d10 d10 Drop))
Expand Down

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