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Add AXI4 Lite types
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pieter-bos authored and PietPtr committed Jan 18, 2022
1 parent 45436e8 commit 0915372
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Showing 3 changed files with 526 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions clash-protocols.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -134,16 +134,22 @@ library
-- To be removed; we need 'Test.Tasty.Hedgehog.Extra' to fix upstream issues
, tasty >= 1.2 && < 1.5
, tasty-hedgehog
, strict-tuple




-- 'testProperty' is broken upstream, it reports wrong test names
-- TODO: test / upstream ^
Expand Down
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions src/Protocols/Axi4/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
Types and utilities shared between AXI4, AXI4-Lite, and AXI3.
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Protocols.Axi4.Common where

-- base
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeNats (Nat)

-- clash-prelude
import qualified Clash.Prelude as C
import Clash.Prelude (type (^), type (-), type (*))

-- strict-tuple
import Data.Tuple.Strict (T4)

-- | Simple wrapper to achieve "named arguments" when instantiating an AXI protocol
data IdWidth = IdWidth Nat deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Simple wrapper to achieve "named arguments" when instantiating an AXI protocol
data AddrWidth = AddrWidth Nat deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Simple wrapper to achieve "named arguments" when instantiating an AXI protocol
data LengthWidth = LengthWidth Nat deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Simple wrapper to achieve "named arguments" when instantiating an AXI protocol
data UserType = UserType Type KeepStrobe

-- | Keep or remove Burst, see 'BurstMode'
data KeepBurst = KeepBurst | NoBurst deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove Burst Length, see 'BurstSize'
data KeepBurstLength = KeepBurstLength | NoBurstLength deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove cache field, see 'Cache'
data KeepCache = KeepCache | NoCache deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove last field
data KeepLast = KeepLast | NoLast deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove lock, see 'AtomicAccess'
data KeepLock = KeepLock | NoLock deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove permissions, see 'Privileged', 'Secure', and
-- 'InstructionOrData'.
data KeepPermissions = KeepPermissions | NoPermissions deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove quality of service field. See 'Qos'.
data KeepQos = KeepQos | NoQos deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove region field
data KeepRegion = KeepRegion | NoRegion deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove response field. See 'Resp'.
data KeepResponse = KeepResponse | NoResponse deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove burst size field. See 'BurstSize'.
data KeepSize = KeepSize | NoSize deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keep or remove strobe field. See 'Strobe'
data KeepStrobe = KeepStrobe | NoStrobe deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Type used to introduce strobe information on the term level
data SKeepStrobe (strobeType :: KeepStrobe) where
SKeepStrobe :: SKeepStrobe 'KeepStrobe
SNoStrobe :: SKeepStrobe 'NoStrobe

-- | Extracts Nat from 'IdWidth', 'AddrWidth', and 'LengthWidth'
type family Width (a :: k) :: Nat where
Width ('IdWidth n) = n
Width ('AddrWidth n) = n
Width ('LengthWidth n) = n

-- | Enables or disables 'BurstMode'
type family BurstType (keepBurst :: KeepBurst) where
BurstType 'KeepBurst = BurstMode
BurstType 'NoBurst = ()

-- | Enables or disables burst length
type family BurstLengthType (keepBurstLength :: KeepBurstLength) where
BurstLengthType 'KeepBurstLength = C.Index (2^8)
BurstLengthType 'NoBurstLength = ()

-- | Enables or disables 'Cache'
type family CacheType (keepCache :: KeepCache) where
CacheType 'KeepCache = Cache
CacheType 'NoCache = ()

-- | Enables or disables a boolean indicating whether a transaction is done
type family LastType (keepLast :: KeepLast) where
LastType 'KeepLast = Bool
LastType 'NoLast = ()

-- | Enables or disables 'AtomicAccess'
type family LockType (keepLockType :: KeepLock) where
LockType 'KeepLock = AtomicAccess
LockType 'NoLock = ()

-- | Enables or disables 'Privileged', 'Secure', and 'InstructionOrData'
type family PermissionsType (keepPermissions :: KeepPermissions) where
PermissionsType 'KeepPermissions = (Privileged, Secure, InstructionOrData)
PermissionsType 'NoPermissions = ()

-- | Enables or disables 'Qos'
type family QosType (keepQos :: KeepQos) where
QosType 'KeepQos = Qos
QosType 'NoQos = ()

-- | Enables or disables region type
type family RegionType (keepRegion :: KeepRegion) where
RegionType 'KeepRegion = C.BitVector 4
RegionType 'NoRegion = ()

-- | Enables or disables 'Resp'
type family ResponseType (keepResponse :: KeepResponse) where
ResponseType 'KeepResponse = Resp
ResponseType 'NoResponse = ()

-- | Enables or disables 'BurstSize'
type family SizeType (keepSize :: KeepSize) where
SizeType 'KeepSize = BurstSize
SizeType 'NoSize = ()

-- | Enable or disable 'Strobe'
type family StrobeType (byteSize :: Nat) (keepStrobe :: KeepStrobe) where
StrobeType byteSize 'KeepStrobe = Strobe byteSize
StrobeType byteSize 'NoStrobe = ()

-- | Enable or disable 'Strobe'
type family StrictStrobeType (byteSize :: Nat) (keepStrobe :: KeepStrobe) where
StrictStrobeType byteSize 'KeepStrobe = C.Vec byteSize (Maybe (C.BitVector 8))
StrictStrobeType byteSize 'NoStrobe = C.BitVector (byteSize * 8)

-- | Indicates valid bytes on data field.
type Strobe (byteSize :: Nat) = C.BitVector byteSize

-- | The protocol does not specify the exact use of the QoS identifier. This
-- specification recommends that AxQOS is used as a priority indicator for the
-- associated write or read transaction. A higher value indicates a higher
-- priority transaction.
-- A default value of 0 indicates that the interface is not participating in any
-- QoS scheme.
type Qos = C.Index ((2^4) - 1)

-- | The burst type and the size information, determine how the address for
-- each transfer within the burst is calculated.
data BurstMode
-- | In a fixed burst, the address is the same for every transfer in the
-- burst. This burst type is used for repeated accesses to the same location
-- such as when loading or emptying a FIFO
= BmFixed
-- | Incrementing. In an incrementing burst, the address for each transfer in
-- the burst is an increment of the address for the previous transfer. The
-- increment value depends on the size of the transfer. For example, the
-- address for each transfer in a burst with a size of four bytes is the
-- previous address plus four. This burst type is used for accesses to normal
-- sequential memory.
| BmIncr
-- | A wrapping burst is similar to an incrementing burst, except that the
-- address wraps around to a lower address if an upper address limit is
-- reached. The following restrictions apply to wrapping bursts:
-- * the start address must be aligned to the size of each transfer
-- * the length of the burst must be 2, 4, 8, or 16 transfers.
-- The behavior of a wrapping burst is:
-- * The lowest address used by the burst is aligned to the total size of
-- the data to be transferred, that is, to ((size of each transfer in the
-- burst) × (number of transfers in the burst)). This address is defined
-- as the _wrap boundary_.
-- * After each transfer, the address increments in the same way as for an
-- INCR burst. However, if this incremented address is ((wrap boundary) +
-- (total size of data to be transferred)) then the address wraps round to
-- the wrap boundary.
-- * The first transfer in the burst can use an address that is higher than
-- the wrap boundary, subject to the restrictions that apply to wrapping
-- bursts. This means that the address wraps for any WRAP burst for which
-- the first address is higher than the wrap boundary.
-- This burst type is used for cache line accesses.
| BmWrap
deriving (Show, C.ShowX, Generic, C.NFDataX, Eq)

-- | The maximum number of bytes to transfer in each data transfer, or beat,
-- in a burst.
data BurstSize
= Bs1
| Bs2
| Bs4
| Bs8
| Bs16
| Bs32
| Bs64
| Bs128
deriving (Show, C.ShowX, Generic, C.NFDataX)

-- | Convert burst size to a numeric value
burstSizeToNum :: Num a => BurstSize -> a
burstSizeToNum = \case
Bs1 -> 1
Bs2 -> 2
Bs4 -> 4
Bs8 -> 8
Bs16 -> 16
Bs32 -> 32
Bs64 -> 64
Bs128 -> 128

-- | Whether a transaction is bufferable
data Bufferable = NonBufferable | Bufferable

-- | When set to "LookupCache", it is recommended that this transaction is
-- allocated in the cache for performance reasons.
data Allocate = NoLookupCache | LookupCache

-- | When set to "OtherLookupCache", it is recommended that this transaction is
-- allocated in the cache for performance reasons.
data OtherAllocate = OtherNoLookupCache | OtherLookupCache

-- | See Table A4-3 AWCACHE bit allocations
type Cache = T4 Bufferable Modifiable OtherAllocate Allocate

-- | Status of the write transaction.
data Resp
-- | Normal access success. Indicates that a normal access has been
-- successful. Can also indicate an exclusive access has failed.
= ROkay
-- | Exclusive access okay. Indicates that either the read or write portion
-- of an exclusive access has been successful.
| RExclusiveOkay
-- | Slave error. Used when the access has reached the slave successfully, but
-- the slave wishes to return an error condition to the originating master.
| RSlaveError
-- | Decode error. Generated, typically by an interconnect component, to
-- indicate that there is no slave at the transaction address.
| RDecodeError
deriving (Show, C.ShowX, Generic, C.NFDataX)

-- | Status of a read or write transaction on AXI4 Lite.
data RespLite
-- | Normal access success. Indicates that a normal access has been
-- successful.
= RLOkay
-- | Slave error. Used when the access has reached the slave successfully, but
-- the slave wishes to return an error condition to the originating master.
| RLSlaveError
-- | Decode error. Generated, typically by an interconnect component, to
-- indicate that there is no slave at the transaction address.
| RLDecodeError
deriving (Show, C.ShowX, Generic, C.NFDataX)

-- | Whether a resource is accessed with exclusive access or not
data AtomicAccess
= NonExclusiveAccess
| ExclusiveAccess

-- | Whether transaction can be modified
data Modifiable
= Modifiable
| NonModifiable

-- | An AXI master might support Secure and Non-secure operating states, and
-- extend this concept of security to memory access.
data Secure
= Secure
| NonSecure
deriving (Show, Generic, C.NFDataX)

-- | An AXI master might support more than one level of operating privilege,
-- and extend this concept of privilege to memory access.
data Privileged
= NotPrivileged
| Privileged
deriving (Show, Generic, C.NFDataX)

-- | Whether the transaction is an instruction access or a data access. The AXI
-- protocol defines this indication as a hint. It is not accurate in all cases,
-- for example, where a transaction contains a mix of instruction and data
-- items. This specification recommends that a master sets it to "Data", to
-- indicate a data access unless the access is specifically known to be an
-- instruction access.
data InstructionOrData
= Data
| Instruction
deriving (Show, Generic, C.NFDataX)

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