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Evernote SDK for iOS version 1.2.1

What this is

A pleasant iOS-wrapper around the Evernote Cloud API (v1.25), using OAuth for authentication.

Required reading

Please check out the Evernote Developers portal page. Apple style docs are here.


Register for an Evernote API key (and secret)

You can do this on the Evernote Developers portal page.

Include the code

You have a few options:

  • Copy the evernote-sdk-ios source code into your Xcode project.
  • Add the evernote-sdk-ios xcodeproj to your project/workspace.
  • Build the evernote-sdk-ios as a static library and include the .h's and .a. (Make sure to add the -ObjC flag to your "Other Linker flags" if you choose this option). More info here.
  • Use cocoapods, a nice Objective-C dependency manager. Our pod name is "Evernote-SDK-iOS".

Link with frameworks

evernote-sdk-ios depends on some frameworks, so you'll need to add them to any target's "Link Binary With Libraries" Build Phase. Add the following frameworks in the "Link Binary With Libraries" phase

  • Security.framework
  • StoreKit.framework

Modify your application's main plist file

Create an array key called URL types with a single array sub-item called URL Schemes. Give this a single item with your consumer key prefixed with 'en-'

			<string>en-<consumer key></string>

Modify your AppDelegate

First you set up the shared EvernoteSession, configuring it with your consumer key and secret.

The SDK now supports the Yinxiang Biji service by default. Please make sure your consumer key has been activated for the China service.

Do something like this in your AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
	// Initial development is done on the sandbox service
	// Change this to BootstrapServerBaseURLStringUS to use the production Evernote service
	// Change this to BootstrapServerBaseURLStringCN to use the Yinxiang Biji production service
	// Bootstrapping is supported by default with either BootstrapServerBaseURLStringUS or BootstrapServerBaseURLStringCN
	// BootstrapServerBaseURLStringSandbox does not support the  Yinxiang Biji service
	NSString *EVERNOTE_HOST = BootstrapServerBaseURLStringSandbox;

	// Fill in the consumer key and secret with the values that you received from Evernote
	// To get an API key, visit
	NSString *CONSUMER_KEY = @"your key";
	NSString *CONSUMER_SECRET = @"your secret";

	// set up Evernote session singleton
	[EvernoteSession setSharedSessionHost:EVERNOTE_HOST

Do something like this in your AppDelegate's application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: method

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
	BOOL canHandle = NO;
	if ([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"en-%@", [[EvernoteSession sharedSession] consumerKey]] isEqualToString:[url scheme]] == YES) {
	canHandle = [[EvernoteSession sharedSession] canHandleOpenURL:url];
	return canHandle;

Do something like this in your AppDelegate's applicationDidBecomeActive: method

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
		// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
		[[EvernoteSession sharedSession] handleDidBecomeActive];

Now you're good to go.

Using the Evernote SDK from your code


Somewhere in your code, you'll need to authenticate the EvernoteSession, passing in your view controller.

A normal place to do this would be a "link to Evernote" button action.

EvernoteSession *session = [EvernoteSession sharedSession];
[session authenticateWithViewController:self completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
    if (error || !session.isAuthenticated) {
        // authentication failed :(
        // show an alert, etc
        // ...
    } else {
        // authentication succeeded :)
        // do something now that we're authenticated
        // ... 

Calling authenticateWithViewController:completionHandler: will start the OAuth process. EvernoteSession will open a new modal view controller, to display Evernote's OAuth web page and handle all the back-and-forth OAuth handshaking. When the user finishes this process, Evernote's modal view controller will be dismissed.

Use EvernoteNoteStore and EvernoteUserStore for asynchronous calls to the Evernote API

Both EvernoteNoteStore and EvernoteUserStore have a convenience constructor that uses the shared EvernoteSession.
All API calls are asynchronous, occurring on a background GCD queue. You provide the success and failure callback blocks. E.g.,

EvernoteNoteStore *noteStore = [EvernoteNoteStore noteStore];
[noteStore listNotebooksWithSuccess:^(NSArray *notebooks) {
                                // success... so do something with the returned objects
                                NSLog(@"notebooks: %@", notebooks);
                            failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                // failure... show error notification, etc
                                if([EvernoteSession isTokenExpiredWithError:error]) {
                                    // trigger auth again
                                    // auth code is shown in the Authenticate section
                                NSLog(@"error %@", error);                                            

Full information on the Evernote NoteStore and UserStore API is available on the Evernote Developers portal page.

Prompting the user to install the Evernote for iOS app

If you need to check if the Evernote for iOS app is installed, you can use the following :

[[EvernoteSession sharedSession] isEvernoteInstalled]

If you need to prompt the user to install the Evernote for iOS app, you can use the following :

[[EvernoteSession sharedSession] installEvernoteAppUsingViewController:self]

The preferred way for using any of the Evernote for iOS related functions is :

if([[EvernoteSession sharedSession] isEvernoteInstalled]) {
// Invoke Evernote for iOS related function
else {
// Prompt user to install the app
[[EvernoteSession sharedSession] installEvernoteAppUsingViewController:self];

Use the Evernote for iOS App to create/view Notes

For this to work, the latest Evernote for iOS app needs to be installed. You can send text/html or text/plain types of content. You can also send attachments.

To make a new note:

EDAMNote *note = <create a new note here>
[[EvernoteSession sharedSession] setDelegate:self];
[[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] saveNewNoteToEvernoteApp:note withType:@"text/html"];

To view a note:

EDAMNote *noteToBeViewed : <Get the note that you want to view>
[[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] viewNoteInEvernote:noteToBeViewed];

You can also see sample for this in the sample app.

Viewing notes

You can use this to view notes within your app. You will need to include ENMLUtitlity.h

Here is an example. The example requires you to setup a web view or any other html renderer.

[[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] getNoteWithGuid:<guid of note to be displayed> withContent:YES withResourcesData:YES withResourcesRecognition:NO withResourcesAlternateData:NO success:^(EDAMNote *note) {
            ENMLUtility *utltility = [[ENMLUtility alloc] init];
            [utltility convertENMLToHTML:note.content withResources:note.resources completionBlock:^(NSString *html, NSError *error) {
                if(error == nil) {
                    [self.webView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:nil];
        } failure:^(NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to get note : %@",error);

Check the Note browser in the sample app for some sample code.

Handling expired Authentication tokens

You should check for expired auth tokens and trigger authentication again if the authentication token is expired or revoked by the user.

You can check for expired using if(EvernoteSession isTokenExpiredWithError:error]) in the error block.


Does the Evernote SDK support ARC?

Yes. To use the SDK in a non-ARC project, please use the -fobjc-arc compiler flag on all the files in the Evernote SDK.

What if I want to do my own Evernote Thrift coding?

EvernoteNoteStore and EvernoteUserStore are an abstraction layer on top of Thrift, and try to keep some of that nastiness out of your hair. You can still get access to the underlying Thrift client objects, though: check out EvernoteSession's userStore and noteStore properties.


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