Our own personal site of games, cocktails and all the other good stuff.
This project was bootstrapped with Create Next App, and uses App Router. Package management is handled by pnpm. There is a supporting Postgres database that can be managed within Vercel and is hosted by Neon. Main libraries used so far are:
Styling and components
Start by installing dependencies:
pnpm install
Then you'll need to setup an .env
file with the credentials needed to access the user database and manage the auth, follow the example from .env.example
You can run the development server (automatically opens a browser tab to preview the site):
pnpm dev
Prettier is used for code formatting, ESLint is used for linting and basic end to end tests have been set up using Playwright.
To format all scripts, run linting checks, compile a production build, and then run the end to end tests run:
pnpm test
Husky is used to manage pre-commit hooks, currently this is used to enforce Prettier formatting on all code.
View other available commands, including for running linting, formatting (including how to check format without making changes), compiling and more using:
pnpm run
This site is deployed to the following places using Vercel, deploys are triggered from pushes to the main
- https://www.almostyellow.co.uk/
- https://almostyellow.co.uk/ (redirects to www)
- https://almostyellow-nu.vercel.app/ (redirects to first link)