Passport-flavored LTI authentication middleware for express.
Options :
is an optional function, which delegate the check of a Tool Consumer's identity to an higher level.This function is assumed to request a database to retrieve the consumer secret based on the consumer key, and call the callback parameter with an LTI provider, or a standard node error in
if a system error occured, or a string error if the error is handled at an higher level, and the process is just intended to stop. Use either this function or the hardcoded key / secret. This one gets priority over the hardcoded key / secret.@param {Function} createProvider @param {Object} req @param {Function} callback @param {Object || String} err @param {Object} provider
: Hardcoded consumer key. -
: Hardcoded consumer secret.
var passport = require('passport');
var LTIStrategy = require('passport-lti');
var strategy = new LTIStrategy({
consumerKey: 'testconsumerkey',
consumerSecret: 'testconsumersecret'
// pass the req object to callback
// passReqToCallback: true,
// nonceStore: new RedisNonceStore('testconsumerkey', redisClient)
}, function(lti, done) {
// LTI launch parameters
// console.dir(lti);
// Perform local authentication if necessary
return done(null, user);
var passport = require('passport');
var lti = require("ims-lti");
var LTIStrategy = require('passport-lti');
var strategy = new LTIStrategy({
createProvider : function (req, done) {
// Lookup your LTI customer in your DB with req's params, and get its secret
// Dummy DB lookup
function callback (err, consumer){
// Standard error, will crash the process
return done(err);
var consumer = new lti.Provider(consumer_db.oauth_consumer_key, consumer_db.oauth_consumer_secret);
return done(null, consumer);
else {
// String error, will fail the strategy (and not crash it)
return done("not_authorized");
$ npm test