git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d
git clone [email protected]:WindProphet/doom-emacs-config.git ~/.doom.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install
- If possible, include a brief list of feature highlights here
- Like code completion, syntax checking or available snippets
- Include links to packages & external things where possible
- @WindProphet (Author)
- @username_linked_to_gihub
- @username_linked_to_gihub
This module has no dedicated maintainers.
A short description of what this flag does and what it might need when enabled.+flag2
A short description of what this flag does and what it might need when enabled.+flag3
A short description of what this flag does and what it might need when enabled.
This module provides no flags.
- org-plus-contrib
- org-bullets
- org-yt
- company-box* (
) :lang crystal
:lang go
This module has no prerequisites.