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Roles and example playbooks for creating fabrics with NDFC/DCNM


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Automating NDFC using Ansible

Getting started

This repo contains Ansible Roles and example playbooks that, together, implement a basic Spine/Leaf VXLAN/EVPN fabric using Cisco's DCNM/NDFC Controller.

Two identical child fabrics and a multisite domain (MSD) fabric are defined in the Ansible inventory. The two child fabrics use non-overlapping underlay addressing to facilitate interconnection via a multi-site domain (MSD) fabric, which is also defined in the inventory; specifically, in ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/01_fabrics.yml

The main playbooks, which create the two fabrics and the MSD fabric are located in this repo's the top-level directory.

Ref Playbook Description
1 example_ndfc_rest_fabric_create_easy_fabric_f1.yml creates VXLAN/EVPN fabric f1 without connectivity to an MSD fabric (2x VPC pair per fabric)
2 example_ndfc_rest_fabric_create_easy_fabric_2.yml creates VXLAN/EVPN fabric f2 without connectivity to an MSD fabric (2x VPC pair per fabric)
3 example_ndfc_rest_fabric_create_msd_with_children_vpc.yml creates VXLAN/EVPN fabrics f1 and f2, connecting them through an MSD fabric
4 example_ndfc_rest_fabric_create_msd_with_children.yml Same as 3, but with 2x non-VPC leaf per fabric

You should use either (1 and 2) OR 3 OR 4 (3 creates 1 and 2, but with MSD connectivity, and 4 creates 3 but with 2x non-VPC leafs instead of 4x leaf as 2x VPC-pairs). That is, (1 and 2) are mutually exclusive to 3 and 4.

These playbooks leverage many of the included roles.

The remaining Roles are offered as examples which either provide extra functionality (e.g. create external fabrics, and service nodes) or facilitate various day2 ops, such as deleting a fabric, etc.

To clone this repo

git clone


Cisco Nexus Dashboard (ND) + Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller (NDFC)

ndfc-roles has been tested with the following ND+NDFC versions

Tested ND NDFC cisco.dcnm Result
Yes 2.3(1c) 12.1.2e 2.4.0 FAIL
Yes 2.2(2d) 12.1.1e 2.4.0 FAIL
Yes 2.2(1h) 12.1.1e 2.1.0 PASS
Yes 2.1(2d) 12.0.2f 2.1.0 PASS
Yes 2.1(2d) 12.0.2f 2.1.0 PASS

cisco.dcnm Ansible Collection Version 2.1.0

The Ansible Roles in this repo require that version 2.1.0 of the cisco.dcnm Collection be installed. A requirements.yml file is included in the top-level directory which will install this collection. Or you may do so explicitly. It's recommended to use requirements.yml as this file may be updated with other dependencies later.

NOTE: Some earlier versions of the cisco.dcnm Ansible Collection are known not to work due to NDFC API changes involving VPC interfaces.

Example using requirements.yml

ansible-galaxy collection install --requirements-file /path/to/this/repo/top-level/requirements.yml

Example using explicit Collection

ansible-galaxy collection install cisco.dcnm


The Ansible Roles in this repo make extensive use of json_query() which requires that jmespath be installed. To install (preferably, you're running Ansible within a python virtual environment):

pip install jmespath

Ansible Custom Configuration

DCNM/NDFC requires increasing the default timeout for persistent connections from the default of 30 seconds to >= 1000 seconds. We have provided an ansible.cfg file with the requisite changes in this repo's top-level directory. If you would rather edit your existing ansible.cfg file (where ever it is), the changes are shown below.


Fabric Characteristics

The characteristics of the child/site fabrics are as follows (see also the included PDF for a topology).

  • 2 spine acting as Route Reflectors for all leaf and border_gateway
  • Either:
    • 4 VPC leaf (2 VPC pairs using fabric-peering for their virtual peer-link)
    • Or, 2 non-VPC leaf
  • 2 border_gateway
  • 2 VRF: v1 and v2
  • L3 (ipv4 / ipv6) connectivity between VRF v1 and v2 (symmetric import of route-targets)
  • L2 connectivity within each VRF
  • OSPF underlay
  • VXLAN/EVPN Replication Mode: Ingress

spine and leaf can be added/removed by updating the Ansible inventory described below.

Ansible Inventory

The inventory's structure is given below:

(py311) ndfc-roles % tree inventory 
├── group_vars
│   ├──
│   └── ndfc
│       ├── 00_connection.yml
│       ├── 01_fabrics.yml
│       ├── 02_devices.yml
│       ├── 03_networks.yml
│       ├── 04_vrfs.yml
│       ├── 05_vpc.yml
│       └── 06_service_nodes.yml
└── hosts
    └── hosts

4 directories, 9 files
(py311) ndfc-roles % 


To use these Roles, and example playbooks, you'll update some common variables used across all Roles. These are maintained in ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/*.yml and include things like: IP addresses of your switches, VRF names, VLAN identifiers, port attachments for networks, VPC peering info and other basic information.

See the following for details around the modifications required:


Next, you'll edit the following to add your NDFC username and password and the username/password for the switches comprising your fabric(s)


It is recommended (but not mandatory) that you encrypt these passwords. Below is one way to do this.

Modify ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml

Edit ansible_password (password for NDFC controller) and device_password (password for NX-OS switches)

Add ansible_password and device_password in encrypted format (or non-encrypted, if you don't care about security). These are the passwords you use to login to your DCNM/NDFC Controller, and NX-OS switches, respectively.

To add encrypted passwords for the NDFC controller and NX-OS devices, issue the following from this repo's top-level directory. The lines containing echo are to ensure carraige returns are added after each line that ansible-vault adds.

cd /top/level/directory/for/this/repo
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'mySuperSecretNdfcPassword' --name 'ansible_password' >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml
echo "\n" >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'mySuperSecretNxosPassword' --name 'device_password' >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml
echo "\n" >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml

ansible-vault will prompt you for a vault password, which you'll use to decrypt these passwords (using ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass) when running the example playbooks.


% ansible-vault encrypt_string 'mySuperSecretNdfcPassword' --name 'ansible_password' >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
% echo "\n" >> ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml
% cat ./inventory/group_vars/ndfc/00_connection.yml
ansible_password: !vault |


If you don't care about security, you can add a non-encrypted password by editing the file directly. The following are example unencrypted passwords for the NDFC controller and NX-OS devices added to this file:

ansible_password: mySuperSecretNdfcPassword
device_password: mySuperSecretNxosPassword

Edit ansible_user

Change ansible_user in the same file to the username associated with the above password that you're using on DCNM/NDFC. Change device_username in the same file to the username used to login to your NX-OS switches.


ansible_user: voldomort
device_username: admin

Update ./inventory/hosts/hosts with the IP address of your DCNM/NDFC Controller

% cat ./inventory/hosts/hosts 

To run a playbook if you encrypted your NDFC password

cd /top/level/directory/for/this/repo
ansible-playbook example_ndfc_rest_fabric_switch_create_f1.yml --ask-vault-pass -i inventory

When prompted, enter the password you used in response to the ansible-vault command in step 1 above.

Or, to run a playbook if you didn't encrypt the NDFC password

cd /top/level/directory/for/this/repo
ansible-playbook example_ndfc_rest_fabric_switch_create_f1.yml -i inventory


Role naming conventions used in this repo.

  1. If a Role pushes a specific Ansible state, that state is included in the Role's name.
  2. If a Role requires the user to provide the Ansible state, the Role's name does not include the state.
  3. If a Role uses the NDFC REST API, its name includes _rest_ (e.g. ndfc_rest_device_rediscover)
Role Description
ndfc_device_config_get Retrieve local configuration for device, given device_name
ndfc_device_deleted Delete a device from a fabric, given device_name
ndfc_device_deleted_all Delete all devices in a fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_device_generated_configs_all_get Query and display all populated generated_configs on all devices, given fabric_name
ndfc_device_generated_configs_get Retrieve device generated configs, given device_name
ndfc_device_info_get Return info on device from the NDFC controller in var device_info, given device_name
ndfc_device_interface_config_all_get Retrieve and display interface configuration on all devices in a fabric, given fabric_name, interface_name
ndfc_device_ipv4_address_local_get Retrieve device ipv4 address from local vars, given device_name
ndfc_device_ipv4_address_remote_get Retrieve device ipv4 address from NDFC controller, given device_name
ndfc_device_list_get Retrieve device configuration from the local inventory for all devices in fabric fabric_name
ndfc_device_list_merged Merge a list of devices into a fabric.
ndfc_device_merged Merge a device into the topology, given device_name
ndfc_device_merged_all Merge all devices into a fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_device_model_number_get Retrieve device model number device_model_number, given device_name
ndfc_device_names_get Set a list (device_names) of device names matching devices in fabric fabric_name with role role
ndfc_device_serial_number_get Retrieve device serial number device_serial_number, given fabric_name, device_name
ndfc_fabric_config_get Retrieve local configuration for fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_network_config_get Retrieve local configuration for network, given network_name
ndfc_network_deleted Delete a network, given fabric_name, network_name
ndfc_network_deleted_all Delete all networks within a fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_network_info_get Retrieve network_info dictionary, given network_name
ndfc_network_replaced Replace network on the NDFC controller with its current local definition, given network_name
ndfc_network_replaced_all Replace all networks within a fabric with their current local definitions, given fabric_name
ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import_evpn Import a vrf's route-targets into another vrf on a single device, given device_name
ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import_evpn_loop Import a vrf's route-targets into another vrf on a list of devices, given a list of device_name
ndfc_rest_config_deploy NDFC REST API POST calls to config-save and config-deploy for a device, given device_name
ndfc_rest_config_deploy_all NDFC REST API POST calls to config-save and config-deploy for a fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_rest_device_intent_config_get Retrieve intended config for device_name
ndfc_rest_device_list_by_fabric Retrieve list of devices in fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_rest_device_rediscover Rediscover device device_name in fabric fabric_name
ndfc_rest_device_set_role Set a device's role, given device_name, and role
ndfc_rest_fabric_access_mode_get Retrieve a fabric's access mode, given fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_access_mode_set Set a fabric's access mode, given fabric_name, and read_only
ndfc_rest_fabric_active_fabrics_get Queries NDFC controller for list of active fabrics
ndfc_rest_fabric_asn_get Retrieve a fabric's BGP ASN, given fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_create_easy_fabric Create a VXLAN/EVPN (aka EasyFabric in NDFC-speak) fabric fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_create_easy_fabric_ebgp Create fabric VXLAN/EVPN (aka EasyFabric in NDFC-speak) fabric_name that supports non-nexus devices
ndfc_rest_fabric_create_external Create External fabric fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_create_lan_classic Create Classic LAN fabric fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_create_msd Create Multi-Site Domain (MSD) fabric fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_delete Delete a fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_info_get Retrieve a fabric's information from the NDFC controller, given fabric_name
ndfc_rest_fabric_msd_child_add Add a child fabric to an MSD fabric, given child_fabric, and msd_fabric
ndfc_rest_fabric_msd_child_remove Remove a child fabric from an MSD fabric, given child_fabric, and msd_fabric
ndfc_rest_interface_no_shutdown Administratively no shutdown interface, given device_name, interface_name
ndfc_rest_interface_shutdown Administratively shutdown interface, given device_name, interface_name
ndfc_rest_service_node_add Add a service node, given service_node_name
ndfc_rest_vpc_create Create a VPC pair, given fabric_name, vpc_name
ndfc_rest_vpc_delete Delete a VPC pair, given fabric_name, vpc_name
ndfc_rest_vrf_list_by_fabric Return list of VRFs in a given fabric in var vrf_list, given fabric_name
ndfc_service_node_config_get Retrieve local configuration for service node, given service_node_name
ndfc_service_node_deleted Delete a service node, given service_node_name
ndfc_service_node_merged Create a service node, given service_node_name
ndfc_service_route_peering_config_get Retrieve local configuration for service route peering, given service_route_peering_name
ndfc_service_route_peering_intra_tenant_fw_merged Create intra-tenant service route peering. NOT TESTED.
ndfc_vpc_config_get Retrieve configuration for vpc_name from the local inventory
ndfc_vpc_interface_merged_all Create (merge) all vpc interfaces for a vpc pair, given vpc_name
ndfc_vrf_all merge/delete all vrfs in a fabric, given fabric_name
ndfc_vrf_config_get Retrieve local configuration for vrf in json object vrf_config, given vrf_name
ndfc_vrf_query Retrieve NDFC controller configuration for VRF in json object vrf_info, given vrf_name
ndfc_vrf_replaced Update (replaced) a vrf, given vrf_name

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This repository follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Please read and familiarize yourself with this document.


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.

See LICENSE for full text.