LUA Script adding Text to Speech (and MP3 playback) using SRS in DCS
Compatible with SRS version +
Working example & Demo:
You will need to edit MissionScripting.lua in DCS World/Scripts/MissionScripting.lua and remove the sanitisation. To do this remove all the code below the comment - the line starts "local function sanitizeModule(name)"
Do this without DCS running to allow mission scripts to use os functions.
SRS Server installed and running on the same machine as the Mission Server as the External Audio can only connect locally
Add the DCS-SimpleTextToSpeech.lua script into the mission as a "DO SCRIPT" or "DO SCRIPT FROM FILE" to initialise it
Make sure to edit the STTS.SRS_PORT and STTS.DIRECTORY to the correct values before adding to the mission.
The DCS-SR-ExternalAudio.exe can be found on the SRS Github releases here: and will be in the same folder as where you installed SRS too on your server
Then its as simple as calling the correct function in LUA as a "DO SCRIPT" or in your own scripts
As this is fully accessible in LUA, you can build all sorts or interesting things into your missions on the server. Hidden radio channels, player call outs over SRS or even an alternative AWACS / GCI system
Example calls:
STTS.TextToSpeech("Hello DCS WORLD","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2)
Arguments in order are:
- Message to say, make sure not to use a newline (\n) !
- Frequency in MHz
- Modulation - AM/FM
- Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half
- Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc
- Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue
This example will say the words "Hello DCS WORLD" on 251 MHz AM at maximum volume with a client called SRS and to the Blue coalition only
STTS.TextToSpeech("Microsoft russian female text to speech","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2,null,1,"female","ru-RU","Microsoft Irina Desktop")
Arguments in order are:
- Message to say, make sure not to use a newline (\n) !
- Frequency in MHz
- Modulation - AM/FM
- Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half
- Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc
- Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue
- Position of the transmitter - null so igored
- Speed of the voice - 1 being normal
- Gender of the voice
- Locale of the voice
- Name of the specific voice
This example will say the words "Microsoft russian female text to speech" on 251 MHz AM at maximum volume with a client called SRS and to the Blue coalition only using the Microsoft TTS engine with the specified voice
STTS.TextToSpeech("Google Text to Speech","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2,null,1,"female","cz-CZ","cs-CZ-Wavenet-A",true)
Arguments in order are:
- Message to say, make sure not to use a newline (\n) !
- Frequency in MHz
- Modulation - AM/FM
- Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half
- Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc
- Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue
- Position of the transmitter - null so igored
- Speed of the voice - 1 being normal
- Gender of the voice
- Locale of the voice
- Name of the specific voice
- Use Google Text to Speech
This example will say the words "Google Text to Speech" on 251 MHz AM at maximum volume with a client called SRS and to the Blue coalition only using a specifc Google TTS voice. You will need to setup a Google App Engine project and set the STTS script to point the correct location of the Google Credentials
STTS.TextToSpeech("Hello DCS WORLD","251","AM","1.0","SRS",2,Unit.getByName("RADIO"):getPoint())
Arguments in order are:
- Message to say, make sure not to use a newline (\n) !
- Frequency in MHz
- Modulation - AM/FM
- Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half
- Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc
- Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue
This example will say the words "Hello DCS WORLD" on 251 MHz AM at maximum volume with a client called SRS and to the Blue coalition only with the location of the transmission set to the location of a unit called "RADIO". This will respect Line of Sight and Distance Limitations if enabled
Arguments in order are:
- FULL path to the MP3 or Ogg audio to play
- Frequency in MHz - to use multiple separate with a comma - Number of frequencies MUST match number of Modulations
- Modulation - AM/FM - to use multiple
- Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half
- Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc
- Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue
This will play that MP3 on 255MHz AM & 31 FM at half volume with a client called "Multiple" and to Spectators only
Arguments in order are:
- FULL path to the MP3 to play
- Frequency in MHz - to use multiple separate with a comma - Number of frequencies MUST match number of Modulations
- Modulation - AM/FM - to use multiple
- Volume - 1.0 max, 0.5 half
- Name of the transmitter - ATC, RockFM etc
- Coalition - 0 spectator, 1 red 2 blue
This will play that MP3 on 255MHz AM & 31 FM at half volume with a client called "Multiple" and to Spectators only with the location of the transmission set to the location of a unit called "RADIO". This will respect Line of Sight and Distance Limitations if enabled