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Installer Options

matt maier edited this page Dec 14, 2016 · 5 revisions

Installer command line options

./ --help

Circonus One Step Install Help


  --key           Circonus API key/token **REQUIRED**

  --app           Circonus API app name (authorized w/key) Default: cosi

  [--cosiurl]     COSI URL Default:

  [--apiurl]      Circonus API URL Default:

  [--agent]       Agent mode. Default: reverse
                  reverse = Install NAD, NAD will open connection to broker.
                            broker will request metrics through reverse connection.
                  revonly = reverse *ONLY* ensure target will not resolve by prefixing
                            with 'REV:'
                  pull = Install NAD, broker will connect to system and request metrics
                  push = Install NAD, metrics will be sent to broker at an interval
                  Note: If NAD is already installed, installation will be skipped

  [--regconf]     Configuration file with custom options to use during registration.

  [--target]      Host IP/hostname to use as check target.

  [--broker]      Broker to use ('Group ID' from a Broker on the Brokers page in Circonus UI).

  [--noreg]       Do not attempt to register this system. Using this option
                  will *require* that the system be manually registered.
                  Default: register system (creating check, graphs, and worksheet)

  [--help]        This message

  [--trace]       Enable tracing, output debugging messages

Installer options file/environment

The installer will check for an options file located at /etc/default/cosi. This file can be created to set environment-wide options and be pre-installed by configuration management or orchestration. These can also be set as shell environment variables when running the installer as an alternative. The below, skeleton configuration file, is also available from cosi-site.

### Circonus One Step Install configuration

## To use:
## 1. Edit and customize
## 2. Deploy to /etc/default/cosi
## 3. Run cosi-install (config management, build, deployment, etc.)
##      e.g. curl -sSL | bash -s

## Required

# Circonus API key *required*

# Circonus API app *required*

## Optional

# Circonus COSI URL

# Circonus API URL

# control tracing (debugging output) of the cosi-install script.

# control cosi-install script prompting for confirmation

# control cosi-install script registering the system with Circonus

# registration options/customizations

# Node Agent mode (push|pull|reverse) default: reverse

# Agent package install command (derived in cosi-install script
# based on OS distribution Ubuntu=dpkg, RedHat|CentOS=rpm)

# Package command arguments (for "installing" the package)

## END