This directory contains source code of experiments with the library, sample code, and other misc items, as follows.
The code in the directory timing17 can be used to reproduce the experiments of the following paper, which among other things explores the relevance of the library for Java 17+:
Vincent A. Cicirello. 2024. Fast Gaussian Distributed Pseudorandom Number Generation in Java via the Ziggurat Algorithm. arXiv:2405.19493, May 2024. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.19493. [PDF]
The code in the directory properties extracts a list of all of the
random number generators for Java 17, and determines what implementation of
each uses. Classes that inherit the default in Java 17 use a modified
ziggurat, which is faster than the original ziggurat algorithm. The Random
and the classes that extend it override the default with the slow polar method. Those
are cases where our implementation of the original ziggurat algorithm is still relevant
for Java 17+ applications.