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Which Gaussian Algorithm Does Java Use

The code in this directory extracts a list of all of the random number generators for Java 17, and determines what implementation of nextGaussian each uses. Classes that inherit the default in Java 17 use a modified ziggurat, which is faster than the original ziggurat algorithm. The Random class, and the classes that extend it override the default with the slow polar method. Those are cases where our implementation of the original ziggurat algorithm is still relevant for Java 17+ applications.

Building with Maven

To compile, execute the following within this directory:

mvn clean package


To run, execute the following within this directory:

java -cp target/what-gaussian-1.0.0.jar org.cicirello.experiments.whatgaussian.WhatGaussian


If you just want to inspect the output from my run, see the file what-gaussian-implementation.txt.