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Game of Thrones Image Classification Demo

This is demo code for my talk at Open Source Summit NA 2019.

"Machine Learning Made Easy on Kubernetes. DevOps for Data Scientists," August 21, 2019

-> Slides here <-

Game of Thrones Characters

  • Robert Baratheon (robert-baratheon)
  • Tyrion Lannister (tyrion-lannister)
  • Jon Snow (jon-snow)
  • Daenerys Targaryen (daenerys-targaryen)
  • Hodor (hodor)
  • Samwell Tarley (samwell-tarley)
  • Cersei Lannister (cersei-lannister)
  • Theon Greyjoy (theon-greyjoy)
  • Night King (night-king)
  • Arya Stark (arya-stark)
  • Benjen Stark (benjen-stark)
  • Jamie Lannister (jamie-lannister)
  • Margaery Tyrell (margaery-tyrell)
  • Sansa Stark (sansa-stark)

Local testing/training

  • Testing in local Docker container interactively

    docker run -it --rm --name got \
      --publish 6006:6006 \
      --publish 5000:5000 \
      --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ \
      --workdir /got-image-classification \
    python ./training/ \
      --bottleneck_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output/bottlenecks \
      --model_dir=/tmp/tensorflow/inception \
      --summaries_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output \
      --output_graph=/got-image-classification/tf-output \
      --output_labels=/got-image-classification/tf-output \
      --image_dir=/got-image-classification/training/images \
      --saved_model_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output \
      --how_many_training_steps 2000
    python ./preprocess/ \
      --bottleneck_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output/bottlenecks \
    # or conda
    source activate tf
    python ./training/ \
      --bottleneck_dir=./tf-output/bottlenecks \
      --model_dir=./tf-output/inception \
      --summaries_dir=./tf-output \
      --output_graph=./tf-output \
      --output_labels=./tf-output \
      --image_dir=./training/images \
      --saved_model_dir=./tf-output \
      --how_many_training_steps 2000  
    tensorboard --logdir=/got-image-classification/tf-output/training_summaries
  • Create preprocess container image

    # set image tag depending on target cpu/gpu
    export IMAGE_TAG=2.00
    export ACRNAME=gotcr
    # build/push (ACR or Docker)
    az acr build -t chzbrgr71/got-image-preprocess:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME ./preprocess
    docker build -t chzbrgr71/got-image-preprocess:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./preprocess/Dockerfile ./preprocess
    docker push chzbrgr71/got-image-preprocess:$IMAGE_TAG
  • Create training container image

    # set image tag depending on target cpu/gpu
    export IMAGE_TAG=2.0
    export IMAGE_TAG=2.00-gpu
    export ACRNAME=gotcr
    # build/push (ACR or Docker)
    az acr build -t chzbrgr71/got-image-training:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME ./training
    docker build -t chzbrgr71/got-image-training:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./training/Dockerfile ./training
    docker push chzbrgr71/got-image-training:$IMAGE_TAG
  • Create scoring container image

    # set image tag depending on target cpu/gpu
    export IMAGE_TAG=2.01
    export ACRNAME=gotcr
    # build/push (ACR or Docker)
    az acr build -t chzbrgr71/got-model-scoring:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME ./serving
    docker build -t chzbrgr71/got-model-scoring:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./serving/Dockerfile ./serving
    docker push chzbrgr71/got-model-scoring:$IMAGE_TAG
    docker run -d --name score --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ chzbrgr71/got-model-scoring:$IMAGE_TAG '/got-image-classification/tf-output/latest_model'
  • Test local

    docker run -d --name process --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ chzbrgr71/got-image-preprocess:$IMAGE_TAG "--bottleneck_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output/bottlenecks" "--image_dir=/got-image-classification/preprocess/images"
    docker run -d --name train --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ chzbrgr71/got-image-training:$IMAGE_TAG "--bottleneck_dir=/tmp/tensorflow/bottlenecks" "--model_dir=/tmp/tensorflow/inception" "--summaries_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output/training_summaries/baseline" "--output_graph=/got-image-classification/tf-output/retrained_graph.pb" "--output_labels=/got-image-classification/tf-output/retrained_labels.txt" "--image_dir=/images" "--saved_model_dir=/got-image-classification/tf-output/saved_models/1"
  • Tensorboard local

    export IMAGE_TAG=2.00
    export ACRNAME=gotcr
    # build/push (ACR or Docker)
    az acr build -t chzbrgr71/tensorboard:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME -f ./tensorboard/Dockerfile ./tensorboard
    docker build -t chzbrgr71/tensorboard:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./tensorboard/Dockerfile ./tensorboard
    docker push chzbrgr71/tensorboard:$IMAGE_TAG
    # run
    docker run -d --name tb -p 6006:6006 --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ chzbrgr71/tensorboard:$IMAGE_TAG "--logdir" "/tf-output/training_summaries"

Kubernetes Setup

  • Create Azure Kubernetes Service

  • Storage (Azure Files Static)

    Azure Files Docs:

    export AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=briarmlwestnew
    export AKS_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP=oss-summit-west-new
    export AKS_PERS_LOCATION=westus
    export AKS_PERS_SHARE_NAME=aksshare
    # Create the storage account
    az storage account create -n $AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME -g $AKS_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP -l $AKS_PERS_LOCATION --sku Standard_LRS
    # Export the connection string as an environment variable, this is used when creating the Azure file share
    export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=`az storage account show-connection-string -n $AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME -g $AKS_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP -o tsv`
    # Create the file share
    az storage share create -n $AKS_PERS_SHARE_NAME
    # Get storage account key
    STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $AKS_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP --account-name $AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --query "[0].value" -o tsv)
    # Echo storage account name and key
    echo Storage account name: $AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME
    echo Storage account key: $STORAGE_KEY
    kubectl create secret generic azure-file-secret --from-literal=azurestorageaccountname=$AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --from-literal=azurestorageaccountkey=$STORAGE_KEY
    kubectl create secret generic azure-file-secret --from-literal=azurestorageaccountname=$AKS_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --from-literal=azurestorageaccountkey=$STORAGE_KEY --namespace kubeflow
    # Add persistent volume
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/persistent-volume.yaml

Kubernetes Jobs

  • Kubernetes job

    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/job-preprocess.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/job-training.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/tensorboard.yaml


  • Install Kubeflow (I am using v0.5.0)

    export KFAPP=kf-app-got-3
    kfctl init ${KFAPP}
    cd ${KFAPP}
    kfctl generate all -V
    kfctl apply all -V
  • Validate Kubeflow

    kubectl -n kubeflow get all
  • Execute TFJob

    # cpu
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/tfjob-training.yaml
    # gpu
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/tfjob-training-gpu.yaml
    # aci
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/tfjob-training-vk.yaml
    # Azure Premium Files
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/tfjob-training-prem.yaml
  • Deploy Serving

    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/serving.yaml
    docker cp tf-output/latest_model/exported_model serving_base:/models/inception
    docker commit --change "ENV MODEL_NAME inception" serving_base chzbrgr71/got-tfserving:1.0
  • Deploy Tensorboard

    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/tensorboard.yaml
  • Kubeflow Pipelines

    • Create a clean Python 3 environment

      conda create --name mlpipeline python=3.7
      source activate mlpipeline
      pip install -r ./pipelines/requirements.txt --upgrade
    • Compile pipeline

      source activate mlpipeline
      python3 ./pipelines/
    • For now, there are a couple manual edits needed on the pipeline.yaml

      • environment variables (KUBE_POD_NAME in training)
      • volumes for Azure files

      Kubeflow Pipeline

Jupyter Notebooks

Hyperparameter Optimization

  • Using Helm chart and AKS Virtual Nodes with GPU:

    helm install --name hyperparam ./hyperparameter/chart
    kubectl apply -f ./hyperparameter/tensorboard-hp.yaml
  • katib

    kubectl apply -f ./katib/random-example.yaml
    kubectl apply -f ./katib/got.yaml


  • Local python script

    # testing
    python ./serving/ ./serving/benjen.jpg
    hodor (score = 0.35062)
    benjen stark (score = 0.21019)
    samwell tarley (score = 0.13798)
    jon snow (score = 0.10155)
    robert baratheon (score = 0.04643)
    theon greyjoy (score = 0.04288)
    daenerys targaryen (score = 0.03613)
    tyrion lannister (score = 0.02663)
    night king (score = 0.02428)
    margaery tyrell (score = 0.00809)
    cersei lannister (score = 0.00707)
    arya stark (score = 0.00544)
    sansa stark (score = 0.00271)
  • TF Serving (Local)

    docker run -d --name serving \
      --publish 8500:8500 \
      --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ \
      --env MODEL_NAME=inception \
    python serving/ --server localhost:8500 --image ./serving/hodor.jpg
    python serving/ --server localhost:8500 --image ./serving/tyrion.jpg
    python serving/ --server localhost:8500 --image ./serving/night-king.jpg
  • TF Serving (AKS)

    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/serving.yaml
    python serving/ --server --image ./serving/night-king.jpg
    python serving/ --server --image ./serving/jon-snow.jpg
    python serving/ --server --image ./serving/benjen.jpg
    # serving api metadata
    # convert image to base64:
    curl -X POST -d "@./serving/daenerys-targaryen.json"
    curl -X POST -d "@./serving/daenerys-targaryen.json"
    curl -X POST -d "@./serving/daenerys-targaryen.json"
    • Web App

      export IMAGE_TAG=2.01
      export ACRNAME=gotcr
      # build/push (ACR or Docker)
      az acr build -t chzbrgr71/got-web-app:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME ./webapp
      docker build -t chzbrgr71/got-web-app:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./webapp/Dockerfile ./webapp
      docker push chzbrgr71/got-web-app:$IMAGE_TAG
      docker run -d --name web -p 3000:3000 -e ML_SERVING_ENDPOINT= chzbrgr71/got-web-app:$IMAGE_TAG
      kubectl apply -f ./k8s/web.yaml
      az webapp config appsettings set --name got-web -g game-of-thrones --settings ML_SERVING_ENDPOINT=''

Tensorflow Lite

  • Convert model

    tflite_convert \
      --graph_def_file=./tf-output/latest_model/got_retrained_graph.pb \
      --output_file=./tf-output/latest_model/optimized_graph.lite \
      --input_format=TENSORFLOW_GRAPHDEF \
      --output_format=TFLITE \
      --input_shape=1,${IMAGE_SIZE},${IMAGE_SIZE},3 \
      --input_array=Mul \
      --output_array=final_result \
      --inference_type=FLOAT \
  • In container

    export IMAGE_TAG=2.00
    export ACRNAME=gotcr
    # build/push (ACR or Docker)
    az acr build -t chzbrgr71/tflite-convert:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME -f ./convert/Dockerfile ./convert
    docker build -t chzbrgr71/tflite-convert:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./convert/Dockerfile ./convert
    docker push chzbrgr71/tflite-convert:$IMAGE_TAG
    # run
    docker run -d --name convert --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ chzbrgr71/tflite-convert:$IMAGE_TAG \
      --graph_def_file=./tf-output/latest_model/got_retrained_graph.pb \
      --output_file=./tf-output/latest_model/optimized_graph.lite \
      --input_format=TENSORFLOW_GRAPHDEF \
      --output_format=TFLITE \
      --input_shape=1,299,299,3 \
      --input_array=Mul \
      --output_array=final_result \
      --inference_type=FLOAT \
    kubectl apply -f ./k8s/convert.yaml


  • This doesn't work at all:

    source activate mlpipeline
    python -m tf2onnx.convert \
      --saved-model ./tf-output/latest_model/exported_model/1/ \
      --output ./tf-output/onnx/model.onnx \
    python -m tf2onnx.convert \
      --input ./tf-output/latest_model/got_retrained_graph.pb \
      --inputs DecodeJpeg/contents:0 \
      --outputs final_result:0 \
      --output ./tf-output/onnx/model.onnx \
    saved_model_cli show --dir /got-image-classification/tf-output/latest_model/exported_model/1/ --tag_set serve --signature_def serving_default
    export IMAGE_TAG=2.00
    export ACRNAME=gotcr
    # build/push (ACR or Docker)
    az acr build -t chzbrgr71/onnx-convert:$IMAGE_TAG -r $ACRNAME -f ./onnx/Dockerfile ./onnx
    docker build -t chzbrgr71/onnx-convert:$IMAGE_TAG -f ./onnx/Dockerfile ./onnx
    docker push chzbrgr71/onnx-convert:$IMAGE_TAG
    docker run -d --name onnx --volume /Users/brianredmond/gopath/src/ chzbrgr71/onnx-convert:1.1 "show" "--dir" "/got-image-classification/tf-output/latest_model/exported_model/1/" "--tag_set" "serve" "--signature_def" "serving_default"


  • This doesn't work at all:

    pip install tensorflowjs==0.8.5 --force-reinstall
    pip install tensorflowjs==1.0.1 --force-reinstall
    tensorflowjs_converter \
        --input_format=tf_saved_model \
        --output_format=tfjs_graph_model \
        --skip_op_check SKIP_OP_CHECK \
        ./tf-output/latest_model/got_retrained_graph.pb \
    tensorflowjs_converter \
        --input_format=tf_saved_model \
        --output_format=tfjs_graph_model \
        --skip_op_check SKIP_OP_CHECK \
        ./tf-output/latest_model/exported_model/1 \
        --output_node_names='final_result' \

Reference Links



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