A collection of Dockerfiles for a VDR appliance
- VDR 2.2.0 yaVDR
- data-only image for persistance
- preconfigured mariadb:5.5 with epglv UDF's
- epgd http branch
- a debstrap based Ubuntu 14.04 baseimage with german locales
- crane file to lift up the whole thing
You need docker.io installed correctly, clone this GIT repository or use the ones from hub.docker.io To use the crane.yml file you need crane installed. Configure the vdr.data image with your local and build it locally. If you don't use the vdr.data image your changes will not survive a container upgrade! Make sure you have a vdr user and a vdr group, both with id '666' (same as in yaVDR) and ensure the user/group have R/W access to the folders you specified.
$ crane provision -v vdr.data
$ crane provision -v vdr epgd database
Create the containers and start them
$ crane create -v vdr.data
$ crane create -v vdr epgd database
$ crane start
To edit your config stop the container first
$ docker stop vdr
$ docker stop epgd
Edit the files, e.g. copy your own channels.conf, modify svdrphosts.conf... Start the container after you are finished
$ docker start vdr
$ crane logs -f