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Try 13.0.0

Try 13.0.0 #30

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and Release
- workflow-test
- master
- maintenance/*
- 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+*'
PACKAGE_NAME: desktop-app
SCM_LOCAL_SCHEME: no-local-version
ANACONDA_USER: labscript-suite
# Configuration for a package with compiled extensions:
PURE: false
NOARCH: false
# Configuration for a package with no extensions, but with dependencies that differ by
# platform or Python version:
# PURE: true
# NOARCH: false
# Configuration for a package with no extensions and the same dependencies on all
# platforms and Python versions. For this configuration you should comment out all but
# the first entry in the job matrix of the build job since multiple platforms are not
# needed.
# PURE: true
# NOARCH: true
name: Build
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# - { os: ubuntu-latest, python: '3.11', arch: x64, conda: true}
# - { os: ubuntu-latest, python: '3.10', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: ubuntu-latest, python: '3.9', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: ubuntu-latest, python: '3.8', arch: x64, conda: true }
- { os: macos-13, python: '3.11', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: macos-13, python: '3.10', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: macos-13, python: '3.9', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: macos-13, python: '3.8', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: macos-latest, python: '3.11', arch: arm64, conda: true}
# - { os: macos-latest, python: '3.10', arch: arm64, conda: true}
# - { os: macos-latest, python: '3.9', arch: arm64, conda: true}
# - { os: macos-latest, python: '3.8', arch: arm64, conda: false}
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.11', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.10', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.9', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.8', arch: x64, conda: true }
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.11', arch: x86, conda: false } # conda not yet available
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.10', arch: x86, conda: true }
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.9', arch: x86, conda: true }
# - { os: windows-latest, python: '3.8', arch: x86, conda: true }
if: github.repository == 'chrisjbillington/desktop-app'
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Ignore Tags
if: github.event.ref_type == 'push' && contains(github.ref, '/tags')
run: git tag -d $(git tag --points-at HEAD)
- name: Install Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
architecture: ${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: Source Distribution
if: strategy.job-index == 0
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel build
python -m build -s .
- name: Wheel Distribution
# Impure Linux wheels are built in the manylinux job.
if: (env.PURE == 'true' && strategy.job-index == 0) || (env.PURE == 'false' && runner.os != 'Linux')
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel build
python -m build -w .
- name: Upload Artifact
if: strategy.job-index == 0 || (env.PURE == 'false' && runner.os != 'Linux')
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: dist-${{ matrix.os }}-py${{ matrix.python }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
path: ./dist
- name: Set Variables for Conda Build
if: matrix.conda
shell: bash
run: |
if [ $NOARCH == true ]; then
- name: Install Miniconda
if: matrix.conda
uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
auto-update-conda: true
python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
architecture: ${{ matrix.arch }}
miniconda-version: "latest"
- name: Setup xcode
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
uses: maxim-lobanov/setup-xcode@v1
xcode-version: 13.0.0
# - name: Setup Command Line Tools
# if: runner.os == 'macOS'
# run: |
# sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
# sudo xcode-select --install || true
# - name: Configure conda-build
# if: runner.os == 'macOS'
# run: |
# echo "CONDA_BUILD_SYSROOT=$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "CONDA_FORGE_MACOS_SYSROOT=$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Conda package (Unix)
if: (matrix.conda && runner.os != 'Windows')
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
conda install -c labscript-suite setuptools-conda
setuptools-conda build $CONDA_BUILD_ARGS .
- name: Conda Package (Windows)
if: (matrix.conda && runner.os == 'Windows')
shell: cmd /C CALL {0}
run: |
conda install -c labscript-suite setuptools-conda && ^
setuptools-conda build %CONDA_BUILD_ARGS% --croot ${{ runner.temp }}\cb .
- name: Upload Artifact
if: matrix.conda
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: conda_packages-${{ matrix.os }}-py${{ matrix.python }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
path: ./conda_packages
# manylinux:
# name: Build Manylinux
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# if: github.repository == 'chrisjbillington/desktop-app'
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# if: env.PURE == 'false'
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - name: Ignore Tags
# if: contains(github.ref, '/tags') && env.PURE == 'false'
# run: git tag -d $(git tag --points-at HEAD)
# - name: Build Manylinux Wheels
# if: env.PURE == 'false'
# uses: RalfG/[email protected]
# with:
# python-versions: 'cp37-cp37m cp38-cp38 cp39-cp39 cp310-cp310 cp311-cp311'
# pre-build-command: 'git config --global --add "*"'
# - name: Upload Artifact
# if: env.PURE == 'false'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: dist-manylinux
# path: dist/*manylinux*.whl
# release:
# name: Release
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: [build, manylinux]
# steps:
# - name: Download Artifact
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# pattern: dist*
# path: ./dist
# merge-multiple: true
# - name: Download Artifact
# uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# with:
# pattern: conda_packages-*
# path: ./conda_packages
# merge-multiple: true
# - name: Get Version Number
# if: contains(github.ref, '/tags')
# run: |
# VERSION="${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\/v/}"
# - name: Create GitHub Release and Upload Release Asset
# if: contains(github.ref, '/tags')
# uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
# env:
# with:
# tag_name: ${{ github.event.ref }}
# name: ${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }} ${{ env.VERSION }}
# draft: true
# prerelease: ${{ contains(github.event.ref, 'rc') }}
# files: ./dist/${{ env.PACKAGE_NAME }}-${{ env.VERSION }}.tar.gz
# - name: Publish on TestPyPI
# uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
# with:
# user: __token__
# password: ${{ secrets.testpypi }}
# repository-url:
# - name: Publish on PyPI
# if: contains(github.ref, '/tags')
# uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
# with:
# user: __token__
# password: ${{ secrets.pypi }}
# - name: Install Miniconda
# uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
# with:
# auto-update-conda: true
# - name: Install Anaconda cloud client
# shell: bash -l {0}
# run: conda install anaconda-client
# - name: Publish to Anaconda test label
# if: contains(github.ref, '/tags')
# shell: bash -l {0}
# run: |
# anaconda \
# --token ${{ secrets.ANACONDA_API_TOKEN }} \
# upload \
# --user $ANACONDA_USER \
# --label test \
# conda_packages/*/*
# - name: Publish to Anaconda main label
# shell: bash -l {0}
# if: contains(github.ref, '/tags')
# run: |
# anaconda \
# --token ${{ secrets.ANACONDA_API_TOKEN }} \
# upload \
# --user $ANACONDA_USER \
# conda_packages/*/*