- Multi-edges rendering between two nodes
- Readable edge labeling
- Multiple shapes rendering for nodes/links
- Flexible event handling
- Individual node/link styling
- Snapshotting
- Ease of maintenance and extension
- Homepage: https://chongzhang-vis.github.io
- e-mail: [email protected]
All rights reserved. GraphSQL Inc 2015
Reference the NLGraph.min.v*.js
and nlgraph.css
files located under build/
in your HTML webpage, i.e.,
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../build/nlgraph.css" />
<script src="../build/NLGraph.min.v0.3.4.js"></script>
var newdata = {
"nodes": [
{"id": "0", "type": "usr", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 100, "shape": "square", "fill": "#ff5500", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1, "label": {"stroke": "black", "fill": "yellow"}}},
{"id": "1", "type": "tag", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 100, "shape": "circle", "fill": "#005500", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.8}},
{"id": "2", "type": "usr", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 10, "shape": "cross", "fill": "#0055ff", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}},
{"id": "3", "type": "movie", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 60, "shape": "hexagon", "fill": "#ff5500", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.6}},
{"id": "4", "type": "tag", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 10, "shape": "diamond", "fill": "#E377C2", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1}},
{"id": "5", "type": "movie", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 60, "shape": "circle", "fill": "#E377C2", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.9}},
{"id": "6", "type": "usr", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 10,"shape": "cross", "fill": "#E377C2", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.5}},
{"id": "7", "type": "tag", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 20, "shape": "star", "fill": "#1F77B4", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.4}},
{"id": "8", "type": "usr", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 4, "a4": 5}, "style": {"size": 60, "shape": "square", "fill": "#1F77B4", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1}},
{"id": "9", "type": "tag", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 10, "shape": "diamond", "fill": "#1F77B4", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.9}},
{"id": "10", "type": "usr", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 60, "shape": "square", "fill": "#2CA02C", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.8}},
{"id": "11", "type": "movie", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 10, "shape": "diamond", "fill": "#2CA02C", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.7}},
{"id": "12", "type": "usr", "attr": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "style": {"size": 60, "shape": "hexagon", "fill": "#2CA02C", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.6}}],
"links": [
{"source": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "adf", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.9}, "directed": false},
{"source": {"id": 5, "type": "movie"}, "target": {"id": 0, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "fdd", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.6}, "directed": false},
{"source": {"id": 0, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 6, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "eew", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.5}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 1, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 3, "type": "movie"}, "etype": "eer", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#E377C2", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.4}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 4, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "dff", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 1}, "directed": false},
{"source": {"id": 5, "type": "movie"}, "target": {"id": 1, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "sdf", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#E377C2", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 5, "type": "movie"}, "target": {"id": "12**##", "type": "usr"}, "etype": "bbc", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.5}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 11, "type": "movie"}, "etype": "bbd", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#1F77B4", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.9}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 2, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "ssb", "attr": {"aa1": "Hello, world, this, is", "aa2": "JavaScript"}, "style": {"stroke": "#E377C2", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.8}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 2, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "cca", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 2, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "ccb", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": true},
//{"source": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 2, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "ccb", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 2, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "ccc", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 2, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 9, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "ccd", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#2CA02C", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 4, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 6, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "bbs", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#1F77B4", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.6}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 4, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 6, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "bbd", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#1F77B4", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.9}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 1, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 0, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "abc", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 0, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 1, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "adf", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#00ff00", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 1}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 7, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "bbs", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": false},
{"source": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 7, "type": "tag"}, "etype": "cca", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": false},
{"source": {"id": 7, "type": "tag"}, "target": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "bbc", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.7}, "directed": false},
{"source": {"id": 3, "type": "movie"}, "target": {"id": 10, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "cca", "attr": {"aa1": 2323, "aa2": 4545}, "style": {"stroke": "green", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 3, "type": "movie"}, "target": {"id": 10, "type": "usr"}, "etype": "bbs", "attr": {"aa1": 3333, "aa2": 4444}, "style": {"stroke": "#0000ff", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 1}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 10, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 3, "type": "movie"}, "etype": "cca", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "goldenrod", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.5}, "directed": true},
{"source": {"id": 10, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 3, "type": "movie"}, "etype": "bbs", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#ff0000", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 1}, "directed": true}
var el = document.getElementById("container"),
options = {
width: 1400,
height: 800,
zoomScaleExtent: [0.4, 8],
zoomLens: false,
autofit: true,
forceSpeed: 1,
forceStatic: false,
lineTensionDistance: 15,
edgeCurve: "linear" // "linear", or "basis"
var graph = new NLGraph(el, nodes, links, options)
//.zoom(2) // will not work with autofit = true
for(var i = 0; i < graph.nodes.length; ++i){
var n = graph.nodes[i];
graph.setNodeLabel(n.id, n.type, ["id", "type"]);
You may also need to process the nodes and links to
- remove duplicates, and
- make sure all sources/targets in the links come from the nodes.
Example code:
var nodeIdx = nodes.map(function(l) { return l.id + "-" + l.type; });
var newlinks = links.map(function(l){
if(nodeIdx.indexOf(l.source.id + "-" + l.source.type) != -1){
return l;
var uniquelinks = newlinks.reduce(function(a,b){
function indexOfIDType (a, b){
for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++){
if(a[i].source.id == b.source.id
&& a[i].source.type == b.source.type
&& a[i].target.id == b.target.id
&& a[i].target.type == b.target.type
return i;
return -1;
if (!b.hasOwnProperty("source")) return a;
if (!b.source.hasOwnProperty("type")) return a;
if (!~indexOfIDType(a,b) ) a.push(b);
return a;
var uniquenodes = nodes.reduce(function(a,b){
function indexOfIDType (a, b){
for (var i=0;i<a.length;i++){
if(a[i].id == b.id
&& a[i].type == b.type
return i;
return -1;
if (!b.hasOwnProperty("id") || !b.hasOwnProperty("type") ) return a;
if (!~indexOfIDType(a,b) ) a.push(b);
return a;
graph.vertices.on("click", function(d){ //console.log(d) })
graph.edges.on("click", function(d){ //console.log(d) })
graph.multiSelect.on("brush", function(){
// var nodes = graph.getMultiSelectedNodes();
// var links = graph.getMultiSelectedLinks();
// ...
graph.zoomL.on("zoom", function() {
// var currentZoomLevel = graph.getScale();
// ...
graph.root.on("dblclick.zoom", function(){
Creates a new graph on the el
element with the given nodes and links.
Available options
: the graph width.height
: the graph height.force_charge
: used when trying to solve collisions to determine how far from each other to position nodes. Defaults to0.5
: the speed of simulationstaticLayout
: true or false for animationinitialScale
: initial zoom levelbrushingStatus
: true or false for brushing widgetzoomLens
: true or false for zoomLens widgetautofit
: true or false for autofit switchlineTensionDistance
: the gap between neighbor lines for multi-edges renderinglineCurve
: "linear" or "basis"zoomScaleExtent
: [min_zoom_scale, max_zoom_scale]
Check if a node has links
Bring the node with nodeID and nodeType in the center of the entire viewpoint.
graph.center("6", "usr")
Zooms the graph to the given scale
Zooms in the graph.
Zooms out the graph.
Check if two nodes are connected
Show all nodes, edges, and labels
Check if a node has any incoming links
Check if a node has any outgoing links
Set style for a specified node. The styleObj can have missing key where the graph use the default settings. Shape is one of ["circle", "square", "diamond", "hexagon", "star","cross"]
graph.setNodeStyle("8", "usr", {fill: "#ff0000", strokeWidth: 4, shape: "hexagon"})
Set style for a set of node with the specified type. The styleObj can have missing key where the graph use the default settings. Shape is one of ["circle", "square", "diamond", "hexagon", "star","cross"]
graph.setNodeTypeStyle("usr", {fill: "#ff0000", strokeWidth: 4, shape: "hexagon"})
Set style for a specified edge. The styleObj can have missing key where the graph use the default settings
graph.setEdgeStyle("5", "movie", "0", "usr", "fdd", {stroke: "#ff0000", strokeWidth: 4})
Set style for a set of edges with the specified etype. The styleObj can have missing key where the graph use the default settings
graph.setEdgeTypeStyle("bbc", {stroke: "#ff0000", strokeWidth: 4})
Toggle brush to select nodes. It will disable zooming, zoomLens, and dragging. (reason: when zoom and brush are both enabled, manipulating the brush causes graph to pan from side to side)
Toggle zoomLens to zoom in a small areas without losing sense of the overall graph. It will disable dragging, brushing, and zooming.
Retrieve all associated links given a nodeId and nodeType.
graph.getAssociatedLinks('4', 'tag')
Retrieve all associated nodes given a nodeId and nodeType.
graph.getAssociatedNodes('4', 'tag')
Deselect nodes that already were selected by removing .selected from the graph
Cache current graph including positions, styles, and statuses.
Bring cached snapshot back. The argument come from the function .getSnapshot()
Add a node and associated edges to the existing graph
graph.addNode("11", "movie", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, {"size": 80, "shape": "diamond", "fill": "#2CA02C", "stroke": "#ccc", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": true, "opacity": 0.7}, [{"source": {"id": 8, "type": "usr"}, "target": {"id": 11, "type": "movie"}, "etype": "bbd", "attr": {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, "style": {"stroke": "#1F77B4", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.9}, "directed": true}])
Add an edge to the existing graph
graph.addEdge("8", "usr", "11", "movie", "bbd", {"aa1": 3, "aa2": 4}, {"stroke": "#1F77B4", "strokeWidth": 1, "dashed": false, "opacity": 0.9}, true)
Center the viewport and scale it so that everything fits in the window defined by width and height
Fit the graph in the specified div
Highlight the specified nodes and edges by applying .unhighlighted to the rest nodes and edges, no others ndoes/edges
graph.highLight([["1", "tag"], ["5", "movie"]], [["8", "usr", "4", "tag", "dff"]])
Cancel the .unhighlighted from nodes or edges
Remove a node with id and type from the graph
graph.removeNode("11", "usr")
Remove an edge from the graph
graph.removeEdge("8", "usr", "11", "movie", "bbd")
Hide the specified nodes
graph.hideNodes([["1", "tag"], ["7", "tag"]])
Hide the specified edges
graph.hideEdges([["4", "tag", "0", "usr", "adx"]])
Display a set of attribute values for a specified node
graph.setNodeLabel("6", "usr", ["a1"])
Display a set of attribute values for a specified edge
graph.setEdgeLabel("2", "usr", "9", "tag", "ssb", ["aa1", "aa2"])
Display a set of attribute values for a set of node with the same type
graph.setNodeTypeLabel("usr", ["type"]), or graph.setNodeTypeLabel("usr", ["a1", "a2"])
Display a set of attribute values for a set of edges with the same type
graph.setEdgeTypeLabel("bbc", ["aa1", "aa2"])
Apply a new layout algorithm to the graph;
layoutAlgorithm is a function including how to assign new positions for nodes. It could be defined outside of the library, for example,
function hierarchyLayout(nodes) { // find root node // can change on your own var root = nodes.filter(function(n){ return n.index == 6})[0]; //1, 5, 6 // root node will be on the top of window root.fixed = true; root.x = 700; // could be width / 2; root.y = 120; // the top y position
var separation_x = 130,
separation_y = 80;
var secondLvNodes = graph.getAssociatedNodes(root.id, root.type);
var deepLv = 2;
recursiveSetPosition(secondLvNodes, deepLv);
function recursiveSetPosition(curNodes, depth) {
var nextDepthNodes = [];
var widthCount = 0;
curNodes.forEach(function(n, i) {
if (!n.fixed) {
n.fixed = true;
n.x = (i - widthCount) * separation_x + root.x;
n.y = separation_y * depth + root.y;
nextDepthNodes = nextDepthNodes.concat(graph.getAssociatedNodes(n.id, n.type));
} else {
widthCount += 1;
if (nextDepthNodes.length > 0) {
recursiveSetPosition(nextDepthNodes, ++depth);
Then, we can update the layout of the graph with
graph.applyLayout(hierarchyLayout, graph.nodes);
NLGraph.prototype.newMethod = function() {
// ...
NLGraph.prototype.newProp = "new_property";
var GraphFactory = (function (graph) {
// would be private
var oldPublicMethod = graph.publicMethod;
graph.NLGraph = NLGraph;
graph.TimeLine = ...;
// export
return graph;
var GraphFactory = (function () {
var graphFactory = {},
privateVariable = 1;
function privateMethod() {
// ...
graphFactory.publicProperty = 1;
// this is just a simple example
graphFactory.NLGraph = NLGraph;
// We can also use Factory Pattern to create different types of graph
// export
return graphFactory;
Even apis can do it, I recommend using css to do so. I have left the node.type/edge.etype as class name of the svg element. For example, in the nlgraph.css, you can modify
.nl_graph .node .movie {
fill: ...!important;
stroke: ... !important;
Do not forget to append "!important" to the end of each style.
Only one of them can work at a time.
*Date: 2015-06-10
- Version: 0.3.4
- Initial version finished on: 2015-07-10
- Could have done better/in a different way:
- Exception handling
- Change curve line to straight when two nodes are close and change back when far away
- Multi-edges could be drawn like they are converging on the source/target rather than outerCircles
- Change default layout algorithm to hierarchy, circular, pack, etc
- Issues fixed since 0.3:
- Add getSnapShot() and restoreSnapShot(); add deepCopyArrayBoundData();
- Fixed click event fired on the drag move
- Set line not to display when two nodes are close
- Change layout function to customize layout algorithm and provide an example
- Issues fixed since 0.2:
- Attribute getting for labeling
- Consider node width in autofit
- Add autofit to options
- Add forceSpeed to options for the speed of force layout simulation
- Add lineTensionDistance to options for perpendicular distance between multi-edges
- Add edgeCurve to options for the curve patter of multi-edges
- Fix disappeared edge label
- Change connectString of key of link from underscore to breakline (internal use)
- Fix arrowheads change when nodes getting closer to other nodes
- Add static force layout switch to determine the display of animation
- Change force charge to make sure nodes space out evenly
- Add individual label outline style (stroke and fill) for node
- Add an option for collision radius to have a 'normal' force layout (no long/short link distance)
- Add a function called fitDiv to adjust the graph to a specific div
- Add default dblclick.zoom as null
- Apply a map to link key so that nodeid/nodetype can be any characters
- Fix FireFox bug in .getBBox
- Change the way drawing multi-edges to fix arrowhead bug when turning round node
- As requested, the style setting on the fly will reflect on original data structure;
- remove resetOpacity(), change unHighlight() and other functions regarding to styles;