This build is "Vanilla". I used this guide as a starting point.
See my Hardware List
- Ethernet
- Audio (including digital audio)
- Sleep/Wake
- Headless iGPU with native support for Quicklook and Preview, and Final Cut Pro X.
- All USB ports (USB 3 speed working)
- iMessage
- App Store
- Facetime
- Handoff
- Bluetooth & Wi-Fi (via Broadcom adapter. Also works in UEFI and Clover.)
- Unlock with Apple Watch
- Airdrop
- AirPlay
- Continuity
- Apple Music (iTunes)
- Power Nap
- iGFX HDMI output during install. Common problem, nobody seems to have found a solution. But I don't need it. (NOTE: this might now be working with 10.14.5 since support for the 9900k is now built in. I haven't tried again since.)
- Built-in wifi. This will likely never work since it is the new Intel CNVi that MacOS doesn't support.
- Onboard Bluetooth is hit or miss. However, I disabled it (HS14) because I have a natively supported Broadcom BCM94360CS2 WIFI/BT adapter.
- Netflix DRM in Safari (works in Chrome)
- DRM-protected video in iTunes (ie: purchased TV shows)
- FileVault
See for a map of all the ports on the Aorus z390 Master.
You are welcome to use my config.plist and kexts. However, make sure you set the following:
- SerialNumber
- BoardSerialNumber