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dfuse is an open source library written in Python providing an easy to use wrapper around the API. This library has been tested with Python 3.6.x, 3.7.x, 3.8.x and 3.9.x.


From source use:

$ python install

or install from PyPi:

$ pipenv install dfuse
  • It is important that you do this from a virtual environment.


To get up and rolling, create a .env or .ini file in the project folder, with contents copied from the example.env file. (as required by python decouple)

Make sure to substitute the predefined keys with the appropriate ones.


EOS_BASE_URL = OR any of the REST Endpoints below

EOS_BLOCK_TIME_URL = /v0/block_id/by_time

EOS_TRX_URL = /v0/transactions

EOS_STATE_BASE_URL = /v0/state

*ENSURE NO trailing slash at the end of the BASE_URL

Supported list of EOSIO Networks (Endpoints):

  1. EOS Mainnet

    Chain ID: aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906

    REST Endpoint:

    Websocket: wss://

  2. EOSIO Testnet

    Chain ID: 0db13ab9b321c37c0ba8481cb4681c2788b622c3abfd1f12f0e5353d44ba6e72


    Websocket: wss://


  3. CryptoKylin

    Chain ID: 5fff1dae8dc8e2fc4d5b23b2c7665c97f9e9d8edf2b6485a86ba311c25639191


    WebSocket wss://


  4. WAX Mainnet

    Chain ID: 1064487b3cd1a897ce03ae5b6a865651747e2e152090f99c1d19d44e01aea5a4


    WebSocket wss://


Use the REST endpoint values as your EOS_BASE_URL

You can also define these values as environment variables.

If the dfuse API is upgraded to another version, say v1, it is easier to switch to that with minimal changes. You only edit your .env file to match the changes.

JWT Caching

Short-time lived JWT Tokens are persisted on a local sqlite3 database, and are usable for upto 22 hours.


An example Django + DRF example is on

API Documentation:

This API can currently retrieve the following data from

GET /v0/block_id/by_time/by_time?time=2019-03-04T10:36:14.5Z&comparator=gte

  • Description - Fetches the block ID, time and block number for the given timestamp, using the time and comparator parameters.

  • Types

    • time - datetime
    • comparator - string
  • Optional parameters:

    • None
  • This returns a BlockTimeStampType

  • You can access all the fields in the response by getting the data key, as shown in the following example.

>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> import datetime
>>> obj = eosio.get_block_at_timestamp(, comparator='gte')
>>> obj

<dfuse.eosio.types.BlockTimeStampType at 0x7fcfc746abb0>


            'id': '095227fa85998bfefb6c474be42d8d6f1e890f152c7047570b8ababa73c12783',
            'num': 156379130,
            'time': '2020-12-07T10:37:15.5Z'

GET /v0/transactions/:id

  • Description

    Fetches the transaction lifecycle associated with the provided path parameter :id.

  • Types

    • id - string
  • Optional parameters:

    • None
>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> obj = eosio.get_transaction_lifecycle(id='1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253')

>>> obj

   <dfuse.eosio.types.TransactionLifecycle at 0x7fcfc747c3d0>


        'transaction_status': 'executed',
        'id': '1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253',
        'transaction': {'expiration': '2019-04-16T14:36:11',
        'ref_block_num': 65222,
        'ref_block_prefix': 943310534,
        'max_net_usage_words': 0,
        'max_cpu_usage_ms': 0,
        'delay_sec': 0,
        'context_free_actions': [],
        'actions': [{
            'account': 'maouehmaoueh',
            'name': 'cfainline',
            'authorization': [{'actor': 'maouehmaoueh', 'permission': 'active'}],
            'hex_data': '03313233'}],
        'transaction_extensions': [],
        'signatures': ['SIG_K1_Jyv32XzrAGQepnk7p3YwXbRyNcp6Cztt8peR41GjfJ5hjDhjNfyf4ViubcShaDGd1BB9NEKGRrGjsQadzvwKrp7Wkjx9kh'],
        'context_free_data': []},
        'execution_trace': {'id': '1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253',
        'block_num': 53280461,
        'block_time': '2019-04-16T14:35:41.5',
        'producer_block_id': '032cfecd63f2e42da2fb5b7f632acadbe5153756db615c5d28bbc99f9bd0976d',
        'receipt': {'status': 'executed',
        'cpu_usage_us': 1191,
        'net_usage_words': 12},
        'elapsed': 71934,
        'net_usage': 96,
        'scheduled': False,
        'action_traces': [{'receipt': {'receiver': 'maouehmaoueh',
            'act_digest': '5a2ffd1d0376049b5fcaa7d5f122723973c8fea40de9aba059bc439b4f77fd5e',
            'global_sequence': '6249291689',
            'auth_sequence': [['maouehmaoueh', 13]],
            'recv_sequence': 5,
            'code_sequence': 2,
            'abi_sequence': 1},
            'act': {'account': 'maouehmaoueh',
            'name': 'cfainline',
            'authorization': [{'actor': 'maouehmaoueh', 'permission': 'active'}],
            'data': {'data': '123'},
            'hex_data': '03313233'},
            'context_free': False,
            'elapsed': 71857,
            'console': '',
            'trx_id': '1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253',
            'block_num': 53280461,
            'block_time': '2019-04-16T14:35:41.5',
            'producer_block_id': '032cfecd63f2e42da2fb5b7f632acadbe5153756db615c5d28bbc99f9bd0976d',
            'account_ram_deltas': None,
            'except': None,
            'inline_traces': [{'receipt': {'receiver': 'dfuseiohooks',
            'act_digest': '469d68d4e68c0adc6fd302ca60b4d27256400965b90baf7a5736c9e0ed0b3d0f',
            'global_sequence': '6249291690',
            'auth_sequence': [],
            'recv_sequence': 2,
            'code_sequence': 0,
            'abi_sequence': 1},
            'act': {'account': 'dfuseiohooks',
            'name': 'event',
            'data': {'data': 'testing=123', 'key': ''},
            'hex_data': '000b74657374696e673d313233'},
            'context_free': True,
            'elapsed': 11,
            'console': '',
            'trx_id': '1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253',
            'block_num': 53280461,
            'block_time': '2019-04-16T14:35:41.5',
            'producer_block_id': '032cfecd63f2e42da2fb5b7f632acadbe5153756db615c5d28bbc99f9bd0976d',
            'account_ram_deltas': None,
            'except': None,
            'inline_traces': None}]}],
        'failed_dtrx_trace': None,
        'except': None},
        'execution_block_header': {'timestamp': '2019-04-16T14:35:41.5',
        'producer': 'bitfinexeos1',
        'confirmed': 0,
        'previous': '032cfeccf3b57dd793d3ff831adb381225fa7c2b4a998a3c16502c2774581e36',
        'transaction_mroot': 'a4317c9ce3c3925fac8bda2463a06d5b5876b37ea4b0b2af36bb42d028910a66',
        'action_mroot': '16187708fc3827f31d2fbe8ecf6c1877e2b5f0050e63f025edd01eeff4dec82f',
        'schedule_version': 773,
        'new_producers': None,
        'header_extensions': []},
        'dtrxops': None,
        'creation_tree': [],
        'dbops': None,
        'ramops': None,
        'tableops': None,
        'pub_keys': ['EOS8b3K9r6mLDykeL7GzGJCFt9Z5SRSHSXFT77yHz8e3z7en1tFwG'],
        'created_by': None,
        'canceled_by': None,
        'execution_irreversible': True,
        'creation_irreversible': True,
        'cancelation_irreversible': False

 >>> obj.transaction_status


GET /v0/state/abi?account={account}&json={true/false}&block_num=int

  • Description

    Fetch the ABI for a given contract account, at any block_num height. The block_num parameter determines for which block you want the given ABI. This can be anywhere in the chain’s history.

    If the requested block_num is irreversible, you will get an immutable ABI. If the ABI has changed while still in a reversible chain, you will get this new ABI, but it is not guaranteed to be the view that will pass irreversibility. Inspect the returned block_num parameter of the response to understand from which longest chain the returned ABI is from.

    The returned ABI is the one that was active at the block_num requested

  • Types

    • account - string (required)
    • json - bool (optional, defaults to False)
    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)
  • Optional parameters:

    • json
    • block_num
>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> obj = eosio.fetch_abi(account='arbarotokenn', block_num=57202657)

>>> obj

    <dfuse.eosio.types.ABIType at 0x7f54dc041828>


    {'block_num': 57202658,
    'account': 'arbarotokenn',
    'abi': {'version': 'eosio::abi/1.1',
    'structs': [{'name': 'account',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'balance', 'type': 'asset'},
        {'name': 'lastclaim', 'type': 'asset'}]},
    {'name': 'claim',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'owner', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'tokensym', 'type': 'symbol'}]},
    {'name': 'close',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'owner', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'symbol', 'type': 'symbol'}]},
    {'name': 'create',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'issuer', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'maximum_supply', 'type': 'asset'}]},
    {'name': 'currency_stats',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'supply', 'type': 'asset'},
        {'name': 'max_supply', 'type': 'asset'},
        {'name': 'issuer', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'totaldividends', 'type': 'asset'}]},
    {'name': 'issue',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'to', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'quantity', 'type': 'asset'},
        {'name': 'memo', 'type': 'string'}]},
    {'name': 'open',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'owner', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'symbol', 'type': 'symbol'},
        {'name': 'ram_payer', 'type': 'name'}]},
    {'name': 'retire',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'quantity', 'type': 'asset'},
        {'name': 'memo', 'type': 'string'}]},
    {'name': 'transfer',
        'base': '',
        'fields': [{'name': 'from', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'to', 'type': 'name'},
        {'name': 'quantity', 'type': 'asset'},
        {'name': 'memo', 'type': 'string'}]}],
    'actions': [{'name': 'claim', 'type': 'claim', 'ricardian_contract': ''},
    {'name': 'close', 'type': 'close', 'ricardian_contract': ''},
    {'name': 'create', 'type': 'create', 'ricardian_contract': ''},
    {'name': 'issue', 'type': 'issue', 'ricardian_contract': ''},
    {'name': 'open', 'type': 'open', 'ricardian_contract': ''},
    {'name': 'retire', 'type': 'retire', 'ricardian_contract': ''},
    {'name': 'transfer', 'type': 'transfer', 'ricardian_contract': ''}],
    'tables': [{'name': 'accounts', 'index_type': 'i64', 'type': 'account'},
    {'name': 'stat', 'index_type': 'i64', 'type': 'currency_stats'}]}}

POST /v0/state/abi/bin_to_json

  • Description

    Decodes binary rows (in hexadecimal string) for a given table against the ABI of a given contract account, at any block height.

    The returned ABI is the one that was active at the block_num requested.

    The block_num parameter determines for which block you want to decode rows against. This can be anywhere in the chain’s history.

    If the requested block_num is irreversible, decoding will be performed against an immutable ABI. If the ABI has changed while still in a reversible chain, decoding will be performed against this new ABI, but it is not guaranteed to be the view that will pass irreversibility. Inspect the returned block_num parameter of the response to understand from which longest chain the returned ABI is from.

  • Types

    • account - string (required)
    • table - The name-encoded table name you want to retrieve (contract dependent)
    • hex_rows - An array of hexadecimal rows to decode. Each row must be a valid hexadecimal string representation of the row to decode against the ABI.
    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)
  • Optional parameters:

    • block_num
>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> obj = eosio.bin_to_json(account='eosio.token', table='accounts',  hex_rows=["aa2c0b010000000004454f5300000000"], block_num=2600000)

>>> obj

    <dfuse.eosio.types.Bin2JSONType at 0x7f54c4763908>


        'block_num': 181,
        'account': 'eosio.token',
        'table': 'accounts',
        'rows': [
                'balance': '1750.9546 EOS'

>>> obj.account


>>> obj.block_num


GET /v0/state/key_accounts

  • Description

    Fetches the accounts controlled by the given public key, at any block height.

    NOTE: this endpoint is a drop-in replacement for the /v1/history/get_key_accounts API endpoint from standard nodeos. Simply tweak the URL, and add the Bearer token.

    The block_num parameter determines for which block height you want a list of accounts associated to the given public key. This can be anywhere in the chain’s history.

    If the requested block_num is irreversible, you will get an immutable list of accounts. Otherwise, there are chances that the returned value moves as the chain reorganizes.

  • Types

    • public_key - The public key to fetch controlled accounts for. string (required)

    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)

  • Optional parameters:

    • block_num
>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> obj = eosio.get_key_accounts(public_key='EOS744heXNxjLamUjLxaLpn6gREh3CVf5VvFESq9sG969VmcNYyq6')

>>> obj

    <dfuse.eosio.types.KeyAccountsType at 0x7f54c7169be0>


    {'block_num': 76752386, 'account_names': ['greenunicorn']}

>>> obj.block_num


>>> obj.account_names


GET /v0/state/permission_links

  • Description

    Fetches snapshots of any account’s linked authorizations on the blockchain, at any block height.

    The block_num parameter determines for which block you want a linked authorizations snapshot. This can be anywhere in the chain’s history.

    If the requested block_num is irreversible, you will get an immutable snapshot. If the block_num is still in a reversible chain, you will get a full consistent snapshot, but it is not guaranteed to be the view that will pass irreversibility. Inspect the returned up_to_block_id parameter to understand from which longest chain the returned value is a snapshot of.

  • Types

    • account - string (required)

    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)

  • Optional parameters:

    • block_num
>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> obj = eosio.get_permission_links(account='eoscanadacom', block_num=25000000)  

>>> obj

   <dfuse.eosio.types.PermissionLinkType at 0x7f54c7501c50>


    {'last_irreversible_block_id': '04931d68265c1fba52f772e031e67d2f16d898ed0ee0c60384db163345e7d0f1',
    'last_irreversible_block_num': 76750184,
    'linked_permissions': [{'contract': 'eosforumdapp',
    'action': 'post',
    'permission_name': 'day2day'},
    {'contract': 'eosforumdapp',
    'action': 'status',
    'permission_name': 'day2day'},
    {'contract': 'eosforumdapp',
    'action': 'unpost',
    'permission_name': 'day2day'},
    {'contract': 'eosio',
    'action': 'claimrewards',
    'permission_name': 'claimer'},
    {'contract': 'eosio', 'action': 'regproducer', 'permission_name': 'day2day'},
    {'contract': 'eosio', 'action': 'unregprod', 'permission_name': 'day2day'},
    {'contract': 'theblacklist',
    'action': 'sethash',
    'permission_name': 'blacklistops'}]}

>>> obj.last_irreversible_block_id


>>> obj.last_irreversible_block_num 


  • Description

    Fetches the state of any table, at any block height.

    The block_num parameter determines for which block you want a table snapshot. This can be anywhere in the chain’s history.

    If the requested block_num is irreversible, you will get an immutable snapshot. If the block_num is still in a reversible chain, you will get a full consistent snapshot, but it is not guaranteed to pass irreversibility. Inspect the returned up_to_block_id parameter to understand from which longest chain the returned value is a snapshot of.

  • Types

    • account - string (required)

    • scope - The name-encoded scope of the table you are requesting. (required)

    • table - table name you want to retrieve (required)

    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)

    • json - boolean (optional, defaults to false)

    • key_type - How to represent the row keys in the returned table. string (optional, defaults to name)

    • Valid key_types:

      • name (default) for EOS name-encoded base32 representation of the row key
      • hex for hexadecimal encoding, ex: abcdef1234567890
      • hex_be for big endian hexadecimal encoding, ex: 9078563412efcdab
      • uint64 for string encoded uint64
  • Optional parameters:

    • block_num
    • json
    • key_type
>>> from dfuse import Eosio
>>> eosio = Eosio()
>>> obj = eosio.get_table(account='eosio.token', scope='greenunicorn', table='accounts', block_num=74000000) 

>>> obj

    <dfuse.eosio.types.StateType at 0x7f54c711f908>


    {'last_irreversible_block_id': '04932bcb8edd41317814654da379057d6a2f880aaf2e095a602b997eedc5c143',
        'last_irreversible_block_num': 76753867,
        'rows': [{'key': '........ehbo5',
        'payer': 'greenunicorn',
        'json': {'balance': '0.7585 EOS'}}

>>> obj.obj.last_irreversible_block_id


GET /v0/state/tables/accounts

  • Description

    Fetches the state of any table, at any block height.

    The block_num parameter determines for which block you want a table snapshot. This can be anywhere in the chain’s history.

    If the requested block_num is irreversible, you will get an immutable snapshot. If the block_num is still in a reversible chain, you will get a full consistent snapshot, but it is not guaranteed to pass irreversibility. Inspect the returned up_to_block_id parameter to understand from which longest chain the returned value is a snapshot of.

  • Types

  • account - string (required), separated by |

    • scope - The name-encoded scope of the table you are requesting. (required)

    • table - table name you want to retrieve (required)

    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)

    • json - boolean (optional, defaults to false)

>>> from dfuse import Eosio

>>> eosio = Eosio()

>>> obj = df.get_table_accounts(accounts="eosadddddddd|tokenbyeocat|ethsidechain|epraofficial|alibabapoole|hirevibeshvt|oo1122334455|irespotokens|publytoken11|parslseed123|trybenetwork|zkstokensr4u", scope="b1", table="accounts", block_num=45000000, json="true")

>>> obj

    <dfuse.eosio.types.MultiStateType at 0x7fe61111d820>


      {'last_irreversible_block_id': '',
        'last_irreversible_block_num': 0,
        'tables': [{'account': 'tokenbyeocat', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'irespotokens', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'parslseed123', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'trybenetwork', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'ethsidechain',
        'scope': 'b1',
        'rows': [{'key': '......2cel2o5',
            'payer': 'eos1kissgirl',
            'json': {'balance': '2000.0001 EETH'}}]},
        {'account': 'oo1122334455',
        'scope': 'b1',
   'rows': [{'key': '......2ndxc4d',
     'payer': 'guztemzzgyge',
     'json': {'balance': '4550.0000 IPOS'}}]},
     'tables': [{'account': 'tokenbyeocat', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'irespotokens', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'parslseed123', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'trybenetwork', 'scope': 'b1', 'rows': []},
        {'account': 'ethsidechain',
        'scope': 'b1',
        'rows': [{'key': '......2cel2o5',
            'payer': 'eos1kissgirl',
            'json': {'balance': '2000.0001 EETH'}}]},
        {'account': 'oo1122334455',
        'scope': 'b1',
        'rows': [{'key': '......2ndxc4d',
            'payer': 'guztemzzgyge',
            'json': {'balance': '4550.0000 IPOS'}}]},

GET /v0/state/tables/scopes: Fetching snapshots of any table on the blockchain, at any block height, for a list of scopes for a given account (contract).

  • Description

    Fetches all rows for a table in a given contract for a group of scopes, at any block heigh

    Most parameters are similar to the /v0/state/table request, except for the scopes parameter, which accepts a list of name-encoded scopes separated by the pipe character (|).

    The output format is slightly different too.

  • Types

    • account - string (required)

    • scope - The name-encoded scope of the table you are requesting. (required)

    • table - table name you want to retrieve (required)

    • block_num - int (Optional - defaults to head block num)

    • json - boolean (optional, defaults to false)

    • key_type - How to represent the row keys in the returned table. string (optional, defaults to name)

    • Valid key_types:

      • name (default) for EOS name-encoded base32 representation of the row key
      • hex for hexadecimal encoding, ex: abcdef1234567890
      • hex_be for big endian hexadecimal encoding, ex: 9078563412efcdab
      • uint64 for string encoded uint64
    • with_block_num - Optional, Boolean. Defaults to false | Will return one block_num with each row. Represents the block at which that row was last changed.

    • with_abi - Boolean Defaults to false | Return the ABI in effect at block block_num.

  • Optional parameters:

    • block_num
    • json
    • key_type
    • with_block_num
    • with_abi
  • GET /v0/search/transactions: Structure Query Engine (SQE), for searching the whole blockchain history and get fast and precise results.

  • POST /v1/chain/push_transaction: Drop-in replacement for submitting a transaction to the network, but can optionally block the request until the transaction is either in a block or in an irreversible block.

  • Other /v1/chain/: Reverse-proxy of all standard chain requests to a well-connected node.



Buy me a coffee?

If you feel like buying me a coffee::

EOS : greenunicorn