The goal is to evaluate GWT with jquerymobile for writing mobile applications that can be deployed as a native application.
This module contains the jquerymobile verison of the app styled with themeroller. The HTML is than ported on the GWT module.
See it here
GWT/PhoneGap module. Run with:
mvn gwt:run
Compile with:
mvn install
Result on target/
Using GWT 2.4, PhoneGap 1.4.1 and gwt-phonegap ( PhoneGap and gwt-phonegap must be aligned.
NOTE: it contains the iOS version of phonegap-xyz.js!
I'm also using which is not available on any maven repository. I've installed it on my local repo as:
Unzip Mobile-gwt/target/ into App/App/www
NOTE: use the iOS version of phonegap-xyz.js.
Unzip Mobile-gwt/target/ into assets/www
NOTE: use the Android version of phonegap-xyz.js.
NOTE: Still an old sample, not even updated to phonegap