An enhanced visual diagnostic display for Neovim, inspired by the Error Lens extension for Visual Studio Code.
- Visually supportive diagnostic messages
- Telescope Extension sorting by severity
- Customizable colors and appearance
- Auto-adjust colors based on the theme color
- Easy setup with all package managers
- Togglable
- Heavily inspired by the Error Lens plugin for Visual Studio Code
- Telescope Extension
- Togglable hints
- Auto adjust colors based on theme
- Custom colors
- Neovim >= 0.5
- Properly configured Neovim LSP client
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
use {
requires = {'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'}
require("error-lens").setup(client, {
-- your options go here
event = "BufRead",
dependencies = {
opts = {
-- your options go here
error-lens.nvim comes with the following default options:
-- this setting tries to auto adjust the colors
-- based on the diagnostic-highlight groups and your
-- theme background color with a color blender
enabled = true,
auto_adjust = {
enable = false,
fallback_bg_color = nil, -- mandatory if enable true (e.g. #281478)
step = 7, -- inc: colors should be brighter/darker
total = 30 -- steps of blender
prefix = 4, -- distance code <-> diagnostic message
-- default colors
colors = {
error_fg = "#FF6363", -- diagnostic font color
error_bg = "#4B252C", -- diagnostic line color
warn_fg = "#FA973A",
warn_bg = "#403733",
info_fg = "#5B38E8",
info_bg = "#281478",
hint_fg = "#25E64B",
hint_bg = "#147828"
After installing and configuring the plugin, it will automatically enhance the diagnostic display in Neovim.
To call the Telescope Error Lens :ErrorLensTelescope
To disable/toggle the plugin temporarily, use :ErrorLensToggle
If you're switching from VSCode and are used to the beloved OneDarkPro Theme, you can use its equivalent for Neovim: olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim.
The default colors are set up for this theme, and i've tried my best to match the colors (despite the lack of opacity in nvim).
I recently switched from VsCode to Neovim and really missed that plugin. Therefore i tried to code it myself. I am not really familiar with Lua, so if you find any bugs please raise an issue. PRs and improvements or ideas are also welcome.
This plugin is heavily inspired by the Error Lens extension for Visual Studio Code.