Releases: chern/Twit4Java
Releases · chern/Twit4Java
Twit4Java 1.2
Twit4Java 1.2
This version brings the following enhancements:
- An enhanced Profile view that now displays that user's tweets
- User tweet on-click popup menu with retweet and favorite functionality
- Redesigned retweet button
- Various minor design improvements (spacing, borders)
UI Enhancements
Twit4Java 1.1
This release contains the following improvements:
- Left alignment of tweets in Timeline view for better readability
- Longer tweets now flow onto a second line rather than getting cut off
- The Retweet and Favorite buttons now have a hover effect
- Location of the Retweet and Favorite buttons are now more consistent
- Spacing in Profile view is now more efficient
Twit4Java 1.0!
Twit4Java 1.0
- Compose Tweet
- Timeline (the latest 5 tweets in your Timeline)
- Profile view (click on a username or account photo in Timeline view)
- Twitter4J library