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Anime App

An application that consumes the Anime Api to display anime information and Anime Search to search for anime

#Building Your Application No special requirement is needed to run your application


  • Built on A.S Hedgehog
  • JDK 17

Design/Architectural decisions 📐

The project makes use of common Android patterns in modern Android codebases.

Project Structure The Project has 5 main modules with the following names and libraries used

  1. Presentation Contains All the UI logic; Screens, ViewModel, Theme, etc.

  2. Domain Contains Repository Interface and Domain Models

  3. Data Contains Repository Implementation and Data Models as well as mappers from Data Sources to Data and Data to Domain

  4. LocalDataSource Contains logic to fetch current user location and cache as well as entities for the database

  5. RemoteDataSource Contains logic to make network calls

Technologies 🔨

The Application is fully written in : Kotlin

  • For testing I used the following libraries
  • Tools and General setup
  • Workflows


Add MVVM diagram

  • For the Presentation Layer I used MVVM for the different screens I have a Screen, Screen State and Screen ViewModel

Add Clean architecture diagram

  • I used clean architecture to Separate the different layers of the application as outlined above


An Anime App






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