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                               README File of openSNP Data Processing Perl Scripts (Version - 01) and Algorithm
                                            First Drafted on July 11, 2019, Last Updated on July 18, 2019

These scripts were developned by Dr. Jeff Chen at the Center for Public Health Genomics at the University of Virginia School of Medicine
for data processing of the opneSNP public available datasets for genetic associaiton study.

openSNP Website: for dataset downloading.

The downloadable dataset (July 2, 2019)) contains the following basic information: 

     1. File name:, file size: 29.8 G, total file no.: 4708, download date:July 2, 2019 

     2. 23andme company has 3668 files,  among it,  52 are 23andme-exome-vcf.txt files

     3. Ancestry company has 593 files

     4. decodeme company has 5 binary files

     5. IYG,  Inside Your Genome Project at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute 
        has 9 binary files

     6. genes-for-good in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan 
        has 9 binary files

     7. Family Tree DNA Test (ftdna-illumina) by Gene by Gene company 
        has 419 files

The objective for this data processing is to get all workable 23andme SNP genotype data files for PLINK and KING analysis for genetic asscoiation study.

The data processing direcory: /m/CPHG/KING/xc3m/

This tar file contains 5 Perl scripts to process the openSNP dataset.

(1)                      ### For checking the data

(2)               ### Get good *.bed, *.bim, *.fam files

(3)                   ### Covert the 23andme txt SNP genotype files to PLINK binary files using PLINK 1.9 version

(4)		       ### Remove bad zero-sized *.bed, *.bim and *.fam files to clean up  the data and QC for next steps for data processing                 

(5)                  ### Make the concatenated BIG final pulled *.bed files using PLINK 1.9



(1) The whole computational time is about 4 hours, with some manual data and Unix file system/direcory manipulations

(2) The workspace and data processing directories need to be changed in the scripts when folks use different computational plateforms. 

(3) Launch the merge file script, due to the large computation, it could break the computational pipe often in the middle of over 
    3 - 4  hours computational time.

    Thus, please launch as ===>./ & > terminal_output &, then exit the terminal, and launch a new terminal to check 
    the computational process via ===> tail -f terminal_output.

    Running the script in the background, and check the "Done_Merge" and "Merge_File" directories" often to see the progress.

(4) If script stops running in the middle, just reset the running environment and re-start with the biggest and lastest successful run of merge_files of 
    merge(No.).bed, merge(No.).bim, merge(No.).fam, It needs to rename the files as 23andme1.bed, 23andme.bim, and 23andme.fam to relaunch the computational 
    process to complete the merge effort.


The working directories are as follows:

(1) 23andme_file  			# Originial genotype downloaded data files

(2) 23andme_CVF_file 			# CVF file, which are not used in this analysis

(3) 23andme_Run                         # Originial direcotory to run plink 1.9 to convert 23andme files to binary files (*.bed, *.bin, *.fam)

(4) 23andme_ZeroSizeFile                # Storage and bookkeep the zero size binary files produced by plink 1.9

(5) Good_Make_Bed_File                  # Good binary files for merge operation

(6) Merge_File                          # For plinK merge run

(7) Failed_Merge_Run			# Bookkeeping for failed runs and relaunch the merge computation

(8) missnp_file  			# Store of unsuccessful plink merge files --  *.missnp

(9) Done_Merge				# Bookkeeping directory for sucessful merge runs

(10) Final_Merged_File			# Final merged files -- the files are for KING and PLINK further analysis


Summary of the Intermediate data processing:

(1) ./plink -23file $file $file -out $file, produced 3616 *.bed, 3616 *.bim, 3304 *.fam files, 
    among the files, 294 *.bed and 277 *.bim files are empty zerosized files. 

(2) During "merge operation" (./plink -bfile $first_file -bmerge $second_file -make-bed -out $merged_file ), 
    plink produce 898 *-merge.missnp and 898 *-merge.fam files. 


Scripts for openSNP Data Processing






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