The purpose of this app is to demonstrate the three types of Authentication that Indivo supports, and how to use a standard OAuth library to communicate with Indivo. We provide a Python Client and iOS Framework for app development, but as this app demonstrates, those are only for convenience.
Rails 3.2+
Ruby 1.8.7+
Install dependencies with Bundler
bundle install
Create and migrate the database. This app uses SQLite3 since this is purely for demonstration purposes
rake db:create rake db:migrate
Run the application on localhost port 8001
rails server -p8001
After the app is running, visit our Indivo Sandbox (you will need to sign up for an account), enable “Your Web App” from the “App Settings” page, and then click on “Your Web App” on the right hand side. This will call out to your running app on localhost:8001 and begin the demo.
Visit our main site for more information on Indivo, and check out our developer community