At Chattermill we do a lot of cool things with text. One of them is aspect analysis, where we extract mentioned attributes of a product from customer comments (for example speed of delivery for a courier service). This is typically a hard problem to solve. That's where you come in.
- We would like you to use your favourite classification algorithm to predict the aspects from the given feedback data.
- We then also would like to see this model served in a local inference server.
The emphasis is on overall code quality rather than fine-tuning of the algorithm for superior accuracy.
There are 2 comma-separated datasets of customer reviews, train.csv
and test.csv
. Each comment in
has some multilabel ground-truth combination of aspects, while test.csv
provides no ground-truth labels.
- Create an inference server with an endpoint to serve inference requests to the model.
- You may use a framework of your choice such as FastAPI or Flask.
- You may provide a docker file to run the inference server, or otherwise provide clear instructions for running it.
We expect your code to train a classification algorithm on train.csv
that infers on test.csv
and exports its
aspect predictions to a file called test_answers.csv
. Everything else is for you to decide. You might want to add
some exploratory data analysis or visualisations.
Please submit your solution (including the completed test_answers.csv
file) as a zip file using the Greenhouse link
provided by our talent team.
Add a file explaining your process. It can be in a format of a short blog post, report or a tutorial. Any cool insight you find along the way, or cool tool you use will be a bonus. The file should contain full instructions on what we need to do to rerun your code.
- You should be able to complete the project within a few hours, not days.
- Feel free to work in whatever language / framework you are most comfortable in, but we prefer Python for ML tasks.
- Feel free to use any machine learning library like Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch
- You are free to use word vectors or pre-trained models to complete this task if you wish, however please consider your memory consumption and training times (anything that takes over an hour to train on a GPU is going to be too long)
- Please focus on making the code clear and modular, rather than on the complexity of the solution. Accuracy level itself will not be a success factor as much as our understanding of what you are doing and why. Provide your solution as if it were a research task.
- You may use Jupyter notebooks to code and present your solution if you prefer
- Clear, readable code
- Good naming of methods
- Being able to concisely explain what you have done and why certain decisions have been made
- If something isn't clear, feel free to submit an issue to this repo or drop us an email at [email protected]