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Configuration files for quickly setting up a new environment

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Set of configuration files for quickly setting up a new Mac OS X environment, along with essential applications.

Installing Applications

Download iTerm2 and follow the typical installation procedure for a DMG file.

General Configuration

There's a couple configuration parameters to set, or make sure are set, for the best experience. Go to ⌘, → Profiles → Terminal and check the following:

  • Under Report Terminal Type make sure xterm-256color is selected.
  • Under Environment make sure ☑︎ Set locale variables automatically is set.

Download Solarized themes, these contain a set of presets for iTerm2.

Then we want to load the Solarized Dark/Light themes into iTerm2. Start by doing the following series of commands: ⌘, → Profiles → Colors → Load Presents...

Navigate to where you downloaded the solarized themes and look for the iterm2-colors-solarized folder and the two themes and hit enter.

Finally, select the Solarized Light theme from Load Presets....

Checkout the Powerline Fonts from GitHub:

git clone

This project only uses the Anonymous Pro and Source Code Pro fonts, so to install those manually is fairly straight-forward. Open the repo in Finder and navigate to the AnonymousPro folder. Then open Font Book and drag-and-drop the *.ttf files onto Font Book. Repeat this for the *.ttf files in the SourceCodePro folder.

Now set the font for usage in iTerm2: ⌘, → Profiles → Text. For both Regular Font and Non-ASCII Font choose Change Font and choose either Anonymous Pro for Powerline or Source Code Pro for Powerline.

Finally, I find the these two options when configured as shown to provide the best experience. Feel free to experiment to find what works best for you. These are also found on the Text under Profiles.

☑︎ Draw bold text in bold font
☐ Draw bold text in bright colors

Install Homebrew by pasting the following in a terminal prompt:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Next install the following packages, zsh, tmux, vim, powerline, ctags and reattach-to-user-namespace with the following command:

brew install zsh tmux vim powerline ctags reattach-to-user-namespace

If using Ruby

Always recommended to install a Ruby version manager. There's 3 options:

  • chruby + ruby-install - brew install chruby ruby-install
  • rbenv + ruby-build - brew install rbenv ruby-build
  • rvm - brew install rvm

If using Elixir

Need to install elixir:

  • elixir - brew install elixir

Install by pasting the following in terminal prompt:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Next, symlink the customized agnoster theme provided in this repo to the .oh-my-zsh themes directory:

ln -s /path/to/this/repo/agnoster-light.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/

Next, symlink the .zshrc file from this repo to the home directory:

ln -s /path/to/this/repo/.zshrc ~/

Note: If you prefer solarized dark, then you do not need to symlink the customized theme above. You will also need to modify the .zshrc file's ZSH_THEME back to just agnoster from agnoster-light on line 9.

tmux - WIP


source {repository_root}/powerline/bindings/tmux/powerline.conf set laststatus=2

For zsh on OS X may have issues with some plugins so move the following:

sudo mv /etc/zshenv

Vim - WIP


Below is the relevant lines, already present, in .vimrc to enable Powerline support:

python from powerline.vim import setup as powerline_setup
python powerline_setup()
python del powerline_setup

set laststatus=2 " Always display the statusline in all windows
set noshowmode " Hide the default mode text



  • o open file under cursor or open/close directory
  • i open file in new horizontal split
  • s open file in new vertical split
  • t open file in a new tab
  • p go to parent directory
  • r refresh directory
  • m open NERDTree menu


Configuration files for quickly setting up a new environment






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