A RESTful API designed using Django to get details about a user from a coding profile. It is implemented here.
Optional parameter -> format=json
for viewing a complete JSON format.
- codechef -> For CodeChef data
- gfg -> For GeeksForGeeks data
- leetcode -> For LeetCode data
- hackerrank -> For HackerRank data
Replace <PLATFORM> with any of the above.
Replace <USERNAME> with your user handle for the respective platforms.
Returns JSON of the following format. Depends on platform.
- CodeChef
{ "username": "charitra1022", "platform": "codechef", "stars": 1, "rating": 1289, "status": "200" }
- GeeksForGeeks
{ "username": "charitra1022", "platform": "gfg", "problems": 29, "status": "200" }
- LeetCode
{ "username": "charitra1022", "platform": "leetcode", "problems": 45, "status": "200" }
- HackerRank
Returns data of all badges you've earned
{ "username": "charitra1022", "platform": "hackerrank", "badges":[ "Problem Solving": { "stars": 2, "icon": <SVG BADGE>, }, ] "status": "200" }
This API is implemented on my portfolio site. See here.