Please refer to the implementation spec for technical details, and the original post for a high-level view.
We welcome contributions to this project. Please join our Telegram group to discuss.
You should have Node 12 installed. Use
to install it.
You also need a Ubuntu/Debian Linux machine on an Intel CPU.
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgmp-dev libsodium-dev git nlohmann-json3-dev nasm g++
Clone this repository, install NodeJS dependencies, and build the source code:
git clone [email protected]:appliedzkp/maci.git && \
cd maci && \
npm i && \
npm run bootstrap && \
npm run build
For development purposes, you can generate the proving and verifying keys for the zk-SNARK circuits, along with their Solidity verifier contracts as such.
Install Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Also install zkutil
v0.3.2 and ensure that
the zkutil
binary is in the ~/.cargo/bin/
directory. You can configure the
path to this binary via maci-config
(see config/test.yaml
for an example).
cargo install zkutil --version 0.3.2 &&
zkutil --help
Build the zk-SNARKs and generate their proving and verifying keys:
cd circuits
npm run buildBatchUpdateStateTreeSnark
npm run buildQuadVoteTallySnark
This should take no more than 5 minutes. We used to provide download links to
working versions of the keys and compiiled circuit files, but now that we can
use snarkjs
to produce them very quickly, we no longer maintain them.
Note that if you change the circuits and recompile them, you should also update
and recompile the verifier contracts in contracts/sol
with their new
versions, or the tests will fail:
cd contracts
npm run compileSol
You can use the MACI command-line interface to run a demo. See:
This repository is organised as Lerna submodules. Each submodule contains its own unit tests.
: project-wide configuration files. Includes config files for both testing and production.crypto
: low-level cryptographic operations.circuits
: zk-SNARK circuits.contracts
: Solidity contracts and deployment code.domainobjs
: Classes which represent high-level domain objects particular to this project.core
: Business logic functions for message processing, vote tallying, and circuit input generation throughMaciState
, a state machine abstraction.cli
: A command-line interface with which one can deploy and interact with an instance of MACI.integrationTests
: Integration tests which use the command-line interface to perform end-to-end tests.
The following submodules contain unit tests: core
, crypto
, circuits
, and domainobjs
Except for the contracts
submodule, run unit tests as such (the following
example is for crypto
cd crypto
npm run test
For contracts
and integrationTests
, run the tests one by one. This prevents
incorrect nonce errors.
First, start a Ganache instance in a separate terminal:
cd contracts
npm run ganache
In another terminal, run any of the tests found in contracts/ts/__tests__/
via pattern matching, e.g.:
cd contracts
npx jest IncrementalMerkleTree
would run IncrementalMerkleTree.test.ts
N.B. npx jest Tree
would run that and IncrementalQuinTree.test.ts
in parallel, causing incorrect nonce errors.
Alternatively you can run all unit tests as follows, but you should stop your Ganache instance first as this will start its own instance before running the tests:
cd contracts
Or run all integration tests (this also starts its own Ganache instance):
cd integrationTests
You can ignore the Ganache errors which this script emits as you should already
have Ganache running in a separate terminal. Otherwise, you will have to exit
Ganache using the kill