A network file transfer utility inspired by bbcp with a focus on cross-platform support, a high level of configurability, security, efficiency, and of course speed.
IoSpecs define local or remote files with connection details for ssh. If you have used scp, you will be familiar with the syntax.
- [user@][host:{port:}]file
- If no user is set for a remote host, the current user is used
- If no port is provided, port 22 is used
A variety of ciphers are supported. Using at least CHACHA8 is recommended as the performance impact is minimal.
- AES128
- AES192
- AES256
At least three ports are required for cccp's use, not including SSH. The first two ports are TCP sockets used for control. Any remaining ports (at least one) are used for data transfer on UDP.
cccp can install itself on a remote host as long as that host supports SSH & SFTP.
- The installation location should be in PATH. Alternatively, pass the absolute path to the
transfer argument /usr/bin/cccp
is a good choice on Linux and BSD/usr/local/bin/cccp
is a good choice on macOS- On Windows you could install to
but this is not recommended
Usage: cccp[.exe] install [OPTIONS] <DESTINATION>
<DESTINATION> IoSpec for the remote host & install location
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Log level [debug, info, warn, error] [default: warn]
-c, --custom-binary <CUSTOM_BINARY> Use a custom binary instead of downloading from Github
-o, --overwrite Overwrite an existing file without prompting
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Usage: cccp[.exe] [OPTIONS] <SOURCE> <DESTINATION>
<SOURCE> Source IoSpec (InSpec)
<DESTINATION> Destination IoSpec (OutSpec)
-s, --start-port <START_PORT> First port to use [default: 50000]
-e, --end-port <END_PORT> Last port to use [default: 50009]
-t, --threads <THREADS> Parallel data streams [default: 8]
-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Log level [debug, info, warn, error] [default: warn]
-r, --rate <RATE> Data send rate [b, kb, mb, gb, tb] [default: 1mb]
-m, --max <MAX> Maximum concurrent transfers [default: 100]
-c, --control-crypto <CONTROL_CRYPTO> Encrypt the control stream [default: AES256]
-S, --stream-crypto <STREAM_CRYPTO> Encrypt the data stream [default: CHACHA20]
-T, --receive-timeout <RECEIVE_TIMEOUT> Receive timeout in MS [default: 5000]
-j, --job-limit <JOB_LIMIT> Limit for concurrent jobs [default: 1000]
-i, --requeue-interval <REQUEUE_INTERVAL> Requeue interval in MS [default: 1000]
-M, --max-retries <MAX_RETRIES> Maximum number of send/receive retries [default: 10]
-E, --command <COMMAND> Command to execute cccp [default: cccp]
-p, --progress-interval <PROGRESS_INTERVAL> How often to print progress in MS [default: 1000]
-v, --verify Verify integrity of transfers using blake3
-o, --overwrite Overwrite existing files
-R, --recursive Include subdirectories recursively
-f, --force Do not check destination's available storage
-d, --directory Forces the destination to be a directory
-L, --log-file <LOG_FILE> Log to a file (default: stderr / local only)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- Add tests
- Optimize dependency tree
- Add further precompiled targets
- Add chained ciphers
- Add a command to check for updates