a simple PlantsVsZombies game. It's just for learning and noncommercial use. If this game infringes the copyright, please let me know.
- implement plants: sunflower, peashooter, wallnut, snowpeashooter, cherrybomb, threepeashooter, chomper, puffshroom, potatomine, spikeweed, scaredyshroom, squash, scaredyshroom, jalapeno, sunShroom, iceShroom.
- implement zombies: zombie, flagzombie, coneheadzombie, bucketheadzombie, newspaperzombie.
- use json file to store level data (e.g.position and time of zombies, background info)
- support to select plant cards at the beginning of the level
- support night level
- Python 3.7
- Notice: python version 3.7 is advisable, but not required. For LINUX: if your Linux system has a preinstalled python 3+, it's ok to run this game. Updating to python 3.7 directly may break LINUX Mint.
- Python-Pygame 1.9
$ python main.py
- use mouse to collect sun, select the plant cards and seed the plant