The repository contains open sourced themes developed by Factly to generate modern websites using Dega CMS as a data source. Themes are developed using GatsbyJS and are free of cost to use.
We at Factly are making developing quality websites easier with Dega Themes and Dega CMS.
To run example site
yarn workspace [sitename] start
ex -
yarn workspace factly-english start
mkdir project-name && cd project-name
yarn init -y -p
create a file in root directory gatsby-config.js and add below code
const siteMetadata = {
title: "Site title"
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: '@factly/gatsby-theme-factly',
options: {
client: 'factly',
metaData: siteMetadata
yarn add gatsby react '@factly/gatsby-theme-factlyreact-dom
gatsby develop
gatsby build