- ESP8266 mqtt node
- mqtt broker : mosquitto
- db : influxdb
- web : grafana, node-red
- collect : mqtt2graphite
- alert : mqttwarn
- control : slack + rtmbot
- CURRENT : Arduino 1.6.8 with git version of https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
- https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient
- https://github.com/milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library
- https://github.com/chaeplin/PietteTech_DHT-8266
- https://github.com/bogde/HX711
- https://github.com/Makuna/Rtc
- LiquidCrystal_I2C.h
- https://github.com/openenergymonitor/EmonLib
- https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson
- https://github.com/MajenkoLibraries/Average
- https://github.com/Yveaux/arduino_vcc
- https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time
- https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote
- https://github.com/JChristensen/Timer
name | esp | arduino | desc |
_01-door-alarm | esp-12 | pro mini | alarm door status using mqtt. first one to learn esp, didn't know how to wake up esp using external intterupt. replaced with _06-power_meter. check _15-esp8266-dash-deepsleep-reset and _48-door-alarm-deepsleep for latest |
_02-mqtt-sw-temperature | esp-12 | control lamp, pub temp, pub radio data. nrf24l01P | |
_03-hx711-scale | esp-12 | pro mini | pub measured weight of pet. hx711, 4 * body scale load cell |
_04-lcd-dust | esp-01 | nano | display mqtt msg, pub temp/hum, dust, control ir |
_05-two-ds18b20 | esp-12 | pub temp. ds18b20. to check deepsleep and life of 2 * AA battery | |
_06-power_meter | esp-12 | pub power usage, door status. using CT sensor and ADC ---> replaced by _49-emontxv2-esp-01-i2c | |
_07-ac-ir-remote-timer | pro mini | ||
_08_hc-sr04 | hc-sr04 test | ||
_09_ir_tx_rx | nano | to control tv using ir | |
_10-syslog | esp | udp/syslog example | |
_11-mqtt-lwt-test | esp | mqtt lwy test | |
_12-wifiscan | esp | wifi scan test | |
_13-mfrc522-esp8266 | esp | rfid mfrc522 test | |
_14-mqtt-reconnect-with-reset | esp | ||
_15-esp8266-dash-deepsleep-reset | esp | to coltrol lamp. dash like button | |
_16-mqtt-pub-100ms-50ms | esp | pub test | |
_17-two-esp-one-pub-50ms-one-sub-pub-50ms | esp | pub test | |
_18-adc-test-using-sdk-1.5 | esp | adc test | |
_19-wifi-test-using-sdk-1.5 | esp | wifi test | |
_20-esp8266-dash-deepsleep-test | esp | test of _15-esp8266-dash-deepsleep-reset | |
_21-sntp | esp | sntp test | |
_22-CheckFlashConfig | esp | CheckFlashConfig | |
_23-attiny85-ir | tiny85 | ir tx test | |
_24-attiny85-wdt-sleep | tiny85 | sleep test | |
_25-attiny85-nrf24-ds18b20 | tiny85 | temp sensor | |
_26-attiny85-nrf24-pin-change-int | tiny85 | pc int test | |
_27-attiny85-two-85-boost | tiny85 | distance test | |
_28-attiny85-nrf24-3pin-ir | tiny85 | distance using ir. checking toilet paper roll | |
_29-attiny85-nrf24-5pin-pin-change-int | tiny85 | check door bell | |
_30-attiny85-nrf24-5pin-pin-change-int | tiny85 | check door bell. last one | |
_31-esp-12-gps-ntpd | esp | gps + ntpd test | |
_32-esp-12-BasicOTA | esp | ota test | |
_33-esp-12-WiFiClientSecure-mqtt-ssl | esp | mqtt tlsv1.1 with ip | |
_34-esp-12-WiFiClientSecure-mqtt-ssl-using-dns | esp | mqtt tlsv1.1 with name | |
_35-esp-12-wpa2-enterprise | esp | wpa2-enterprise | |
_36-esp-rtc-mem-test | esp | rtc mem test | |
_37-wifi-off-modem-sleep | esp | modem off test | |
_38-wifi-off-light-sleep | esp | light sleep test | |
_39_esp12-random-test | esp | random number gen | |
_40_esp12-random-test-udp-report | esp | random number gen | |
_41-promini-nrf24-ads1115 | pro mini | i2c adc ads1115 | |
_42-promini-nrf24-32byte | pro mini | nrf24 32byte test | |
_43-PietteTech_DHT-8266 | esp | interrup driven dht22 test | |
_44-esp-atmega328p-spi | esp | atmega328p | spi multi byte test |
_45-esp-atmega328p-i2c | esp | atmega328p | i2c multi byte test |
_46-esp-atmega328p-spi-i2c | esp | atmega328p | spi and i2c multi byte test |
_47-esp-dht22-2AA-deepsleep-test | esp | dht22 test | |
_48-door-alarm-deepsleep | esp | ||
_49-emontxv2-esp-01-i2c | esp-01 | atmega328p | emontx v2 plus esp-01 and ds1307. test |
_50-promini-nrf24-getntp | pro mini | nrf24 ntp test | |
_51-attiny85-nrf24-lcd-getntp | tiny85 | tiny85 spi and i2c mixing | |
_52-attiny85-hx711-nrf24-deprecated | tiny85 | nrf24 / hx711 / gy-521 test, flash is small | |
_53-esp-01-i2c-lcd | esp-01 | i2c lcd test | |
_54-atmega328p-nrf24-gy-521-hx711 | atmega328p | second version of sacle for pet | |
_55-tiny85-dtr-control-esp8266 | tiny85 | auto reset on Xbee programmer | |
_56-gopro-control | esp-01 | 4M flash version, to upload gopro picture to twitter | |
_57-tiny85-cds-pir | tiny85 | to turn off light which has touch sensor | |
_58-esp8266-tyny85-dash-button | esp-01 | tiny85 | second version of dash button |
_59-esp8266-tyny85-i2c8x8-dash-button | esp-01 | tiny85 | 3rd version of dash button |
_60-tiny85-pin-int | tiny85 | PinChangeInterrupt lib test | |
_61-mma-8452-promini | pro mini | mma-8452 test |
- esp-12 + nrf24l01p
- power(5v + 3.3V), fuse(10A + 73°C thermal), 1CH relay, SW(top + lamp), PIR, DS18B20(out)
- on/off lamp using mqtt, pub temp outside/pir
- esp-12 +(i2c) pro mini
- hx711, load cell, tilt sw
- pub measured weight of pet
- esp-01 +(i2c) nano
- lcd(i2c), rtc(i2c), level convertor, Sharp dust sensor, IR sned/recv, dht22
- display clock, temp/humidity(mqtt sub), dust
- control LG_AC using Apple remote
- esp-12
- CT sensor, line tracker
- pub power usage
- esp-12
- dash like button
- to control lamp sw
- attiny 85 + nrf24l01p
- optical isolator
- for door bell
- _30-attiny85-nrf24-5pin-pin-change-int is last one using gammon's wdt
- attiny 85 + nrf24l01p
- two ds18b20
- to check temp
- attiny 85 + nrf24l01p
- ir send and receiver
- to check roll
- pro mini(3.3V) + nrf24l01p + µCurrent GOLD
- to report current measure