Note: ViPR is an EMC product, trademarked, copyrighted, etc.
If you are using the ECS (Elastic Cloud Storage) product it is recommended that you use ECSMinion to communicate with the Management APIs.
Using this library is pretty straight forward. ViperPy can be installed from PyPi:
$ pip install viperpy
Creating an instance of the ViperPy class requires the following arguments:
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
username |
No | None | The username used to fetch the ViPR token |
password |
No | None | The password used to fetch the ViPR token |
token |
No | None | Pass a token to ViperPy (username/password are ignored then) |
vipr_endpoint |
Yes | None | The ViPR API endpoint, ex: |
token_endpoint |
Yes | None | The ViPR API endpoint, ex: |
verify_ssl |
No | False | Whether to check a host's SSL certificate |
token_filename |
No | ViperPy.tkn |
The filename of the temporary token |
token_location |
No | /tmp |
The location to store the temporary token file |
request_timeout |
No | 15.0 | Stop waiting for a response after a given number of seconds, this is a decimal value. Ex: 10.0 is ten seconds |
cache_token |
No | True | Whether to cache the token, by default this is true you should only switch this to false when you want to directly fetch a token for a user |
Here is an example that goes through most of the API calls. Please note
that some calls take longer to complete than others. Sometimes you may
need to set your request_timeout
to 60.0
from viperpy import Viperpy, ViperpyException from viperpy.util.common import get_formatted_time_string try: client = Viperpy(username='someone', password='password', token_endpoint='', vipr_endpoint='', request_timeout=15.0) print(client.user_info.whoami()) print(client.user_info.get_tenant(username=None)) audit_time_bucket = get_formatted_time_string(2014, 12, 4, 0, None) print(client.audit.get_audit_log(audit_time_bucket)) print(client.fabric_capacity.get_capacity()) print(client.disk.get_disks(maximum=-3, index=1)) single_disk_info = client.disk.get_disk_by_urn( urn='urn:fabric:disk:00b0b99b-a395-4179-8838-f121b99061fb') print(single_disk_info) single_disk_capacity_info = client.disk.get_disk_capacity( urn='urn:fabric:disk:00b0b99b-a395-4179-8838-f121b99061fb') print(single_disk_capacity_info) print( print(client.node.get_nodes(maximum=-5, index=0)) print( print(client.bucket.get_buckets('namespace1')) print(client.bucket.get_bucket_retention('bucket1')) print(client.object_data_control_capacity.get_capacity()) print(client.namespace.get_namespaces()) print(client.namespace.get_namespace_info('namespace1')) print(client.user_management.get_objectusers()) print(client.user_management.get_objectusers('namespace1')) print(client.user_management.lock_objectuser('myuser1', is_locked=True, namespace='namespace1')) print(client.user_management.get_objectuser_info('myuser1')) print(client.user_management.lock_objectuser('myuser1', is_locked=False, namespace='namespace1')) print(client.user_management.get_objectuser_info('myuser1')) print(client.user_secret_key.get_user_secret_keys(uid='user1@test')) print(client.configuration.get_config_properties()) print(client.health_monitor.get_stats()) health_info = client.health_monitor.get_health(0) print(health_info) health_info = client.health_monitor.get_stats( node_id=['urn:fabric:node:0fedcf91-5086-11e3-a7f8-001e6769f9a1:', 'urn:fabric:node:14115e71-4fbe-11e3-b044-001e6769e808:']) print(health_info) print(client.health_monitor.get_diagnostics(node_id='nilea01-r05-05')) print(client.health_monitor.get_storage_stats()) print(client.upgrade.get_target_version()) print(client.upgrade.get_cluster_state(True)) print(client.upgrade.get_download_progress()) tenants_list = client.tenants.get_tenants_bulk() for tenant_id in tenants_list: tenant_info = client.tenants.get_tenant(tenant_id) print(tenant_info) print(tenant_info['name']) try: subtenant = client.tenants.get_subtenants(tenant_id) if subtenant: print(subtenant) except: pass # Beta Billing API: print(client.billing.get_bucket_billing_info('namespace1', 'bucket1')) except ViperpyException as viperpy_ex: print('Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.message)) print('Status Code Returned: {0}\n'.format(viperpy_ex.http_status_code)) print('ViPR API Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.vipr_message)) except Exception as ex: print(ex.message)
You pass an authentication token directly to ViperPy which means you don't need to supply a username/password. Here is an example (the token has been shortened):
client = Viperpy(token='DLAcbGZtbjh6eVB3eUF1TzFEZWNmc0M2VVl2QjBVPQM', token_endpoint='', vipr_endpoint='', request_timeout=15.0)
from viperpy import Viperpy, ViperpyException if __name__ == "__main__": try: client = Viperpy(username='someone', password='password', token=None, token_endpoint='', vipr_endpoint='', request_timeout=15.0) print(client.user_management.add_objectuser(user='mytest1', namespace='namespace1')) print(client.user_management.get_objectusers()) # This next line won't print anything useful as the body is empty # If an HTTP 200 is not returned an error with raise, otherwise you can # assume that the call was successful client.user_management.deactivate_objectuser(user='mytest1') print(client.user_management.get_objectusers()) except ViperpyException as viperpy_ex: print('Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.message)) print('Status Code Returned: {0}\n'.format(viperpy_ex.http_status_code)) print('ViPR API Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.vipr_message)) except Exception as ex: print(ex.message)
Fetching a token for a user can be done as follows by setting the
parameter to false and then calling get_token
from viperpy import Viperpy, ViperpyException if __name__ == "__main__": try: client = Viperpy(username='someone', password='password', token=None, token_endpoint='', vipr_endpoint='', request_timeout=15.0, cache_token=False) print(client.get_token()) except ViperpyException as viperpy_ex: print('Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.message)) print('Status Code Returned: {0}\n'.format(viperpy_ex.http_status_code)) print('ViPR API Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.vipr_message)) except Exception as ex: print(ex.message)
from viperpy import Viperpy, ViperpyException if __name__ == "__main__": try: client = Viperpy(username='someone', password='password', token=None, token_endpoint='', vipr_endpoint='', request_timeout=15.0, cache_token=False) print(client.remove_cached_token()) except ViperpyException as viperpy_ex: print('Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.message)) print('Status Code Returned: {0}\n'.format(viperpy_ex.http_status_code)) print('ViPR API Message: {0}'.format(viperpy_ex.vipr_message)) except Exception as ex: print(ex.message)
Support has been added for the ViPR 2.1.1 (beta) release of the new Billing and Soft Quota APIs.
There are some example JSON comments in the source code that are over the allowed PEP8 length. You can ignore those by running:
$ pep8 --ignore=E501 .
This software library is released to you under the EMC Freeware Software License Agreement. See LICENSE for more information.