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Multidimensional Superpixel Segmentation

Extensions of well known superpixel algorithms for mineral thin sections

This repository contains the implementations of the superpixel segmentation algorithms ERS [2], SLIC [3,4], ETPS [5] and ERGC [6,7] as well as their extensions for multidimensional input images. The adaptations were originally designed to find superpixel segmenentation for cross polarized images of mineral thin-sections taken by a petrographic microscope. Instead of a traditional single image input we are given a plain light image as well as multiple cross polarized images with varying angles. This repository aims to provide a tool useful in annotating large amounts of data to create a usable data set for more advanced algorithms and deep learning approaches.

The multi-dimensional version of SLIC was is introduced in [17] [doi] and a detailed explanation as well as a comparison to other superpixel segmentation algorithms can be found there. The extensions of ERS, ETPS and ERGC follow the same idea but were only part of a prior master thesis, therefore, apart from the respective papers of the base algorithms, no further information is publicly available. It is possible to provide the master thesis upon request.

Please cite the following work if you use the provided implementations:

[17] J. Yu, F. Wellmann, S.Virgo, M. von Domarus, M. Jiang, J. Schmatz, B. Leibe.
    Superpixel segmentations for thin sections: Evaluation of methods to enable the generation of machine learning training data sets.
    Computers & Geosciences, 2022.

Special Mention

A special thanks and mention goes to David Stutz. This repository is using tools and extending his Superpixel Benchmark [1], a large-scale comparison of state-of-the-art superpixel algorithms. Much of the code consist of modification to his framework or the respective algorithms. The paper can be found on ArXiv and the source code on GitHub. For any more information on the benchmark please visit his Project Page.

[1] D. Stutz, A. Hermans, B. Leibe.
    Superpixels: An Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art.
    Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2018.


Building the components is done using CMake and all of them are based on the lib_eval component which holds the benchmark as well as tools.


A C++ compiler supporting C++11 is assumed to be available. It was tested with gcc >= 4.8.4. Building has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04.

All algorithms depend on the tools in lib_eval. Requirements are:

Additionally, the algorithms built by default depend on:

Note that the required CMake modules, e.g. for finding GLog, can be found in cmake in case these need to be adapted.

CMake, OpenCV and Boost can be installed as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-dev-all libopencv-dev

OpenCV can alternatively be installed following these instructions. Currently, OpenCV 2.4.11 is supported, in general 2.4.x should work fine. For upgrading to OpenCV 3.0 and OpenCV 3.1, it might be necessary to update constants (e.g. as used for color conversion). Some implementations are known to work with OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 3.1.

GLog 0.3.3 should be installed manually. GLog should be downloaded or cloned from google/glog. If the repository is cloned, make sure to checkout version 0.3.3. Then:

$ cd glog-0.3.3/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

For further instructions see the issue tracker at google/glog.

Note that GLog can alternatively be installed using

$ sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev

However, cmake/FindGlog.cmake needs to be adapted and some parts might not working with newer versions.

For installing PNG and PNG++:

sudo apt-get install libpng-dev # should already be installed for OpenCV
sudo apt-get install libpng++-dev

As reference, these are the library versions as installed on Ubuntu 14.04 (checked using dpkg -l) where OpenCV and GLog where installed manually:

||/ Name                Version        Architecture  
ii  gcc                 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2 amd64
ii  cmake               3.16.3-1ubuntu1  amd64
ii  libboost-dev  amd64
ii  libpng12-dev        1.2.50-1ubuntu1  amd64
ii  libpng++-dev        0.2.10-1         all

Building Options

After verifying that the requirements are met:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake -LAH

This will list all available CMake options. These options include:

  • -DBUILD_ERS: build ERS (On)
  • -DBUILD_ETPS: build ETPS (On)
  • -DBUILD_SLIC: build SLIC (On)
  • -DBUILD_ERGC: build ERGC (Off)

Prerequisites for ERGC

CImg and LAPACK is required:

sudo apt-get install cimg-dev cimg-doc cimg-examples

For reference, the following version was installed on Ubuntu 20.04:

||/ Name                Version        Architecture
ii  cimg-dev            2.4.5+dfsg-1    all


Algorithms in C++

All command line tools for algorithms in C++ have the following options in common:

$ ../bin/ers_cli --help
Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]                   produce help message
  -i [ --input ] arg              folder containing the images to process
  # Algorithm specific options ...
  -d [ --dimensions ] arg         number of subimages, 1 for traditional superpixel algorithm ,  > 1 for the multi-dimensional version
  -o [ --csv ] arg                save segmentation as CSV file
  -v [ --vis ] arg                visualize contours
  -x [ --prefix ] arg             output file prefix
  -w [ --wordy ]                  verbose/wordy/debug

--input is additionally a positional option. The algorithm specific options can be displayed using the --help options. For details on the specific options, the reader is referred to the corresponding publication(s).

The --csv option will output the superpixel segmentations as .csv files in the provided directory, which is created if it does not exist. The naming follows the naming of the images found in the directory specified by --input. Similarly, --vis outputs visualizations in the provided directory, which is also created if it does not exist.

--prefix can be used to specify a prefix, then the output files (CSV files and visualizations) are prefixed with the given string. --wordy will cause the tool to provide more detailed output while running (i.e. be verbose).

--dimensions is used to signal the number of standard 2D images form one multi dimensional input. A value of 1 would execute the traditional superpixel algorithm, while a higher value would execute the multi-dimensional extension of the algorithm. In our work with mineral thin section the dimensionality was 11, one unpolarized image and 10 cross polarized images with varying degrees of polarization.


$ build
$ cmake ..
$ make
# ERGC (built by default)
$ ../bin/ergc_cli --input ../examples/ --superpixels 1200 --color-space 1 --perturb-seeds 0 --compacity 0 --dimensions 1 -o ../output/ergc -w
# ETPS (built by default)
../bin/etps_cli --input ../examples/ --superpixels 1200 --regularization-weight 0.01 --length-weight 0.1 --size-weight 1 --iterations 25 --dimensions 1 -o ../output/etps -w

Utilities in C++

As part of the superpixel benchmark of [1] that we build upon, several tools for evaluation are provided. All of them are prefixed by eval_ and only depend on lib_eval.


eval_parameter_optimization demonstrates the parameter optimization procedure used in [1].

For parameter optimization, the command line tools for all algorithms provide the parameters -i and -o for input and output. Having a close look at eval_parameter_optimization_cli/main.cpp shows that the parameters for the different algorithms are hard-coded.

$ ../bin/eval_parameter_optimization_cli --help
Allowed options:
   --img-directory arg                   image directory
   --gt-directory arg                    ground truth directory
   --base-directory arg                  base directory
   --algorithm arg                       algorithm to optimize: ers, 
   --dimensions arg          	      image dimensions, 1 corresponds to traditional algorithm with one image ,  > 1 to the multi-dim version
   --depth-directory arg                 depth directory
   --intrinsics-directory arg            intrinsics directory
   --not-fair                            do not use fair parameters
   --help                                produce help message


eval_summary_cli bundles all evaluation metrics. Given a directory containing superpixel segmentations as .csv files and directories with the corresponding images (as .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .tiff) and ground truth segmentations (also as .csv files), summarizes the performance of the superpixel segmentations. The provided options are:

$ ../bin/eval_summary_cli --help
Allowed options:
  --sp-directory arg    superpixel segmentation directory
  --img-directory arg   image directory
  --gt-directory arg    ground truth directory
  --append-file arg     append file
  --vis                 visualize results
  --help                produce help message


An overview of the original algorithms that were extended to multidimensional input images can be found below. More details can be found in the respective paper or in the original README found in the respective library directory. Also check the corresponding web pages for author and license information. The corresponding references are given below the table.

Algorithm Library Executable Implementation Reference Link
ERS lib_ers ers_cli C++ [2] Web
SLIC lib_slic slic_cli C++ [3,4] Web
ETPS lib_etps etps_cli C++ [5] Web
ERGC lib_ergc ergc_cli C++ [6,7] Web
[2] M. Y. Lui, O. Tuzel, S. Ramalingam, R. Chellappa.
     Entropy rate superpixel segmentation.
     IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011, pp. 2097–2104.
[3] R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, S. Susstrunk.
     SLIC superpixels.
     Tech. rep., Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (2010).
[4] R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, S. Susstrunk.
     SLIC superpixels compared to state-of-the-art superpixel methods.
     IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (11) (2012) 2274–2281.
[5] J. Yao, M. Boben, S. Fidler, R. Urtasun.
     Real-time coarse-to-fine topologically preserving segmentation.
     IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015, pp. 2947–2955.
[6 P. Buyssens, I. Gardin, S. Ruan.
     Eikonal based region growing for superpixels generation: Application to semi-supervised real time organ segmentation in CT images.
     Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering 35 (1) (2014) 20–26.
[7] P. Buyssens, M. Toutain, A. Elmoataz, O. Lézoray.
     Eikonal-based vertices growing and iterative seeding for efficient graph-based segmentation.
     International Conference on Image Processing, 2014, pp. 4368–4372

Evaluation Metrics

This project includes serveral metrics from different references focussing on different aspects of superpixel segmentations. The implementations of these metrics were originally provided alongside the paper [1] and were only marginally modified where necessary. Detailed equations can be found there or in their Doxygen Documentation.

Boundary Recall

Boundary Recall is introduced in [8] and quantifies the fraction of boundary pixels correctly captured by a superpixel segmentation. Higher Boundary Recall describes better adherence to image boundaries.

[8] D. Martin, C. Fowlkes, J. Malik.
    Learning to detect natural image boundaries using local brightness, color, and texture cues.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26 (5) (2004) 530–549.

Undersegmentation Error

Undersegmentation Error was first introduced in [9] and quantifies the leakage of superpixels across ground truth segments. However, the original formulation penalizes large superpixels (see [9, 10]) covering multiple ground truth segments which may be misleading. Therefore, the formulation of [11] is used.

[9] A. Levinshtein, A. Stere, K. N. Kutulakos, D. J. Fleet, S. J. Dickinson, K. Siddiqi.
    TurboPixels: Fast superpixels using geometric flows.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (12) (2009) 2290–2297.
[10] R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, S. Susstrunk.
    SLIC superpixels compared to state-of-the-art superpixel methods.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (11) (2012) 2274–2281.
[11] P. Neubert, P. Protzel. 
    Superpixel benchmark and comparison.
    Forum Bildverarbeitung, 2012.

Achievable Segmentation Accuracy

Achievable Segmentation Accuracy [12] quantifies the segmentation performance achievable when using superpixels instead of pixels. To this end, each superpixel is assigned to the ground truth segment with highest overlap. The number of pixels correctly classified this way is used to compute Achievable Segmentation Accuracy.

[12] M. Y. Lui, O. Tuzel, S. Ramalingam, R. Chellappa.
    Entropy rate superpixel segmentation.
    IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011, pp. 2097–2104.

Explained Variation

Explained Variation [13] computes the variance within each superpixels, weights it by the size of the superpixel and normalizes the sum by the total image variance. This way, Explained Variation quantifies the fraction of variance within the image that is captured (i.e. "explained") by the superpixel segmentation.

[13] A. P. Moore, S. J. D. Prince, J. Warrell, U. Mohammed, G. Jones.
    Superpixel lattices.
    IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008, pp. 1–8.


Compactness [14] compares the area of each superpixel with the area of a circle with the same perimeter.

[14] A. Schick, M. Fischer, R. Stiefelhagen.
    Measuring and evaluating the compactness of superpixels.
    International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2012, pp. 930–934.

Note: The implementation in lib_eval/evaluation.h uses a simple estimate of the perimeter of superpixels. Therefore, results may not be comparable to those in [14].

Intra-Cluster Variation

Intra-Cluster Variation [15] computes the average standard deviation of the superpixels. However, this is not done in relation to the overall image variation.

[15] W. Benesova, M. Kottman.
    Fast superpixel segmentation using morphological processing.
    Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, 2014.

Mean Distance to Edge

Mean Distance to Edge [15] averages the distance of each boundary pixel in the ground truth segmentation to the nearest boundary pixel in the superpixel segmentation. Assuming the distances to encode the binary relationship of true positives or false negatives, Mean Distance to Edge resembles Boundary Recall.

[15] W. Benesova, M. Kottman.
    Fast superpixel segmentation using morphological processing.
    Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, 2014.

Contour Density

Contour Density [16] quantifies the fraction of pixels that are boundary pixels in the superpixel segmentation

[16] V. Machairas, M. Faessel, D. Cardenas-Pena, T. Chabardes, T. Walter, E. Decenciere.
    Transactions on Image Processing 24 (11) (2015) 3707–3716.


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  • C++ 95.5%
  • CMake 3.3%
  • C 1.2%