local system monitoring dashboard for linux
- collects and graphs basic operating system stats
- stores data in RRD (round-robin database)
- generates .png images of plots/stats
- run this script at regular intervals with a task/job scheduler
- requires: python 2.x, rrdtool, linux 2.6+
configure the script settings:
- NET_INTERFACE: network device namde
- DISK: storage device name
- INTERVAL: collection interval in secs (how often the script is run)
- GRAPH_MINS: timespans for graph/png files
- GRAPH_DIR: output directory for png images
- perhaps under '/var/www/'
- make sure directory is writable
- STORAGE_DIR: output directory for rrd database files
- make sure directory is writable
make the script executable:
$ chmod +x stats2rrd.py
add an entry to your crontab (crontab -e) so cron will run it.
example crontab entry using a 60 sec (1 min) interval:
*/1 * * * * /home/corey/linux-stats-dashboard/stats2rrd.py
- cpu_percent: processor utilization
- mem_used: physical memory usage
- net_bps_in: network throughput (bps in)
- net_bps_out: network throughput (bps out)
- load_avg: system load average (1 min)
- disk_busy_percent: disk busy doing i/o
- linux 2.6+
- python 2.x
- rrdtool
- This is Free Open Source Software.
- OSI Approved :: MIT License