Tifffile is a Python library to
- store NumPy arrays in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and
- read image and metadata from TIFF-like files used in bioimaging.
Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, SGI, NIHImage, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS, BIF, ZIF (Zoomable Image File Format), QPTIFF (QPI), NDPI, and GeoTIFF files.
Image data can be read as NumPy arrays or Zarr arrays/groups from strips, tiles, pages (IFDs), SubIFDs, higher order series, and pyramidal levels.
Image data can be written to TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, and ImageJ hyperstack compatible files in multi-page, volumetric, pyramidal, memory-mappable, tiled, predicted, or compressed form.
Tifffile can also be used to inspect TIFF structures, read image data from multi-dimensional file sequences, write fsspec ReferenceFileSystem for TIFF files and image file sequences, patch TIFF tag values, and parse many proprietary metadata formats.