v0.2.2 Royal Dutch Shell
Here's a small flurry of work integrating eth-gas-reporter with some exciting new Ethereum tools:
Buidler Plugin
We're now publishing a Buidler plugin for the gas reporter. Buidler is a really flexible, well-designed Ethereum development platform which lets you hook into any part of the build/test process and customize it as necessary. It's pro - well worth checking out .
Thanks to NomicLabs engineer @alcuadrado for all his advice and help with this.
Codechecks CI
MakerDao engineer @krzkaczor has built a cool service that helps analytics tools store and retrieve results in CI between PRs. TLDR; you can now use the reporter get something like coveralls for gas and see the gas usage changes for pull requests relative to their target branch. It looks like this in the Github UI (plus a detailed diff):
Codechecks is free for open source and currently available for CircleCI. Travis support is in the works. Here's a set-up guide for the reporter (it's easy).
- Options have been added to make it simpler to use the reporter with any development platform. See the new advanced use section of the docs if you're building with something other than Truffle or Buidler.
- Are you using a proxy contract for upgradeability and not seeing the gas data you expect? There's help for that problem here