Super fast, platform independent, standalone component for mocking GRPC services using WireMock.NET stubbing engine
Pattern | Implementation status |
request-reply | âś… |
server-streaming | âś… |
client-streaming | âś… |
duplex-streaming | âś… |
GRPC-Mock-Server works in the following way:
- compile provided
files - generate proxy for every service and method defined in the
files - use the generated proxy to translate GRPC calls to REST and forward it to
participant Tests
participant TestedApp as Tested App
box GRPC-Mock-Server
participant Frontend as Fronted [GRPC to HTTP proxy]
participant Backend as Backend [WireMock]
Tests->> Backend : Prepare mapping
Tests->> TestedApp: call
activate TestedApp
TestedApp->>Frontend: Call GRPC service
activate Frontend
Frontend ->> Frontend: Translate GRPC to HTTP
Frontend ->> Backend: Forward HTTP request to WireMock
activate Backend
Backend -->> Frontend: Respond with matched HTP request
deactivate Backend
Frontend ->> Frontend: Translate HTTP to GRPC
Frontend -->> TestedApp : Return GRPC response
deactivate Frontend
deactivate TestedApp
docker run -it -p 5033:5033 -p 9095:9095 -v $(pwd)/protos:/protos cezarypiatek/grpc-mock-server
- 5033 for GRPC
- 9095 for Stubbing (WireMock API)
uses Testcontainers for .NET to spin docker container directly from the C# code. This options requires docker service running locally.
await using var connector = new TestContainerGrpcMockServerConnector(protoDirectory: "protos", grpcPort:5033);
await connector.Install();
uses SmoothSailing to deploy GRPC-Mock-Server into Kubernetes cluster directly from the C# code. This option requires Helm
and kubectl
to be installed on the host machine.
state "K8s Installation" as g1
state "Pod startup" as g2
state "Runtime" as g3
state "Converts proto files to ConfigMap" as s1
state "Installs Helm Chart with GRPC-Mock-Server" as s2
state "Mounts ConfigMap with protos as storage to pod" as s22
state "Compiles proto files" as s3
state "Generates GRPC-To-HTTP proxy" as s4
state "Compiles generated code" as s5
state "Starts host app with GRPC-To-HTTP proxy and WireMock" as s6
state "Handles GRPC calls" as s7
state "Handles WireMock calls" as s8
direction LR
g1 --> g2
g2 --> g3
state g1
direction TB
s1 --> s2
s2 --> s22
state g2 {
direction TB
s3 --> s4
s4 --> s5
s5 --> s6
state g3{
direction TB
var settings = new TestChartGrpcMockServerConnectorSettings
ProtoDirectory = "protos",
GrpcPort = 8889,
ExposeStubbingPortOnLocalhost = true
await using var connector = new TestChartGrpcMockServerConnector(settings);
var connectionInfo = await connector.Install();
All C# components required for Option 2
and Option 3
are provided by GrpcTestKit nuget package .
dotnet add package GrpcTestKit
- Add the following nuget package references
<PackageReference Include="Grpc.AspNetCore" Version="2.53.0" />
<PackageReference Include="WireMock.Net" Version="1.5.25" />
<PackageReference Include="GrpcTestKit" Version="1.18.0" />
- Include your proto files
<Protobuf Include="protos\**\*.proto" ProtoRoot="protos" GrpcServices="Server" />
- Define partial class for your mock server
public partial class MyInMemoryGrpcMockServer
- Use geneated mock server type
await using var mockServer = new MyInMemoryGrpcMockServer(grpcPort: 5033, wireMockPort: 9096);
var connectionInfo = await mockServer.Install();
- Add the following nuget package references
<PackageReference Include="Grpc.AspNetCore" Version="2.53.0" />
<PackageReference Include="WireMock.Net" Version="1.5.25" />
<PackageReference Include="GrpcTestKit" Version="1.18.0" />
- Define partial class for your mock server
public partial class MyInMemoryGrpcMockServer
- Use geneated mock server type
await using var mockServer = new MyInMemoryGrpcMockServer(grpcPort: 5033, wireMockPort: 9096);
var connectionInfo = await mockServer.Install();
await using var connector = new TestContainerGrpcMockServerConnector( protoDirectory: "protos", grpcPort:5033);
await connector.Install();
var grpcMockClient = connector.CreateClient();
await grpcMockClient.MockRequestReply
serviceName: "my.package.Sample",
methodName: "TestRequestReply",
request: new { name = "Hello 1" },
response: new { message = "Hi there 1" }
await grpcMockClient.MockRequestReply
serviceName: "my.package.Sample",
methodName: "TestRequestReply",
request: new { name = "Hello 2" },
response: new { message = "Hi there 2" }
await grpcMockClient.MockServerStreaming
serviceName: "my.package.Sample",
methodName: "TestServerStreaming",
request: new { name = "Hello streaming" },
response: new[]
new {message = "Hi there 1"},
new {message = "Hi there 2"},
new {message = "Hi there 3"}
await grpcMockClient.MockClientStreaming
serviceName: "my.package.Sample",
methodName: "TestServerStreaming",
requests: new []
new { name = "Hello streaming 1" },
new { name = "Hello streaming 2" }
response: new { message = "Hi there streaming client" }
await grpcMockClient.MockDuplexStreaming
serviceName: "my.package.Sample",
methodName: "TestClientServerStreaming",
scenario: new MessageExchange[]
new ()
Requests = new[]
new {name = "Ping 1a"},
new {name = "Ping 1b"}
Responses = new[]
new {message = "Pong 1"}
new ()
Requests = new[]
new {name = "Ping 2"},
Responses = new[]
new {message = "Pong 2a"},
new {message = "Pong 2b"}
You can also generate stub helpers that will simplify your code responsible for preparing mocks/stubs.
public partial class SampleMockHelper
Now you can prepare your mocks as follows:
await using var connector = new InMemoryGrpcMockServerConnector(grpcPort:5033, wireMockPort: 9594);
_ = await connector.Install();
var grpcMockClient = connector.CreateClient();
var mockHelper = new SampleMockHelper(grpcMockClient);
_ = await mockHelper.MockTestRequestReply
request: new HelloRequest {Name = "Hello 1"},
response: new HelloReply {Message = "Hi there 1"}
_ = await mockHelper.MockTestServerStreaming
request: new HelloRequest {Name = "Hello streaming"},
response: new[]
new HelloReply {Message = "Hi there 1"},
new HelloReply {Message = "Hi there 2"},
new HelloReply {Message = "Hi there 2"},
_ = await mockHelper.MockTestClientStreaming
request: new []
new HelloRequest {Name = "Hello streaming 1"},
new HelloRequest {Name = "Hello streaming 2"},
response: new HelloReply
Message = "Hi there streaming client"
_ = await mockHelper.MockTestClientServerStreaming(new MessageExchange<HelloRequest, HelloReply>[]
Requests = new HelloRequest[]
new() {Name = "Ping 1a"},
new() {Name = "Ping 1b"}
Responses = new HelloReply[]
new() {Message = "Pong 1"}
Requests = new HelloRequest[]
new() {Name = "Ping 2"},
Responses = new HelloReply[]
new() {Message = "Pong 2a"},
new() {Message = "Pong 2b"}
- Implement error response codes
- Stub generator
- Publish source generator as nuget package to allow for hosting GRPC-Mock-Server in-process
- Implement library that wraps WireMock API for stubbing
- Implement test container