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Boss Validator


The simplest library to validate data or forms.


<form id="contact">
  <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="Your full name" />
  <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Valid emails adress" />
  <input type="number" name="age" placeholder="Your age" />
  <textarea name="message" placeholder="Your message"></textarea>


  var form = document.querySelector('#contact');

  var rules = {
    fullname: {
      required: true,
      minlength: 2,
      maxlength: 60
    email: {
      required: true,
      email: true
    age: {
      bigger_equal: 18,
      number: true
    message: {
      required: true,
      minlength: 5,
      maxlength: 2000

  form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {

      .validate(form, rules)
      .then(() => {
        console.log('Form is valid!');
      .catch(errors => {
        console.log('Oops..! Form is invalid, please review it.');




npm install boss-validator


bower install boss-validator


<script src=""></script>



  • required


  • less
  • less_equal
  • bigger
  • bigger_equal
  • between


  • exact
  • minlength
  • maxlength
  • extensions - For upload inputs
  • starts
  • ends
  • contains


  • boolean


  • email
  • regex - Create a custom regex
  • url
  • https
  • credit_card
  • ip_v4
  • ip_v6
  • alpha_numeric
  • alpha


Each validator has a specific error message, so as to provide verbosity. Although, there is also a default message for cases where there isn't a specific message for that validator. This is the default and you can override it.

const messages = {
  default: 'Please fill in this field.',
  required: 'This field is required.',
  prepositions: {
    and: ' and ',
    or: ' or '

  // Numbers, Sizes
  less: 'The value needs to be less than {val}.',
  less_equal: 'The value needs to be less than or equal to {val}.',
  bigger: 'The value needs to be bigger than {val}.',
  bigger_equal: 'The value needs to be less than or equal to {val}.',
  between: 'The value must be between {val}',
  number: 'Please enter a valid number.',

  // Strings
  exact: 'Must contain the following characters: {val}',
  extensions: 'Please upload a file with the following extensions: {val}.',
  contains: 'Must contain the following value: {val}.',
  minlength: 'Must be at least {val} characters long.',
  maxlength: 'Must be less than {val} characters long.',
  starts: 'This field should start with "{val}".',
  ends: 'This field should end with "{val}".',

  // Booleans
  boolean: 'This field needs to be "true" or "false".',

  // Regex
  email: 'Please provide a valid email address. (ex: [email protected])',
  url: 'Please provide a valid URL address with http:// or https://',
  https: 'Your URL must start with https://',
  credit_card: 'Please enter a valid credit card number.',
  ip_v4: 'Please enter a valid IPV4 address. (ex:',
  ip_v6: 'Please enter a valid IPV6 address. (ex: 3ffe:1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf)',
  alpha: 'Only letters are allowed.',
  alpha_numeric: 'No special characters allowed, just numbers and letters.',

By the way, we have some pre-defined messages in other languages. The languages supported are:

  • English (Default)
  • German (Standard) - Finished
  • Spanish - Translation needed
  • French - Translation needed
  • Italian - Translation needed
  • Japanese - Translation needed
  • Brazilian Portuguese - Finished
  • Russian - Finished
  • Chinese - Finished
  • Ukrainian - Finished
  • Norwegian (Bokmål) - Finished

If you want to help us with the translations, please just open a PR :)


Transforms are a way to change the data of your form or object. You can call it using the mehotd transform or passing a filter params when you use the validate method.

It's simple, take a look:

let transformedData = Boss.transform(yourData, {
  name: ['trim', 'uppercase'], // array of filters
  key: ['trim', 'base64_encode'],
  html: ['html_escape']

// or...

Boss.validate(yourData, rules, transforms)
  .then(data => {
    console.log(data.transformed); // Filtered data
    console.log(data.source); // Original data

The transforms available are:

  • trim
  • uppercase and lowercase
  • base64_encode and base64_decode
  • urlencode and urldecode
  • json_parse
  • slug
  • html_escape and html_unescape


Boss.validate(form, rules [, transforms])

Boss.validate(object, rules [, transforms])

The property value is optional. Both works.

let fields = {
  ip: {
    value: ''
// or
let fields = {
  ip: ''

let rules = {
  ip: {
    ip_v4: true

Boss.validate(fields, rules);

If you want, you can override and create custom messages at the moment of validation. You just need to pass an object with the properties value and message.

let form = document.querySelector('#contact-form');

let rules = {
  email: {
    required: true,
    email: {
      value: true,
      message: 'Introduzca una dirección de correo electrónico válida.'
  cep: {
    required: {
      value: true,
      message: 'Por favor, este campo é obrigatório.'
    regex: {
      value: /^\d{2}\.\d{3}-\d{3}$/,
      message: 'O CEP deve ser preenchido no seguinte formato: 00.000-00.'

Boss.validate(form, rules);

Boss.transform(data, transforms)

Returns the filtered data.


// Default values
  errorElement: 'label',
  apeendErrors: true // Append the error after the input


You can simply override existing validation messages or create new ones.

  default: 'You shall not pass!',
  required: 'Dude, please!',
  my_custom_validator: 'Your name is not <strong>Gandalf</strong>.'


You can create and override an idiom to another. boss-validator loads by default the language en-US, but if you need, we have others languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Chinese. Some of them need of translation, if you want to help, please contribute.

import { ja } from 'boss-validator/js/languages/all';


// or

import { it } from 'boss-validator/js/languages/all';


The loadLanguage method is "async", that is, you can call at anytime and the next validation will be using the new language. This method is an alias to Boss.configureMessages.


Power to create custom validators. Easy.

  name: 'my_custom_validator',
  validator: function (el, value, rule) {
    return el.value === 'Gandalf';

Boss.validate(form, {
  nickname: {
    my_custom_validator: true

You can even create a validator and pass along its message.

  name: 'long_name',
  validator: function (el) {
    return el.value.length >= 50;
  message: 'Your name is not long!'

Boss.validate(form, {
  fullname: {
    validator: true




If you want to integrate with NodeJS and ExpressJS, you need to use the module body-parser.

The Boss.validate returns a promise, that is, we can use async/await.

form(action="/install" method="post")
  input(name="database_name" type="text" value="node-commerce" placeholder="Database Name")
  input(name="database_username" type="text" placeholder="Username")
  input(name="database_password" type="password" placeholder="Password")
  input(name="database_port" type="text" value="27017" placeholder="Database Port")

  button(type="submit") Save
router.get('/install', (req, res) => {
});'/install', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    var data = await boss.validate(req.body, {
      database_name: { required: true, email: true },
      database_username: { required: true },
      database_password: { required: true },
      database_port: { required: true }

  } catch (e) {


To run the tests, execute npm install && npm run test


Why not to help?

  • 🚀
  • Publish on npm install -i boss-validator and bower install boss-validator
  • Improve and review the messages
  • Create filters
  • Create a easy way to extend I18n messages
  • Improve this documentation
  • Create unit tests !important
  • Create a logo
  • Create more useful validators
  • Create gh-pages branch

Browser Support

The lib boss-validator needs to support these features:

  • Object.keys
  • Promise
  • String.prototype.endsWith
  • Element.prototype.classList
  • Object.assign

If you aren't sure about these features, please, use this smart polyfill:

<script src=",Promise,String.prototype.endsWith,Element.prototype.classList,Object.assign"></script>

Made with ❤️ by community!