- use a Zoom 4625 USB Modem with a regular sim
- enable a Zoom 4625 USB Modem with a supersim
- use the on board 2g modem
- runs a python script to check into the server
- installs software to enable RTL-SDR support on the SensorGnome software
- installs (writes) a python script that checks into our server backend with voltage information every hour
- writes a bash script that calls the python script - used in the cronjob
- checks if a cronjob exists that calls the bash script - if it does not exist: add the script to run at 51 minutes after the hour
- runs the script to checkin at the time update is applied
- enable i2c0 bus if not enabled in /boot/config.txt
- copies LCD python driver code to /home/pi/ctt/ as base 64
- decode base64 file to tar.bz2 file
- decompress compressed archive
- delete compressed file / base64 file
- daemonize LCD driver as systemd script station-lcd.service
- enable on boot; restart driver on crash;
- reboot if i2c0 bus was modified or enabled
- this shuts off the 2G modem which may cause issues when operating in certain network conditions
sudo systemctl [start|stop|restart|status] station-lcd
journalct -u station-lcd