Groovy code to download issues from the github api.
Code assumes a config.yaml file exists with credentials needed to access the repository.
Results written as an HTML report.
username: "myname"
password: "mypassword"
repo: "myrepo"
dateSince: "YYYY-MM-DD"
includeBody: false
includeComments: false
useHeaders: false
includeBody enables printing the body of the issue (markdown converted to HTML). This can be handy for presenting information to people who do not have permission to view the linked issue numbers.
includeComments enables printing the issue comments (markdown converted to HTML).
useHeaders turns on an alternate formatting option using headers for the section text instead of underlined text. This helps the Epic, Closed and Open Stories section text stand out better when issue bodies are included.
If two-factor authentication is on, you will encounter a 401 Unauthorized HTTP error with your normal login password.
Use a Personal Access Token in place of your normal password, so you can leave your interactive login protected by two-factor authentication. To generate the personalAccessToken view the instructions at
expects the config.yaml
file to exist in the directory where the command is run from.
cp src/configSample.yaml config.yaml
# Edit config.yaml to set parameters and credentials
groovy src/githubIssuesAPI.groovy
You should now have a onestopIssues.html
(repoIssues.html) file.
# for MacOS
open onestopIssues.html
This should open in your default browser, where you can then select-all, copy and paste into a google doc.
If you don't have groovy installed locally you can do so using SDK Man
- Install sdkman:
curl -s "" | bash
- Install groovy:
sdk install groovy