Undervolt CPU on Linux
I take no responsibility for any damage done to your system. This was only tested on an Intel i7-6700HQ (My system is a Dell XPS 15 9550)
For a safer alternative, if you are dual booting Windows, use the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility and reboot back into Linux.
Make sure you have the msr module loaded.
modprobe msr
usage: undervolt.py [-h] [--cpu-core mV] [--intel-gpu mV] [--cpu-cache mV]
[--system-agent mV] [--analog-io mV] [-r] [-c]
Undervolt Intel i7 6700HQ (not tested on others)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cpu-core mV undervolt the cpu core
--intel-gpu mV undervolt the intel gpu
--cpu-cache mV undervolt the cpu cache
--system-agent mV undervolt the system agent
--analog-io mV undervolt the analog I/O
-l, --list apply undervolt as list in the above order
-r, --reset reset voltages
-c, --check check undervoltage