LCM is a set of libraries and tools for message passing and data marshalling,aimed towards real-time applications that require high bandwidth and low latency. It has a publish/subscribe message forwarding model, as well as automatic marshalling/unmarshalling code creation and bindings for a variety of programming languages.
1-Installing git
sudo apt-get install git
2-Downloading Glib and Cmake
sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential g++ libglib2.0-dev cmake
3-Cloning the main LCM Repo
git clone
4- Creating directory build
cd lcm
mkdir build
cd build
5- Cmake
cmake ..
6 - Installing make
sudo make install
7 - Installing python dev
sudo apt-get install python-dev && sudo apt-get install python3-dev
8- Installing LCM
cd ..
cd lcm-python
sudo python3 install
1-Installing git and base-devel package
sudo pacman -Sy git base-devel
2- Cloning repo from AUR
git clone
3- Changing directory to lcm
cd lcm
4- Building package (will install required dependencies automatically)
makepkg -si
5- Installing the built package using pacman
sudo pacman -U lcm-git.xxxx.pkg.tar.zx
Refer to for installing aur helpers
1 - Installing lcm using yay or any other aur helper
yay -S lcm
peru -S lcm
LCM is installed! Happy Coding :)