Game development challenge for devoxx 2015
- NodeJS (
- Git (
- A text editor (
- A decent command line tool
- Clone this repo and cd into it:
git clone --recursive && cd devoxx-2015-game-front && git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
This command does three things:
- It clones this repo
- change directory to devoxx-2015-game-front
- Git checkout master branch of all submodules
- Fist, you need to install Gulp and Bower, using NPM:
npm i bower gulp
- Then, install local deps:
npm i && bower i
- Run a local dev server using Gulp:
gulp serve
If you need to build your code on your machine, use this command:
gulp build
The Socket server API documentation is in the documention folder. It is based on Swagger ( To access it, please refere to this repo (
You need to install the xxx module manually:
npm i xxx