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Nik Nyby edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 14 revisions

The Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) works on features targeting near-term project requirements. We use Mediathread in Columbia classes, and targets are generally for the beginning of a semester: Summer (late June), Fall (September), or Spring (January).

Spring 2017

Fall 2017

  • Continued LTI integration and testing
  • Development process underway for personal sandbox feature

Spring 2014

  • Composition export / OAC compliance
  • Search box
  • Modular bookmarklet
  • Research version of Mediathread

Fall 2013

  • Prioritized tags support
  • Improved bookmarklet flow (stay on site / go to Mediathread option)
  • Addressable views
  • Admin improvements
  • Django 1.4.5 upgrade
  • Scalar compatibility R&D

Summer 2013

  • Improved sorting on home page
  • Assignment due date field added to Save feature
  • Columbia University Academic Commons bookmarklet support
  • Google Art Project bookmarklet support
  • mp3 audio bookmarklet support

Spring 2013

  • Home page redesign, site tour
  • Course migration feature
  • Consolidation of Instruction Dashboard features into Settings nav bar
  • flake8 compliance, Django code validation, further selenium test support

Fall 2012

  • Annotation visibility toggle for instructors
  • In-place annotation in composition space
  • Improved UI for collections and item annotation interface

Summer 2012

  • Major UI overhaul: sliding panels

Spring 2012

  • Integration with Wardenclyffe video uploading at CU
  • Bookmarklet compatibility with Vimeo and Kaltura
  • Help standardization
  • Multi-course navigation
  • Instructor management of “Source Media”
  • Instructor management of “Publish to the World”

Fall 2011

  • home page redesign
  • AJAX annotation

Summer 2011

  • nomenclature user survey, standardization of terms

Spring 2011

  • assignments feature – response tracking
  • instructor’s dashboard
  • multiple annotations view on individual item – images and video

Fall 2010

  • improve class-from-scratch experience
  • ?possible Geo support
  • import/export of projects

Summer 2010

  • Discussions (DONE)
  • Mediathread rebranding (DONE)
  • Quicktime debugging (DONE)
  • Real Player support (DONE)
  • transcript support
  • Support video (DONE)
  • refine discussions interface (DONE)


  • ArtStor support (DONE)
  • Gallery-view for assets in project essays
  • Iterate on UI for asset adding/viewing/navigation
  • <video> tag support
  • private discussions (for professor feedback) (DONE)
  • static demo (with saving in browser with HTML5)

Long Term


  • user-level publishing to world (DONE)
  • annotations directly embeddable in project text (waiting on firefox bug)

Asset/Annotation List

  • filter by user/tag (DONE)
  • show (image) annotations on thumb so people see ‘where’ the annotations are
  • ability to create annotation/asset ordered ‘collections’

Full Asset View

  • navigating/viewing multiple annotations on a single view (DONE)
  • ajaxify annotating (DONE)
  • color annotations by user (DONE)


  • protected discussions (DONE)
  • students/regular users can start discussions on assets/annotations/projects

Outside World

  • publishing embeddable annotations to arbitrary places on the web (with <iframe>)
  • bookmarklets
    • get more metadata from current sources (gdata, OpenUrl/COinS, oEmbed=DONE, unAPI=DONE)

Easy Course Starting

  • better collection admin (IN PROGRESS SPRING 2012)