This repository contains code to execute GWAS on UK Biobank data, using the Plink and BGENIE tools, and perform downstream analysis on the results.
The folder src/
contains scripts to perform pre-processing of the data and GWAS execution.
The folder analysis/
contains scripts to perform statistical analysis on the GWAS results and generate figures (like Manhattan plots or Q-Q plot).
The folder download_data/
contains scripts to download data from the UK Biobank and filter the genotype files.
A Dockerfile is provided for running most of the code in this repository. You can also download the corresponding Docker image from DockerHub. Alternatively, you can use the Dockerfile as a guide to build your own environment without Docker.
The image is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and contains the following tools:
- R 4.3.1
- Python 3.11
- qctool 2.2.0
- bgenie 1.3
- plink 1.9
- GreedyRelated (to remove related subjects)
If your are on a platform on which Singularity is supported (but Docker isn't), you should be able to convert the Docker image into a Singularity SIF file directly from DockerHub, by using the following command:
singularity build <SING_IMAGE_NAME>.sif docker-daemon://<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>
For computing genetic PCs, a different Docker image is used, namely the one provided by the author of flashpca
: see
For LocusZoom plots, another Docker image will be provided soon.
The pipeline consists of scripts for:
- Fetching the data: download genotype and covariate data from the UK Biobank.
- Data pre-processing:
- 2a. Genetic data: filtering out subjects and genetic variants and, optionally, splitting the genome into small regions to ease with subsequent parallel processing.
- 2b. Generate genetic PCs.
- 2c. Phenotypic data: adjusting the phenotypes for a set of covariates and performing inverse-normalization on the phenotypic scores (custom R script)
- 2d. Filtering for related subjects and other characteristics: scripts to produce the final files that will be the input to the GWAS.
- Executing GWAS: self-explanatory. Currently, we support Plink and BGENIE.
- Compile results and generate figures: compile the GWAS results and generate Manhattan plots and Q-Q plots. You can also generate LocusZoom plots.
- Downstream analysis: Integrate data from other sources in order to interpret the results. We currently support: proximity analysis using
, gene ontology term enrichment withg:Profiler
, transcriptome-wide association studies withS-PrediXcan
and pleiotropy analysis using the IEU GWAS Open Project.
Steps 2 to 4 rely on a single yaml
configuration file.
Instructions on how to download each kind of genetic data can be found in this link.
The script that performs this task is src/preprocess_files_for_GWAS.R
Example of usage (GWAS on left-ventricular end-diastolic volume, run on unrelated British subjects using Plink):
Rscript src/preprocess_files_for_GWAS \
--phenotype_file data/phenotypes/cardiac_phenotypes/lvedv.csv
--phenotypes LVEDV
--columns_to_exclude id
--samples_to_include data/ids_list/british_subjects.txt
--samples_to_exclude data/ids_list/related_british_subjects.txt
--covariates_config_yaml config_files/standard_covariates.yml
--output_file output/lvedv_adjusted_british.tsv
--gwas_software plink
One needs to execute the command
python -c <YAML_FILE>
The complexity is located in the YAML configuration file.
chromosomes: 20-22
data_dir: <>
output_dir: <>
individuals: <>
filename_patterns: {
genotype: {
bed: <>,
bim: <>,
fam: <>
phenotype: {
phenotype_file: <>,
phenotype_file_tmp: <>,
phenotype_list: <>,
covariates: <>
gwas: "gwas/{phenotype}/gwas__{phenotype}{suffix}"
plink: "plink"
suffix: "{TOKEN1}__{TOKEN2}"
options: {
suffix_tokens: {
VALUE1_1: NAME1_1,
VALUE2_1: NAME2_1,
(optional): it consists of comma-separated ranges, where a range is a single number (e.g.1
) or a proper range (e.g.3-7
(optional): directory where the input data is stored. If provided and the genotype and phenotype file paths are relative paths, they are interpreted as hanging fromdata_dir
(optional): directory where the output data will be stored.individuals
(optional): path to a file containing the subset of individuals on which to run GWAS, one ID per line.filename_patterns
: rules that determine the paths of the input and output files.genotype
(required): file name pattern containing that may contain the substring{chromosome}
in which case it is replaced by the actual chromosome number.bim
(required): idem previous.fam
(required): idem previous.
(required): file containing the phenotypes to run GWAS on.phenotype_file_delim
(optional, default:,
): file delimiter.phenotype_tmp_file
(optional): name of a temporary file that will be used as input to the GWAS software if the previous does not match the expected format.covariates
(not used yet).
(required): name pattern for output files. It can contain the fields{phenotype}
: if{suffix}
is present in the above field, this field should contain a string containing different .
: dictionary containing the names of the options as keys and values the names and values of the options, respectively.suffix_tokens
: nested dictionary, detailing the string that will be added to the output name for each of the options.exec
: path of the executables.bgenie
(optional, default:bgenie
): path to the BGENIE executable.plink
(optional, default:plink
): path to the BGENIE executable.
The code for this task is contained in the folder analysis/