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For developers

  • docker folder contains files for docker images to run the statgen course tutorials.
  • notebooks folder contains tutorial notebooks.
  • handout folder contains some handouts.
  • src folder contains utility scripts eg, tools to setup the Jupyter server online.

Prepare your computer to manage the tutorials

Software you need to install on your computer are SoS (simply type pip install sos to install, or, check out here for alternative installation methods if you have troubles with that command) and docker. Additionally to run the course material on your computer (not on cloud VM) you have to put src/statgen-setup script to your PATH and change it to executable, eg, chmod +x ~/bin/statgen-setup if you put it under ~/bin which is part of your PATH. To verify your setup, type:

statgen-setup -h

you should see some meaningful output.

Build tutorial specific images

gaow/base-notebook, a minimal JupyterHub / SoS Notebook environment for scientific computing, is used to derive tutorial specific images in this folder.

To build tutorial images and push to dockerhub, eg for tutorial igv found under docker folder,

statgen-setup build --tutorial igv

Or, multiple tutorials,

statgen-setup build --tutorial igv vat pseq regression annovar

If you run into this error denied: requested access to the resource is denied please make sure you have push access to dockerhub account statisticalgenetics. Please contact Gao Wang for the password to that account and use docker login command to login from your terminal. Then try build again.

Setup course JupyterHub server on your computer

To set it up for selected tutorial(s) on your local computer, for example for vat and pseq tutorials,

statgen-setup launch --tutorial vat pseq

After all steps are complete, you check the Jupyter Hub server on your machine:

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                              NAMES
4888c67e9774        vat_hub_user        "tini -g -- jupyterh…"   8 seconds ago       Up 7 seconds        8888/tcp,>8000/tcp   vat_hub_user

The is the address to the server (your port number may vary). To view it, simply paste that address to your browser.

Setup course JupyterHub server on cloud

Having tested the course image and server work on a local computer it is time to deploy them to a cloud service for others to use.

Setup a cloud VM

Say from a VPS service provider (eg, we purchase a Debian based VM droplet (Debian 9 is what I use as I document this). In the root terminal of the VM,

curl -fsSL -o /tmp/
bash /tmp/

Start tutorial server on VM

To set it up for selected tutorial(s), for example for vat and pseq tutorials, run from the root terminal

statgen-setup launch --tutorial vat pseq

For maintainance, to shutdown all containers and clean up the dangling ones,

statgen-setup clean

I suggest you run statgen-setup clean before launching a new tutorial (statgen-setup launch). This will terminate other running tutorial servers on machine to free up resources for the new tutorial. Otherwise you might run out of memory for having too many tutorials servers running the same time on a small VM.

Note: if you (as a developer) would like to modify the notebook on cloud server please remember to download it to your local computer after modifications; or save to workdir and download from there later. The docker container does not preserve changes made to the notebook in it.

Create user accounts on cloud VM

I provide a shortcut to create new users on the cloud:

statgen-setup useradd --my-name student --num-users 10

It will generate a password for the user, add it and print the new user ID and password.

Render HTML static website for notebooks

That is, generate To do this you need to have sos installed on your local computer if you don't already:

pip install sos -U

To generate the website,


To publish the website, simply add contents in docs/ folder to the github repository and push to github.

Convert (roughly) from MS Word to Notebook

Commands below will provide a rough conversion from docx file (doc files will not work!) to Notebook file:

pandoc -s exercise.docx -t markdown -o
notedown > exercise.ipynb

The notedown program can be installed via pip install notedown. Additionally you need to install pandoc program.

The conversion is just a start point. Manual polishment is still needed after the automatic conversion. Specifically, it will be important to separate codes from text to different Notebook cells, and assign to each cell the approperate kernel if using SoS multi-language Notebook. Command output should also be removed from the text because they will be generated automatically and formatted better, after executing the notebook.

For users

Tutorial notebooks

Some tutorials are available as IPython Notebooks and can be viewed at:

Available tutorials

Available tutorials (via --tutorial option of statgen-setup script) are those with docker images prepared. Currently available options are:

  • igv, vat, pseq ... (FIXME: please add to this list as tutorial images are ready)

Run tutorial from command terminal

The idea is to start your own docker container and log into it from commandline. To do this,

statgen-setup login --tutorial <tutorial> --my-name <my-name>

where <tutorial> is one of the available tutorials (see section above), and <my-name> is an identification that you chose (that should not conflict with the choice of another user if you share a computer). When you are done with the tutorial just type exit to exit.

Run tutorials via JupyterHub server

To run a specific tutorial, say, vat, you can simply type in your browser:


(If you are not provided this link, you would need to login as root to the cloud VM you are assigned to, and start the tutorial server before you can run them. See section Start tutorial server on VM above for details.)

The server will configure itself the first time it launches; you will then be directed to a JupyterLab interface. Then you should see in the a notebook file *.ipynb on the left panel. Click on it to start running the tutorial.

Note: the session will be there for you until it is killed explicitly, or until the server kills it periodically (currently configured to kill after 24hrs inactivity). It therefore strongly encouraged that you save your work after you complete the tutorial. There are two ways to do this:

  • Save to your computer (recommended): to do this, simply right click on the notebook to bring up the dropdown menu, and click Download to download the notebook to your computer to save your own copy.
  • Save on the cloud server: copy the notebook (or other files) you want to save to work folder found in the left panel showing the directory tree. This will be saved to the cloud server's $HOME/<my-name> folder where <my-name> is an identification used to create the JupyterHub server (default is hub_user). This is a shared folder for potentially exchange data among whoever has the link to the tutorial so if you want to store data here please create subfolders in it with your own name identifier, and save your stuff there.

Convert & Save tutorials to MS Word format

We have the server configured to make it possible to export a notebook as docx file (MS Word format) to your local computer. To do this, simply click on File botton in the menu bar at the top left of the notebook interface, then Export Notebook As -> Export Notebook to Docx. Notice that PDF format export is currently not supported in our setup (requires xelatex which we don't install in our server).


Tutorials for statistical genetics short courses






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  • Jupyter Notebook 91.7%
  • Python 3.8%
  • Dockerfile 2.4%
  • R 1.9%
  • Shell 0.2%