Create easily a fully customizable bootstrap EU Law (imply) Cookie consent banner for your website.
$ meteor add selaias:cookie-consent
This packages makes also use of cookies via the ostrio:cookies
Place {{> cookieConsent}}
or {{> cookieConsentImply}}
in your main template. Something like:
and then place under client/lib/cookie_consent.js file the initialisation code
var options = {
cookieTitle: "We use Cookies",
cookieMessage: "We are using cookies to give you the best"
+ " experience on our site. Cookies are files stored in your"
+ " browser and are used by most websites to help personalise your web experience.",
showLink: true,
linkText: "Read more",
linkRouteName: "/cookiePolicy",
acceptButtonText: "Accept and Continue",
html: false,
expirationInDays: 7,
forceShow: false
// or
var optionsImply = {
cookieMessage: "We are using cookies to give you the best"
+ " experience on our site. Cookies are files stored in your"
+ " browser and are used by most websites to help personalise your web experience.",
cookieMessageImply: "By continuing to use our website without changing the settings,"
+ " you are agreeing to our use of cookies.",
showLink: true,
position: 'top',
linkText: "Read more",
linkRouteName: "/cookiePolicy",
html: false,
className: null,
expirationInDays: 7,
forceShow: false
This is the most basic setup, customization ideas are always welcome!