This site is setup using the Middleman static site generation tool.
Stylsheets are using SASS as the pre-processeing engine and utilize Bourbon as a common mixin library, as well as it's companion grid system Neat.
It also utilizes the iternal CareerBuilder SASS libraries:
- Base Styles:
- Grid System:
- Widgets
- Styleguide
After you've cloned the repository locally, navigate to the directory and install the packages
$ bundle install
$ bower install
- Because the CareerBuilder SASS libraries are in flux, make a note to update your bower packages before starting
$ bower update employer-style-base
$ bower update employer-style-grid
- Run the middleman server to start development
$ middleman server
- At this point code should be live compiling from source and refreshing your browser window automattically as changes come in.
- Publish the build to GitHub pages
$ rake publish
- You can view the build here
That's it! Team Polymathic